
Tory Leadership Runners and Riders

I know that I've mentioned this a couple of times. However obviously the Brexit voting, mostly unconsciously biased against brown people Conservative Party members will not vote for Rish!
I read the papers and watch current affairs and have never heard this mentioned. I'm certain all the commentators know it is impossible for CPM to vote for a brown person but no-one mentions this.
I can only assume they are terrified to be proved wrong and I'm pretty sure there will be an outpouring of comment once Truss gets 80% of the vote. Either that or no-one wants to mention it pretending to be colour blind. Very odd, self censoring stuff nonetheless; I wonder if we just don't have the language to talk about it.
I know that I've mentioned this a couple of times. However obviously the Brexit voting, mostly unconsciously biased against brown people Conservative Party members will not vote for Rish!
I read the papers and watch current affairs and have never heard this mentioned. I'm certain all the commentators know it is impossible for CPM to vote for a brown person but no-one mentions this.
I can only assume they are terrified to be proved wrong and I'm pretty sure there will be an outpouring of comment once Truss gets 80% of the vote. Either that or no-one wants to mention it pretending to be colour blind. Very odd, self censoring stuff nonetheless; I wonder if we just don't have the language to talk about it.
The question is ( I also suspect you’re right) how do you prove it?
I know that I've mentioned this a couple of times. However obviously the Brexit voting, mostly unconsciously biased against brown people Conservative Party members will not vote for Rish!
I read the papers and watch current affairs and have never heard this mentioned. I'm certain all the commentators know it is impossible for CPM to vote for a brown person but no-one mentions this.
I can only assume they are terrified to be proved wrong and I'm pretty sure there will be an outpouring of comment once Truss gets 80% of the vote. Either that or no-one wants to mention it pretending to be colour blind. Very odd, self censoring stuff nonetheless.

Yes, the inference being that as Rishi won the parliamentary vote but will badly lose the general party vote, even against Truss, Conservative party members out in the shires must be a pretty unreconstructed bunch.
I know that I've mentioned this a couple of times. However obviously the Brexit voting, mostly unconsciously biased against brown people Conservative Party members will not vote for Rish!
I read the papers and watch current affairs and have never heard this mentioned. I'm certain all the commentators know it is impossible for CPM to vote for a brown person but no-one mentions this.
I can only assume they are terrified to be proved wrong and I'm pretty sure there will be an outpouring of comment once Truss gets 80% of the vote. Either that or no-one wants to mention it pretending to be colour blind. Very odd, self censoring stuff nonetheless.
I m not sure thats really true. For example Kemi B was the front runner amongst party members according to a poll on the conservative home website, when she was still in the race ?.
Yes, the inference being that as Rishi won the parliamentary vote but will badly lose the general party vote, even against Truss, Conservative party members out in the shires must be a pretty unreconstructed bunch.
Also we're no longer dealing with a traditional pre-2010 type of Conservative membership. It’s been infiltrated by Farage’s crew and even more unsavoury factions on the direction of their own party leaders. The deselection wars that went on in constituencies where there had effectively been a membership coup are well described, not least by the moderate MPs they were seeking to remove. The Conservative Party is something quite different now. It appears untroubled by lies, criminality and no longer delivering on what was its core mandate previously- as the party of business.
I m not sure thats really true. For example Kemi B was the front runner amongst party members according to a poll on the conservative home website, when she was still in the race ?.

No she was never, ever going to get anywhere so perfect. I absolutely have no doubt she was never the front runner despite what anyone said. People fill in their voting slip anonymously and in private. Wait and see. I hope I'm wrong, I'd rather have neither as PM but it is obvious that Sunak is by far the strongest candidate.
I'm reluctant to start brandishing allegations of racism but CPM are strongly nationalistic and pro-Brexit and I guess some even count the odd foreigner as a friend. I doubt most have any idea of 'woke nonsense' like unconscious bias.
I think Truss being further right than Sunak is more significant than skin tone. Also, you could make the same accusation against " some " labour voters ?
As Tony would call it the Gillian Duffy moment. If you remember her dust up with Brown in 2010 election.
Still doing their pointless debates. Tonight's one here

I make that number 748. And all of them will probably make less than 1% difference in Truss' winning margin.
Still doing their pointless debates. Tonight's one here

I make that number 748. And all of them will probably make less than 1% difference in Truss' winning margin.
I’m hoping that the British public is so heartily sick of them both, by now, that it really doesn’t matter who wins, the voters will loathe them and make this clear at the next election.
No she was never, ever going to get anywhere so perfect. I absolutely have no doubt she was never the front runner despite what anyone said. People fill in their voting slip anonymously and in private. Wait and see. I hope I'm wrong, I'd rather have neither as PM but it is obvious that Sunak is by far the strongest candidate.
I'm reluctant to start brandishing allegations of racism but CPM are strongly nationalistic and pro-Brexit and I guess some even count the odd foreigner as a friend. I doubt most have any idea of 'woke nonsense' like unconscious bias.

Of course there was never any chance of Sunak winning in a straight fight against a white candidate. That conclusion can easily be arrived by looking at polling data on social attitudes. Even if Tory members have the same attitudes on race as the general population, any candidate of colour already has a significant handicap, factor in the disparity of ethnic minority party membership (3-5%) against the wider population (10-12%) and it's already game over before Tory members' likely higher degree of prejudice is factored in.
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What a nasty piece of work. We'll cut aid if you don't accept our (brown) refugees. Tells you something about the people he's trying to appeal to.

Truss used Chevening, her grace and favour house, for a campaign meeting, and has been reported to the cabinet secretary.
Also we're no longer dealing with a traditional pre-2010 type of Conservative membership. It’s been infiltrated by Farage’s crew and even more unsavoury factions on the direction of their own party leaders. The deselection wars that went on in constituencies where there had effectively been a membership coup are well described, not least by the moderate MPs they were seeking to remove. The Conservative Party is something quite different now. It appears untroubled by lies, criminality and no longer delivering on what was its core mandate previously- as the party of business.
I think it was more the party for the landowners and press barons -so no change really
Sunak says it was a mistake to ‘empower scientists’ during Covid pandemic” (Guardian).

No one should be in the slightest doubt by now that both candidates and the party they represent are the worst kind of post-truth right-wing extremists. Welcome to Trumpworld.
Sunak says it was a mistake to ‘empower scientists’ during Covid pandemic” (Guardian).

No one should be in the slightest doubt by now that both candidates and the party they represent are the worst kind of post-truth right-wing extremists. Welcome to Trumpworld.
They've had enough of 'experts' evidenced by Truss being PM and the whole stupid charade.

