
UK Election 2015 (part III)


Is "Scottish" a nationality, greg? No, actually it's not. People who are native to Scotland are British.

Have we got a fitba team in the world cup? Well actually yes. Do we have our own national anthem (dirge)? Well actually yes. Do we have a capital city? Well actually yes. Do we print our own banknotes? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Have we got a fitba team in the world cup? Well actually yes. Do we have our own national anthem (dirge)? Well actually yes. Do we have a capital city? Well actually yes. Do we print our own banknotes? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Show me your passport, please.
Speaking as an Englishman I can't wait for Scottish independence.

I think that it is a brilliant idea.

And good riddance.
If I was living in England, I would agree. Will the Scots ever get over themselves? They are simply not that important to the rest of the UK and, if anything, are an economic liability.
Meanwhile back in the UK which really is a country:

-- IDS is back in at DWP.

-- There are rumours that Schaps is going to be health secretary, although I find that hard to believe *gulp*.

-- Osborne is considering an emergency budget of £30bn of fiscal consolidation which sounds like the very definition of economic illiteracy in the face of such a weak recovery from a once in three generations financial shock.
Economics isn't really a science, and no-one really understands how it works.

The EU seem to be pursuing a similar course.

P.S. this is not me saying what they are doing is correct, as I have no idea. It's a horrible mess.
Although economists do understand that contractionary policy is contractionary though, now that the contractionary policy is expansionary insanity phase has ended.
Show me your passport, please.

Scotland is a country but it is not a sovereign state - yet. Care to answer the following - What is Scotland's capital city?

What is the name of Scotland's national football team (trick question)?

Who is the First Minister in the Scottish Parliament?

Which country makes the finest whisky in the world?

Which country give the world the tartan and invented shortbread?
Apart from Scotland and Wales which other parts of the UK elect their own separate parliaments?

You have a habit of making exaggerated claims for something, not being able to back it up, and just repeating inane points.

Are you a cYbernatz? Just answer the question.
If I was living in England, I would agree. Will the Scots ever get over themselves? They are simply not that important to the rest of the UK and, if anything, are an economic liability.

You say that now after spending our oil revenue.
Finest whisky is now from Japan, they say.

Passport? Open it, and what does it say?

They have a couple of goods ones, but we make the best stuff. Passport issue has been explained to you. As I said earlier after a short time you just repeat inane points.
How about paying the benefits bill? And how is it "our" oil, anyway?

We own it, territorial waters and that. We were helping you out as we are like that, y'know wanting others to share our good fortune. We are not selfish bar stewards.
WhaTs that?

A CYbernatz is anyone remotely disagreeing with a certain individual on his delusional belief system around his country of residence. Characterised by a string of never ending questions with the demand to 'just answer the question'. I'm surprised he has the time between peeking out from closed curtains to check if the mob has located his hideout.

