
Today I have mainly been v3

I think I will win the prize for being a bit different today. We popped out and met up with some friends and wound up in a very good Indian restaurant and indulged in a very good curry. Got back home at around 4.00pm and both of us slouched on the sofas sleeping it off.

Sue went asleep within minutes and I was just sort of half asleep. We are now in the beginning of a heat wave and it was 28 degrees here and the wildlife is getting restless and I heard this slithering sound and saw a snake measuring around 3ft - 4ft coming in through the patio doors. I immediately prodded Sue telling her to get her feet off the rug and on hearing this the snake slid over to some sideboards and went underneath them.

Fortunately Sue kept her composure and she suggested that I went round to the next door neighbour who is an expat of 30 years and knows how to deal with everything. He reckoned it was a Ladder snake which is common around here and is not dangerous and will not bite unless stupidly provoked. He also suggested pushing a broom handle under the sideboard and systematically wave it about and make a noise which would encourage the snake to leave the shelter of the sideboards and it would hopefully make it to an open door.

I got a broom handle and did as told but no snake came out. Sue had not been watching the sideboard when I was around the neighbours, she was nerding on her iPhone so it looked like the snake had already left without her noticing.

We are still keeping our eyes open in case the thing is hiding somewhere in the house but it is good knowing it will not attack us.

Not a typical day fortunately.
Panicking mainly.
touch and go if we can make our break in sunny Sidmouth on Friday. with 3 fish restaurants all booked as wife has caught a sickness and vomit bug from our lovely Granddaughter, and our new Granddaughter is suffering and all hands to the deck now, she has been to A&E twice now. Also I managed to snap my top plate, so I may as well cancel it all now, not my wife or the Grandchildren btw.
I think I will win the prize for being a bit different today. We popped out and met up with some friends and wound up in a very good Indian restaurant and indulged in a very good curry. Got back home at around 4.00pm and both of us slouched on the sofas sleeping it off.

Sue went asleep within minutes and I was just sort of half asleep. We are now in the beginning of a heat wave and it was 28 degrees here and the wildlife is getting restless and I heard this slithering sound and saw a snake measuring around 3ft - 4ft coming in through the patio doors. I immediately prodded Sue telling her to get her feet off the rug and on hearing this the snake slid over to some sideboards and went underneath them.

Fortunately Sue kept her composure and she suggested that I went round to the next door neighbour who is an expat of 30 years and knows how to deal with everything. He reckoned it was a Ladder snake which is common around here and is not dangerous and will not bite unless stupidly provoked. He also suggested pushing a broom handle under the sideboard and systematically wave it about and make a noise which would encourage the snake to leave the shelter of the sideboards and it would hopefully make it to an open door.

I got a broom handle and did as told but no snake came out. Sue had not been watching the sideboard when I was around the neighbours, she was nerding on her iPhone so it looked like the snake had already left without her noticing.

We are still keeping our eyes open in case the thing is hiding somewhere in the house but it is good knowing it will not attack us.

Not a typical day fortunately.
Worth keeping it around to keep anything else undesirable away.

I can’t imagine how Mrs BB would deal with it.

Cheers BB
I think I will win the prize for being a bit different today. We popped out and met up with some friends and wound up in a very good Indian restaurant and indulged in a very good curry. Got back home at around 4.00pm and both of us slouched on the sofas sleeping it off.

Sue went asleep within minutes and I was just sort of half asleep. We are now in the beginning of a heat wave and it was 28 degrees here and the wildlife is getting restless and I heard this slithering sound and saw a snake measuring around 3ft - 4ft coming in through the patio doors. I immediately prodded Sue telling her to get her feet off the rug and on hearing this the snake slid over to some sideboards and went underneath them.

Fortunately Sue kept her composure and she suggested that I went round to the next door neighbour who is an expat of 30 years and knows how to deal with everything. He reckoned it was a Ladder snake which is common around here and is not dangerous and will not bite unless stupidly provoked. He also suggested pushing a broom handle under the sideboard and systematically wave it about and make a noise which would encourage the snake to leave the shelter of the sideboards and it would hopefully make it to an open door.

I got a broom handle and did as told but no snake came out. Sue had not been watching the sideboard when I was around the neighbours, she was nerding on her iPhone so it looked like the snake had already left without her noticing.

We are still keeping our eyes open in case the thing is hiding somewhere in the house but it is good knowing it will not attack us.

Not a typical day fortunately.
Ladder Snakes are obviously much more agile than other snakes, because they can climb up as well as slide down the board. It's probably why and how it came in. Have you checked upstairs?
I have spoken to a few Spanish locals and their advice is simply to forget it. It is almost certainly a ladder snake and it probably climbed over the back garden wall from fields at the back which does have snakes.

They also said they will soon leave the house because they like to bask in the sun.

If the locals don't give a damn, I think I don't need to be either but it was a shock at the time.

My main surprise is that Mrs Mick also seems unconcerned about it, which is good.
I can't escape the suspicion that 'Ladder Snake' is the local Spanish equivalent of the Australians' 'Drop Bear' - something you wind up the expats with.
more interviewing - ongoing planning for the move to our new building.....putting some stuff in the loft
Headed out to walk one of the dogs at lunchtime in bright sunshine so had my shades on - by the time I got back I'd been hit with heavy rain and even hailstones. Just as well I had my dog-walking waist belt with me as it contains much needed waterproofs (I'd considered not taking it as it was nice and sunny). Still, it was nice to get out.

Arrived home to find a letter telling me my bowel screening test was clear, which was nice!
Took the car to have the alarm siren module replaced. It went in last week for the repair (alarm didn't always set and was prone to going off, albeit silently and just setting the lights flashing), but it turns out the module was not in UK stock and had to be ordered from Volvo in Sweden. Arrived today and the garage gave me a call and said if I could get there for 14:30, they'd fit it while I waited. Which they did.

The failed part was waterlogged, apparently. It lives behind the wheelarch liner, which strikes me as a particularly stupid place to locate an electrical component. Apparently, some cars put the ECU there. This astonishes me.
wow thats mad , there are millions of videos of folks driving through Fords and rivers and i guess that cant do the ECU any good !!
That reminds me of my first car, a Mini, which had the distributor cap right at the front of the engine where it used to get soaked any time it rained. The fix for that was to get a rubber glove, cut the fingers off and then use it to waterproof it.
Ah happy memories ..simple cars you could maintain like distributers and points adjustment ....far off memory now i guess
more interviews today - beta testing some corporate software. Rollout is late Sept.... UAT late August. Looking good

Day off tomorrow - off to Brum for a couple of nights - gig Saturday evening.......

