
Today I have mainly been v3

Frantically trying to get ready for big family gathering tomorrow, before we head off to London for gig tonight. No kids at home so have to drop the dogs off at Daughter #1 house on the way. TBH I can’t be arsed, I’m only going because it’s Richard Hawley, always a great gig.

Cheers BB
Not long got home, Hawley was on fantastic form. Refreshing to see only a handful of mobile phones in the air during the gig.

I left the car at a client’s property in Bermondsey, every man and his dog seemed be out driving when we left to go home, it was midnight. You just can’t predict London traffic.

Cheers BB
daughter and their family for a flying visit with newest Grandchild of 2 weeks. other daughter coming for us around 3pm to chauffer my, son and myself to The Bricklayers Arms at Flaunden for a latish lunch, sort of makes up for us cancelling our 4 day break to sunny Sidmouth, wife was not well but a lot better today thankfully
Meeting and hosting @Paul L after he drove 4hours+ to come and audition my VPI Prime Signature turntable. We had a lovely few hours, he brought up his RP10 to compare - we both use a Hana ML so it was a good comparison. And in return he taught me a thing or two about making better coffee, which I will certainly put into practice.

Then we loaded the VPI and the Rega back into his car. Hopefully the weather improved as you headed South Paul!
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..moaning about the seemingly endless rain, cold, cloud and incessant northerly winds which have plagued us for months....
I may write a letter....
lovely cheese and mushroom toasty on the train, quick couple at Euston Tap, and then an ESB at the Parcel Yard
... thinking that, after having taught for 37 years, and not always having found the job easy or being particularly good at it, I take my hat off to teachers and other educational professionals dealing with the problems facing them and children today.

My daughter teaches in Hackney - chapeau to her - and the area has intense problems, but I haven't heard her talking about anything as extreme as this. I must ask her.

Edit : yes, she says it's the same there. What an indictment of this government.
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Thanks Steve, it was a pleasure meeting you and an enjoyable time. I’ve literally just arrived home with the M40 and M25 having their suspected hotspots so a round trip of 450 miles and 9 hours of driving. Amazing how modern cars cushion it though compared with those I grew up with and 50mpg average was unheard of back then too!

I’m looking forward to setting up the VPI this week and one Rega RP10 to go in the classifieds in the coming days.
Thanks Steve, it was a pleasure meeting you and an enjoyable time. I’ve literally just arrived home with the M40 and M25 having their suspected hotspots so a round trip of 450 miles and 9 hours of driving. Amazing how modern cars cushion it though compared with those I grew up with and 50mpg average was unheard of back then too!

I’m looking forward to setting up the VPI this week and one Rega RP10 to go in the classifieds in the coming days.
Glad you got back safely. Thanks for going to all this trouble, I hope the deck will reward your efforts as much as it did for me. Hope we meet again some time.
Right now at this very minute I am basking in 27 degrees. It hit 32 earlier in the day.
In the north of Scotland today it has been struggling to get double figures at times. In Aviemore at lunch time it had reached 12 but as I have drove back down to coast temperature was dropping 🥶

I'm virtually back to winter clothes and gave in and put the heating on yesterday 😱. (I don't consider myself any form hothouse plant either).

May was the warmest one in 15 years that a local weather enthusiast has recorded. The contrast is hard to deal with.

