
UK Election 2015 (part III)

I am a bit confused about what the SNP actually want. During Indyref we were told that Scotland could stand on her own two feet and pay for everything and any suggestion otherwise was Project Fear. But now here's new SNP MP for East Lothian and academic economist, George Kervan in The National:

Which seems to be arguing for FFA but keeping Barnett style cross subsidy and risk pooling? And which would seem to indicate Scottish independence would be "econmic suicide"?

Very, very funny.
A CYbernatz is anyone remotely disagreeing with a certain individual on his delusional belief system around his country of residence.

There are a lot of "individual on his delusional belief system" types on here. But you are right some are more delusional than others :D
A CYbernatz is anyone remotely disagreeing with a certain individual on his delusional belief system around his country of residence. Characterised by a string of never ending questions with the demand to 'just answer the question'.

Which he never does himself.
Scotchland is going to be the least of Dave's problems this year. There's going to be a shitstorm in parts of England once they realise what they're in for. It going to be fun watching him attempt to deal with it.
They have a couple of goods ones, but we make the best stuff. Passport issue has been explained to you. As I said earlier after a short time you just repeat inane points.

I've been to Scotland a few times.

The one thing I absolutely did not pick up on was any real deprivation. Plenty of moaning, but no deprivation. I'm sure there are bits of it the big cities, but there aren't many of those either.

They have some oil.

Lots of water.



Some of the finest seafood on the planet. (Allegedly. Don't touch the stuff myself)

Lots of mountains.



Not many people. (Why am I not surprised?)

Lots of islands.

Lots of lakes. Err.. sorry... 'Lochs'

Even Lochs with islands on them.

Maybe even Islands with lochs on them.. who knows?

They tell us they are deprived, but if we criticise their wet, cloudy, sodden cold country, they tell us we're discriminating.

It's 'make your mind up time' folks!!!


I've been to Scotland a few times.

The one thing I absolutely did not pick up on was any real deprivation. Plenty of moaning, but no deprivation. I'm sure there are bits of it the big cities, but there aren't many of those either.

They have some oil.

Lots of water.



Some of the finest seafood on the planet. (Allegedly. Don't touch the stuff myself)

Lots of mountains.



Not many people. (Why am I not surprised?)

Lots of islands.

Lots of lakes. Err.. sorry... 'Lochs'

Even Lochs with islands on them.

Maybe even Islands with lochs on them.. who knows?

They tell us they are deprived, but if we criticise their wet, cloudy, sodden cold country, they tell us we're discriminating.

It's 'make your mind up time' folks!!!



Nicely played sir
I've been to Scotland a few times.

The one thing I absolutely did not pick up on was any real deprivation. Plenty of moaning, but no deprivation. I'm sure there are bits of it the big cities, but there aren't many of those either.

They have some oil.

Lots of water.



Some of the finest seafood on the planet. (Allegedly. Don't touch the stuff myself)

Lots of mountains.



Not many people. (Why am I not surprised?)

Lots of islands.

Lots of lakes. Err.. sorry... 'Lochs'

Even Lochs with islands on them.

Maybe even Islands with lochs on them.. who knows?

They tell us they are deprived, but if we criticise their wet, cloudy, sodden cold country, they tell us we're discriminating.

It's 'make your mind up time' folks!!!





I've been to Scotland a few times.

The one thing I absolutely did not pick up on was any real deprivation. Plenty of moaning, but no deprivation. I'm sure there are bits of it the big cities, but there aren't many of those either.


Try visiting some of the plug ugly small towns dotted around the edges of the old industrial belt. Often single estates and little more, built to serve a single industry that vanished almost over a generation ago now.

This is well worth a watch, the scary thing is, ten minutes before a friend emailed me the link to this and said "I think you'll find this fascinating"; I had actually been in conversation with a friend where I had said the following. "We are heading backwards into the 18th century and remember what happened then?"

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I've been to Scotland a few times.

The one thing I absolutely did not pick up on was any real deprivation. Plenty of moaning, but no deprivation. I'm sure there are bits of it the big cities, but there aren't many of those either.

They have some oil.

Lots of water.



Some of the finest seafood on the planet. (Allegedly. Don't touch the stuff myself)

Lots of mountains.



Not many people. (Why am I not surprised?)

Lots of islands.

Lots of lakes. Err.. sorry... 'Lochs'

Even Lochs with islands on them.

Maybe even Islands with lochs on them.. who knows?

They tell us they are deprived, but if we criticise their wet, cloudy, sodden cold country, they tell us we're discriminating.

It's 'make your mind up time' folks!!!


Yourrr entitlement to use the name "Mull" has been rrrescinded, sir. From now on you will be known as "Scilly". :)
They have a couple of goods ones, but we make the best stuff. Passport issue has been explained to you. As I said earlier after a short time you just repeat inane points.
he doesn't like being wrong, so just pretends he's right.
Liking this proposal to have Scotland and England run separate, parallel EU in/out referendums. Wales and N.I might want the same option open to them.

I'm not suggesting separate/parallel EU referendums, BUT the SNP will want to know the separate result by country. They're expecting/hoping for an overall UK vote to exit the EU BUT a Scottish vote to stay. This would play into their hands and reinforce their retoric that decisions for Scotland are still being made in England despite them having their own parliament. So the only way to be in full control of their own destiny would be to leave the shackles of the UK.....cue referendum.

This is all academic if the UK votes to stay in the EU of course. On that basis, the polls prior to a referendum will be key to what the SNP are likey to do. If the polls show the majority of the UK are willing to remain in the EU, I could envisage the SNP trying to create a reason for a referendum by applying a lot of focus and spin on how the Tory's are dragging Scotland down a road they don't want to go in an effort to whip up Scottish nationalism again. It would be a blow however if the Scots were to poll their intention to vote to exit the EU......but I suspect this isn't likely.

Not sure how the people of NI and Wales view the EU tbh as the focus seems to always be on Scotland.
but Maj would be ever so cross with bad iggle piggle, David. I don't think he wants to enable the breakup of her Kingdom.

Of course....which is why giving the Scots full fiscal autonomy might help stop the neverendums for a breakup because it's the only way the Scottish people will be able to see/experience what could happen if they were to go independent. It's being suggested that an independent Scotland would have to raise taxes by 15% if things continue as they are (low oil prices, SNP spending plans). I'm sure the people like free prescriptions and free tuition BUT how much will they like it when the Barnett formula is removed and their taxes are upped significantly to pay for it?

This is the same issue in the UK and one reason why I believe the traditional Labour left are unelectable......because the Brits in general don't like high taxes. I suspect the Scots are the same....but I could be wrong.
I doubt we will get to the referendum stage to be honest. I have a feeling that there will be a lot internal struggles in the dUK with rioting and possibly enough protest action that if the army is called in could be regarded as civil war. If a country is undergoing Civil War, it will not be allowed accession/membership... to be blunt I don't even think the UK has enough to satisfy the Copenhagen criteria today.

This of course makes it easy for the Tories to simply wash their hands of it and go oh well, we are not allowed to Join the EU anyway and decide unilaterally to leave.

Its been thought through so that peoples actions will tie them up.

WRT Scotland/England divide, the English are never happy unless there is a subsection of the population that they can sneer at. It used to be The Welsh, then it was Mothers on Benefits, then it was "those immigrants"... now it's "those Scots leeching all our hard working decent families' taxpaying money". Honestly, the populace are being yanked about by people in power that think this shit through so we don't stop to look at what is going on critically. Division and Disunity helps the Tories achieve their aims. If people are too busy in-fighting no one will think of boarding up Westminster and firebombing the **** out of it...
I am a bit confused about what the SNP actually want. During Indyref we were told that Scotland could stand on her own two feet and pay for everything and any suggestion otherwise was Project Fear. But now here's new SNP MP for East Lothian and academic economist, George Kervan in The National:

Which seems to be arguing for FFA but keeping Barnett style cross subsidy and risk pooling? And which would seem to indicate Scottish independence would be "econmic suicide"?

Agreed. Not sure how it can be talked about the cessation of the Barnett formula or how FFA can be regarded as 'autonumous' if a cross subsidy remains. Sounds like this guy (probably the SNP as well) wants to have his cake and eat it.
WRT Scotland/England divide, the English are never happy unless there is a subsection of the population that they can sneer at. It used to be The Welsh, then it was Mothers on Benefits, then it was "those immigrants"... now it's "those Scots leeching all our hard working decent families' taxpaying money". Honestly, the populace are being yanked about by people in power that think this shit through so we don't stop to look at what is going on critically.


A thread called UK Election 2015 morphs into an exposition of old comforting tropes.
We like our comforting tropes don't we?

Next up will be Labour lost because it wasn't left wing enough.

That old chestnut has cropped up several times already.

We should perhaps conduct a poll to find out how many people voted in a Conservative government because the Labour alternative was not sufficiently left-wing for them. I'd put responses to that one at approximately zero.

