
Today I have mainly been v3

Thinking of getting a Realistic receiver to replace my Technics SU-7100 amp that has lost a channel. Going to get a repair priced up as I enjoy the old Technics.
The Realistic has a Mono switch and an Expander knob, which I like the sound of. I used to like the Leak Matrix thing, which was fun for short sessions.

Grading records all day. visiting Daughter/G-Daughter later. Standard day.
out for a walk today , then the little munchin arrived to brighten up the place
later have to take a nonagerian to see consultant hand specialist , not easy as she will spin him a pile of muddled answers and get crochety if i intervene !!! If we take her for a covid jab she will be utterly convinced she had 3 jabs and tells everyone in sight for the next month . :oops:
Think I have purchased a cheap Rotel amp to get back on the charity grading fun. A RA-820 AX. looks basic enough and has a Mono button!
Moderately exciting day today.
I have already been out to get bacon.

Soon I am taking an amplifier that isnā€™t working properly to be looked at for a repair estimate. I am hoping it isnā€™t too much as it isnā€™t an expensive amplifier, but I do like the sound.
I am picking up a used Rotel integrated amp - nothing special, but does have a Mono switch which will be useful. It will be interesting to see how well it powers my various headphones.

Later we are off to old friends. They are providing the evening meal, and there was talk of a boat trip down the river - clever Wife has mentioned that we need to eat before we go to their house as we might not get to eat till 9pm or later.
It will be great to catch up with them - their eldest Daughter has started her Nursing degree, so I want to hear about the new member of the Sisterhood. Also might take some antacids as they push the booze somewhat.

I have put away my arcam alpha 9 c.d. player for a while, and liberated my Rotel RCD-855 c.d. player to have a go on the second (grading) system. I think I have a spare remote somewhere (not Rotel) that will work with the c.d. player, although this could be a cruel fib being spread by my daft head.
I do recall that the Rotel c.d. player has a nice honest, clean sound - looking forward to hearing it again.

Bright orange loose fit casual trousers today. These pants were a dull cream colour, so I dyed them bright orange, (along with a jacket) far more fun now, and The Wife can see me easily in a crowd.
open top bus in Manchester, tea in the central library, then the science museum. Whatever made me unwell two nights ago is still effecting my digestive system - although I think it slowly getting better.

Not really taking to Manchester, although not feeling 100% might be skewing my view. It certainly isn't architecturally splendid.

Broke the tip off my walking pole. Think I'll survive without having to buy new. Home tomorrow, I have a spare....
Trying to get a deed of variation , there are several management companies involved .what a nightmare

Contrast that to getting a conversation with a right to manage tenant run flat communication and a lot easier !!
Jolanta phoned. "We love your Katie" she said, in her rich, almost incomprehensible Spanish lilt, "she taught us so much, the difference between night and day. She spoke to us for two and a half hours, taught us how to open the bottles, how to serve. And we tasted wines. Wonderful. I love Katie, she's a lovely person, so funny and so clever." I asked her if the staff had made notes as to the characteristics of the wines, what dishes to recommend them with and so on; "Yes, yes, we all made notes. Everything is so much clearer now, I realise we knew nothing".

The conversation continued thus for a few more minutes, then suddenly she said "Toby, I hate this heat, it's too much. For me the perfect temperature is 21 degrees." I replied with words to the effect that not only was that an admirably precise figure, but that she was surely used to much higher temperatures in her native Spain. "Spain!" she replied, laughing "I don't come from Spain - I was born in Siberia, I'm used to temperatures of minus 42!"

"Ah" said I, mumbled some weak apology, and recalling that Portuguese had once sounded very Eastern European to me, concluded that I'm possibly better at identifying grape varieties by their accents than humans by theirs.
Just been in the back garden tutttt tttuut tiin in a high pitch at our robin when i make that tuutt ttut in sound it turns up. Christ its good to be alive tttuuttt tuutin.
Obviously the tuttin soundds were shorter in length and a high pitch. But faster tutted. If you know robins you will know am talking sense.
Trying to get a deed of variation , there are several management companies involved .what a nightmare

Contrast that to getting a conversation with a right to manage tenant run flat communication and a lot easier !!
I feel for you Phil, our house move nearly fell through because of a deed of variation, management companies are a nightmare. We ended up paying Ā£2.5K and Mrs BB ended up doing much of the leg work.

Cheers BB
Partner, 2 siblings and a new born, in a pram, walked down town a quick couple in the fully (Wetherspoons) and had a Japanese lunch, never really tried it before but thoroughly enjoyed it. reckon it will be hard going down town without visiting the restaurant from now on.

