
UK Election 2015 (part III)

I'd like to be in contention for the Politburo Chief Comrade Commissar position, but then not get it and later be airbrushed out of all posts and threads and be removed from all user databases.

Anyone admiring my old posts will be discretely advised that they shouldn't admire them now. They should find them absurdly personal. Don't you agree? Feelings, insights, affections... it's suddenly trivial now. You don't agree; you're wrong. The personal life is dead in pfm. History has killed it. The private life is dead - for a man with any manhood.
I'll need to check my notes, I'm sure I ordered you to be shot following the Dog &Duck, Neasden committee meeting in 2009.
I have the name of a prime candidate but owing to an injunction, he can only be identified as 'JS'.
I have been running him in deep cover, and he now says he's tired and wants to come in. May I remind members, falling asleep during committee meetings will be regarded as treason, punishable by death by anti-aircraft fire.

I have a friend with the initials JS. He wants you to know that he has been waiting on the Glienicke Bridge every Thursday holding a copy of Socialist Worker but no one approached him.
I get the feeling some of you aren't taking this very seriously. One thing we can't abide in the pfm PCCC is a sense of humour.

JR, after careful consideration your application has been simultaneously accepted and rejected but we welcome further evidence of your suitability.
Mmm, my nasty tory instinct is making plans:

Build a new Gulag or two for the Politburo on a PFI contract.

Do a deal with Bofors to be the sole agent for the supply of anti-aircraft guns.

Engage Anthony Blair on a lucrative contract (50:50 split) to advise the Politburo on how to run an autocratic dictatorship.​
This is all very one sided, Jo. I mean us pinko types are to be disappeared whilst all the junta have to do is flounce! S'not fair.
Any members of the pfm Politburo concerned about being shot with an anti-aircraft gun if we fall asleep during Supreme Leader's meeting tomorrow?

If we're going with ridiculous stereotypes I think we need to compare pfm's left-of-centre members with the brutal regime in North Korea because it makes as much sense as comparing all righties here with the brutal regime under Pinochet, a group I shall dub the pfm Pinoshets (and subscribers to their ideology as Pinoshetists).

Membership in the Pinoshets is voluntary. It is up to the individual to don the sinister-looking army uniform and polished jackboots.

See what I did there?

lol, Joe.

Funny how spectacularly wrong so many PFM posters have been over the years.

And continue to be. There is one guy who keeps banging on about the SNP being racist while they are close to being the opposite.

THE UK should take its full 60,000 proposed share of EU refugees, Alex Salmond has insisted, claiming the Conservative Government was hopelessly misjudging the Mediterranean crisis and did not understand the "basic human instinct" of the British people to help those in extreme need.
I got a nice farewell email from my former, LibDem MP. I replied offering my appreciation of her work as an excellent constituency MP. I know she will be successful in what ever she chooses to do next.

