
Today I have mainly been v3

Crazy, busy day at work
gettin' ready for a lecture by Vint Cerf

It almost rhymes.

Cricket at Lords this evening with a mate. Could have been a long journey home as he got the platform wrong and we could have ended up a long way from home! It was only when I noticed the train was 'late' off and found out we were on a Swansea train....
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The builders are replacing the old rusty stack pipe so no toilet - will take about 3 hours they said. Fine we said.

It`s been 20 minutes and I`m just hoping........
Vint Cerf has indeed come to town to give a lecture, which included, among other things, the next beeeeg thing — the Interplanetary Internet Project. I'm envisioning colonists on Mars watching funny cat videos in a couple of decades.

Apparently, it'll be one helluva technical challenge, what with Earth and Mars being between around 3 light minutes (closest approach) and 24 light minutes (farthest approach) apart. Shame light travels only as fast as the speed of light. You think it could try a little harder once in a while.

After a massive rant yesterday, not my finest hour, our Peugeot van was ready after 24 hours rather than the 7 days the main dealer service department told me yesterday.

My car was in for service today, 2nd time at an Audi approved independent, rather than main dealer, such a better experience and in walking distance of home.

Just finished Rebus, it’s left me wanting more. I’ve visited Edinburgh many times, I could definitely live there, almost did many years ago.

Cheers BB
this morning writing to interview candidates and offering someone a job, and associated HR paperwork. This afternoon giving a lecture on ethics in computer science - for 250 of our MSc students.
Got my free £100 from Nationwide. Nice. Have an individual account for me, and joint account for myself and Mrs Jamie, and got a payout for both (didn't tell Mrs J I got it as well though).

Wondering when summer will start. Weatherman on BBC says it will begin to be "a bit less grim" from Monday. Is that as good as it gets?

Boys last day at school tomorrow. Mrs Jamie has always taken a photo of him at the front door at the start of every school year (at big school) so she is taking one tomorrow. Will be nice to see the comparison from his first one.
A bit of mentoring; a bit of colouring-in; a chat with the project manager, several times, - but mostly a lot of sub-voce swearing at sluggish/recalcitrant BIM software performance ...
Got my free £100 from Nationwide. Nice. Have an individual account for me, and joint account for myself and Mrs Jamie, and got a payout for both (didn't tell Mrs J I got it as well though).

Wondering when summer will start. Weatherman on BBC says it will begin to be "a bit less grim" from Monday. Is that as good as it gets?

Boys last day at school tomorrow. Mrs Jamie has always taken a photo of him at the front door at the start of every school year (at big school) so she is taking one tomorrow. Will be nice to see the comparison from his first one.
Mrs BB and I got £200, putting it towards a meal for our Silver Wedding anniversary later this month.

Cheers BB

