
Tory Leadership Runners and Riders

Sunak says it was a mistake to ‘empower scientists’ during Covid pandemic” (Guardian).

No one should be in the slightest doubt by now that both candidates and the party they represent are the worst kind of post-truth right-wing extremists. Welcome to Trumpworld.

Sunak has jumped the shark in what will prove a vain attempt to attract some of Truss`s shire thickies.
Sunak has jumped the shark in what will prove a vain attempt to attract some of Truss` shire thickies.

Yes, I suspect he’s playing the alt-right popularist card as hard as he can as a last ditch attempt as that is the party membership demographic, and if that fails he’ll swiftly step down and go back to being a tax evading oligarch of no fixed nation full time.
Agree that Sunak will be gone soon. He won't want to settle for life on the back benches and I'm not sure he'll gamble on waiting around for the next election only to find his party isn't able to form a government.
Here’s an interesting perspective from TheWeekInTory Russ Jones (Twitter). Seems like a very plausible analysis to me. Good chance the Tories are screwed.
I don't share his optimism that the Tories will irrevocably schism, but his analysis that the party is essentially UKIP now is spot on - I've been saying from the start that the Johnsonian Tories were effectively a reverse takeover by UKIP.
Agree that Sunak will be gone soon. He won't want to settle for life on the back benches and I'm not sure he'll gamble on waiting around for the next election only to find his party isn't able to form a government.
His wife’s family will probably want revenge for the colossal tax bill she signed up to in order to clear a path to No.10. All for nothing.
Here’s an interesting perspective from TheWeekInTory Russ Jones (Twitter). Seems like a very plausible analysis to me. Good chance the Tories are screwed.
Some interesting comments, including that he'd missed the repeal of the Fixed Term Parliament act, which undermines some of his analysis.

Which analysis IMHO overplays the idealogical component in the tory party...ideals and principles are for sale to the highest bidder - or to be tucked away out of sight if it gives more trough time.
Not for splitting the party.
But hope he's right.
I felt really good after reading that. They’re going to devour themselves.
Have a listen to this, only 3min and with this sort of racism openly expressed I wonder how we can possibly drive this out from our politics.
Someone here generously described Lizz Truss as an imbecile,however that implies an IQ of 25-60.
Imbecile IQ of 26–50, between "idiot" (IQ of 0–25) and "moron" (IQ of 51–70).
What they really think.

“[Johnson] agrees with most Tories that Liz is very likely to be a disaster.”

So he's backing Mary in order to hasten his comeback.

Just as well there's nothing major on the horizon when she becomes PM. Just the minor matter of a cost of living crisis that could collapse the economy.

We'll be in safe hands when Mary takes over.
I don’t get this fascination with Truss. Yes, she’s likely to be the next PM but it hardly matters which tory is in the job, they are basically all the same.

As a country we are getting what we deserve after 4 GE wins in a row.
I (only a foreigner) just watched Sunak and Truss speaking in Eastbourne and was shocked by shoddy and lightweight they both seem. Truss comes across as a neurotic headmistress who repeats the same phrases about putting, or keeping, money in people's pockets. Sunak is like a used BMW salesman or an afternoon TV show host, dancing around, waving his arms and constantly smiling. I got the impression that both thought they were addressing an audience of idiots eager to lap up cheap, superficial charm.
I'll probably offend someone, but after seeing that I've started seeing the Italian politicians in a better light, at least they really "talk politics."

