
Tory Leadership Runners and Riders

Next time one of these twats tells us to stop catastrophising about the energy crisis and make a few changes just have a look at their expenses, gifts and financial interests.

Spare a thought for poor old Kemi Badenhoch (from her financial disclosure):

Three tickets with hospitality for an Ed Sheeran concert, value £1,360

Although she does seem to have better tickets than Theresa Coffey:

Ticket with hospitality for an Ed Sheeran concert at Wembley Stadium, value £685.

Small beer in comparison with Geoffrey Coxs disclosure:

From 28 September 2020 until further notice, Consultant Global Counsel (international legal services) to Withers LLP, 20 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7AN. From 1 November 2021, I will receive £400,000 plus VAT annually, to be paid quarterly, in return for an expected commitment of up to 41 hours a month. (Registered 19 October 2020; updated 19 October 2021).

Its like he cares more about his legal work and money than his constituents.
It is becoming likely that we are heading for a depression rather than just a recession. Some predicting biggest drop in living standards since WWI.

As far as I could ascertain last night, Prime Minister Truss will be focussed on removing the speed limit for trans women.
Either Truss is a big fat liar (not implausible) or we are heading for social breakdown, reckons Andrew Marr.

"Let me sum up. Unless Liz Truss reneges on her core promises, we should prepare for a sensational political confrontation involving a tax-cutting, small-state, free-market government at a time of economic meltdown. ... But what is so dangerous that it’s worth going so far down an emergency politics road? In short, social breakdown. The British are a famously phlegmatic people. They moan but they don’t riot. They pay their bills, shuffle along in queues cheerfully enough, willingly work long hours and resolve the worst challenges with a cup of tea rather than a Molotov cocktail. But we may be about to discover that even the British can be pushed too far."
Either Truss is a big fat liar (not implausible) or we are heading for social breakdown, reckons Andrew Marr.

"Let me sum up. Unless Liz Truss reneges on her core promises, we should prepare for a sensational political confrontation involving a tax-cutting, small-state, free-market government at a time of economic meltdown. ... But what is so dangerous that it’s worth going so far down an emergency politics road? In short, social breakdown. The British are a famously phlegmatic people. They moan but they don’t riot. They pay their bills, shuffle along in queues cheerfully enough, willingly work long hours and resolve the worst challenges with a cup of tea rather than a Molotov cocktail. But we may be about to discover that even the British can be pushed too far."
A rather lazy and untrue stereotype that Brits don't take to the streets. I'm sure Marr could reel off at least half a dozen examples from the last 40 years or so with barely a moment's thought.
A rather lazy and untrue stereotype that Brits don't take to the streets. I'm sure Marr could reel off at least half a dozen examples from the last 40 years or so with barely a moment's thought.
I think it helps them overlook the police kettlings, beatings, arrests and murders when people do protest. Like, Oh, they’re not really British, not even proper people.
Either Truss is a big fat liar (not implausible) or we are heading for social breakdown, reckons Andrew Marr.

"Let me sum up. Unless Liz Truss reneges on her core promises, we should prepare for a sensational political confrontation involving a tax-cutting, small-state, free-market government at a time of economic meltdown. ... But what is so dangerous that it’s worth going so far down an emergency politics road? In short, social breakdown. The British are a famously phlegmatic people. They moan but they don’t riot. They pay their bills, shuffle along in queues cheerfully enough, willingly work long hours and resolve the worst challenges with a cup of tea rather than a Molotov cocktail. But we may be about to discover that even the British can be pushed too far."
The likelihood is that she *will* renege, having seen the praise heaped on Starmer by Marr’s colleagues when he lied to Labour members (political journalists love to see party members tricked, sidelined and stomped on, because they see them as rivals, and illegitimate ones at that). But it looks like Truss really is a bit of a fanatic so who knows.

In a way it would be funny watching the Conservatives destroyed because they’ve accidentally elected a leader who can’t distinguish between the showbiz free market stuff and the looting that it serves to dignify. It’s just that they’re going to take us down with them.
Is Truss a fanatic? I'm not sure. She seems entirely vacuous and in many respects continuation Johnson without the cultivated personality; she is entirely without scruples or ideals, vain, hungry for power and will say and do anything in its pursuit.
Is Truss a fanatic? I'm not sure. She seems entirely vacuous and in many respects continuation Johnson without the cultivated personality; she is entirely without scruples or ideals, vain, hungry for power and will say and do anything in its pursuit.
I think she might really believe this shit.
I think she might really believe this shit.

I get the impression she is very malleable and easily-led. No one with a functional brain shifts position/polarity to the extent she has done over what is actually quite a short political career. She’s just another droid for the party’s far more powerful donor oligarchs out of view. Another reactionary alt-right Trump/Johnson, but this time they are running the program minus any charisma.

PS If even Andrew Marr reckons her leadership will end in mass civil unrest she might just be the end of the Tory party we’ve all been seeking.
It is becoming likely that we are heading for a depression rather than just a recession. Some predicting biggest drop in living standards since WWI.

As far as I could ascertain last night, Prime Minister Truss will be focussed on removing the speed limit for trans women.
Call Inspector Boris,


…..vroom vroom, everything’s going to be alright, Boris will get it dun
The entire public sector = Tory dress-up box.

PS Some of the po-po behind don’t seem too impressed.

