
Tory Leadership Runners and Riders

The Conservative Party membership is what it is.

I had no idea it was that bad. Having grown up in the UK in the days of MacMillan, Douglas-Home and Wilson I had an idea that even Tories could be intelligent, interesting people. Perhaps I was too young to understand. Or simply politics has dumbed-down to a frightening degree, everywhere.
I had no idea it was that bad. Having grown up in the UK in the days of MacMillan, Douglas-Home and Wilson I had an idea that even Tories could be intelligent, interesting people. Perhaps I was too young to understand. Or simply politics has dumbed-down to a frightening degree, everywhere.

Like the US Republican Party which it emulates the UK Conservative Party has shifted ground hugely in recent years. This is right-wing popularism at its most tabloid grade. It is an idiot politics for idiots. There are sadly a heck of a lot of idiots around and the party knows their market.
I (only a foreigner) just watched Sunak and Truss speaking in Eastbourne and was shocked by shoddy and lightweight they both seem. Truss comes across as a neurotic headmistress who repeats the same phrases about putting, or keeping, money in people's pockets. Sunak is like a used BMW salesman or an afternoon TV show host, dancing around, waving his arms and constantly smiling. I got the impression that both thought they were addressing an audience of idiots eager to lap up cheap, superficial charm.
I'll probably offend someone, but after seeing that I've started seeing the Italian politicians in a better light, at least they really "talk politics."

I watched a bit of one ,they basically repeat a vacuous spiel without challenge.Politics in the UK has been reduced to three words.Get Brexit done.Bring back better or some other banality.
I watched a bit of one ,they basically repeat a vacuous spiel without challenge.Politics in the UK has been reduced to three words.Get Brexit done.Bring back better or some other banality.

Just watched them being interviewed, rather than speaking to Tory members' meetings, and they came across better. Truss "nitty-gritty" and Sunak "messianic."
Just watched them being interviewed, rather than speaking to Tory members' meetings, and they came across better. Truss "nitty-gritty" and Sunak "messianic."
Couldn't they do a jobshare?
They could then shelve anything remotely positive either of them has to offer, and really get behind reinforcing each other's many failings.
Sticking to pre-prepared script

A lightweight opportunist.

No response to the coming economic catastrophe.

I would not be surprised if she is gone before the end of the winter amidst mass disorder and violence.

This crisis is even more extreme than the pandemic and will require a seriously strong government response.

The tories are completely out of their depth on this and events have overtaken them.

There will be a new government in this country by Christmas and hopefully that will be government of national unity cause this is the most serious existential threat to this country since 1939.

Marx was right when he said any country is three meals away from revolution, we’re certainly not far away from that maxim.
I had no idea it was that bad. Having grown up in the UK in the days of MacMillan, Douglas-Home and Wilson I had an idea that even Tories could be intelligent, interesting people. Perhaps I was too young to understand. Or simply politics has dumbed-down to a frightening degree, everywhere.
You are talking about a period when the post war consensus allowed One Nation Conservatism and traditional Labour values to coalesce around strong public services and full employment. Thatcher’s monetarism swept all that away.
This crisis is even more extreme than the pandemic and will require a seriously strong government response.

The tories are completely out of their depth on this and events have overtaken them.

There will be a new government in this country by Christmas and hopefully that will be government of national unity cause this is the most serious existential threat to this country since 1939.

Marx was right when he said any country is three meals away from revolution, we’re certainly not far away from that maxim.
But what should that strong government response be?
They have no choice they need a mandate from the people they won’t get one there will be a new government.

They do have a choice and don't need a mandate, they have a 70+ seat majority. But if you're convinced you're right and the market is wrong, you can get odds of 10/1.
But what should that strong government response be?
Back of a fag packet....cap energy prices at the August 2021 level plus 5% which is essentially a larger increase for inflation by the time you take energy out of the calculation for the last 12 months. Whatever it takes to prevent the economy crashing.

Then nationalise the energy companies, all they do is bill people anyway, and nationalise others such as water.

Trouble is, any intervention is directly opposed to core tory ideology, it’s why we need a new govt. The people who voted for this lot, and/or helped enable them to a majority in the last 3 GE’s, plus the 2010 effort of the lap-dogs to enable austerity, shouldn’t be forgiven or allowed to forget the part they have played in this.
I think, though, that one should consider that this is an unprecedented economic crisis sweeping across the whole world, it is not a specifically UK problem, whatever one thinks of today's Tory/Labour leaders and their respective parties. Even a government coalition made up of God, Churchill, Galbraith and Keynes would have some difficulty knowing what to do. And, in my opinion, PR would certainly re-jig the whole system, but would not bring on a glorious New Dawn.
I think, though, that one should consider that this is an unprecedented economic crisis sweeping across the whole world, it is not a specifically UK problem, whatever one thinks of today's Tory/Labour leaders and their respective parties. Even a government coalition made up of God, Churchill, Galbraith and Keynes would have some difficulty knowing what to do. And, in my opinion, PR would certainly re-jig the whole system, but would not bring on a glorious New Dawn.

The difference is though, that the UK has significant energy reserves ie NG in abundance but that energy is currently controlled by roughtly three companies and those companies are at risk of being taken over by a rogue state which will further compromise UK energy security, basically, in short, the energy market is severely unstable, this situation isn't really about people's energy costs it's much much bigger than that, those companies are sucking tax money out of the UK at an alarming rate and those tax monies could easily end up being sucked into somewhere like China, Russia or even the US.

