
UK Election 2015 (part III)


Waving the race card is typical of a politburo member, as is the arrogance.

Regarding Scotland and Scots, I have nothing against the people or the country. The SNP are turning them into parasites though with their plans for devo-max and Barnett-max, such is the inflated sense of entitlement.

Ah, the parasites-cockroach- leech discourse. Love it when the mask drops.

You should never be allowed near a firearms license....
Waving the race card is typical of a politburo member, as is the arrogance.

So which of you ****y, limp wristed, bleeding heart, pinko, commie sympathisers is in the Politburo? We know this site is a breeding ground for them and they're everywhere on it, so you have to do is own up or the whole site will be on afternoon detention for a month. Dec you got something to say, no, well wipe that smirk off your face.

There will be no recriminations, honest.

This is the last time I'm asking.
I wear it as a great big shiny badge of honour, pinned onto a "cockroach-parasite-leech" T-Shirt. The people who write this stuff are the type who would complain about British foreign aid going to Africa in case they use it for swimming lessons.
Can someone list the members of the Politburo and the members of the Junta please?
UK 2015 thread ( Part III ) closed .

Reason. Chronic thread drift.

Hey, don't rain on their parade! I thought they'd be exultant, tails up, urinating on the rubble as they came through. Instead they're complaining about the ungrateful parasites and those talking their small parliamentary majority down.

Let's rewind,

..the real glory days.
However you look at it, the Conservatives won the election outright, and Labour are a bunch of losers.
Can someone list the members of the Politburo and the members of the Junta please?

Hang on matey, that's my brief, well the Politburo part anyway and I tell you there is a big hush hush job going on, either that or its all made up. Can't tell so far, but someone's bound to crack, Kendo has gone a bit quiet so he'll be questioned soon. They all talk in the end when we start frying their delicate parts in the "Quiet Time Room".
Perfect, I was wondering what the appropriate collective noun would be. This should enjoy common usage now.

Not sure how you might apply it though; I don't think there are many Habsburgs on PFM.

Under Habsburg rule, a junta (or jointe) was an administrative body ruled in personal union with the Spanish Habsburgs. Juntas existed in Iberia and other European countries; in the Low Countries, the French name jointe was also officially used. Some territories maintained their juntas even after being brought under the imperial Austrian branch of the dynasty.
Very topical with me at moment Jo, I've been following the history of Alessandro Farnese ( not the Cardinal, his nephew) His physog keeps cropping up where ever I go- El Escorial, Dublin, Franschhoek . The Huganots hated him, Walsingham wanted him poisoned and naturally most of the populace in the Pays Bas wanted to see the back of him.
As the Politburo gathers pace I think it's important to nominate a leader. Can we have nominations before tomorrow evening. Once the nomination are in we can hold our own election. This is a really very exciting time.
I have the name of a prime candidate but owing to an injunction, he can only be identified as 'JS'.
I have been running him in deep cover, and he now says he's tired and wants to come in. May I remind members, falling asleep during committee meetings will be regarded as treason, punishable by death by anti-aircraft fire.

