
Today I have mainly been v3

spent 70 mins getting off an aifield onto the road ... well 80, 000 people all had the same idea so not surprising though . worth it though to see the ww2 aircraft , some from ww1 !! and the F35 ... wow !!! watching that thing hover was just awesome
End of an era today....last time ironing the boy's school uniform. He finishes his GCSE's next week.....not sure where the last 16 years went.
We were talking about this today. I don’t know how I found time to iron 20 shirts every Sunday, 5 for me and 5 each for the kids. I liked ironing, I just don’t know how I got the time. Since moving in November I’ve ironed about 3 items, we have a huge ironing pile. We both have a lot of clothes, too many really.

Cheers BB
I don't mind ironing. It's an excuse for a few hours of vinyl on a Sunday morning when no one else is around, as the music system is in the lounge.
... watching the men's final at Roland Garros (recorded); the level of skill on show is just amazing. Such a brilliant game. And I'm not even really a tennis fan.
Trip to Burgess Hill to pick up a new lens, late Sunday lunch in my local, watching India bv Pakistan cricket and Canadian GP (both recorded) whilst drinking some nice Montagny.
... thinking that, after having taught for 37 years, and not always having found the job easy or being particularly good at it, I take my hat off to teachers and other educational professionals dealing with the problems facing them and children today.

My daughter teaches in Hackney - chapeau to her - and the area has intense problems, but I haven't heard her talking about anything as extreme as this. I must ask her.

Edit : yes, she says it's the same there. What an indictment of this government.
Thirty years ago my children's infant school headteacher refused to accept children that were not toilet trained. This was a problem then even in the "Cheshire triangle".
When I retired 20 years ago I had given up trying to correct the request "can I go toilet"
spent 70 mins getting off an aifield onto the road ... well 80, 000 people all had the same idea so not surprising though . worth it though to see the ww2 aircraft , some from ww1 !! and the F35 ... wow !!! watching that thing hover was just awesome
I watched the Harrier do it twenty years ago...
Can the F35 do this?

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My 19 year old niece was baptized today. The Lay Preacher at the church was probably the most enthusiastic person I have ever met, a real character, well into her 80s. I’m not a believer but there are a few in the family who are. Had the extended family around to our place afterwards. I’m knackered now, a real busy weekend. Back up at 03.45 tomorrow morning.

Cheers BB
appraisal follow-ups, an interview (the last one for now) - and helping my wife set up her new phone. Luckily selling your soul to Google, means setting up a new Android, is really easy, even if the old one is non-functional.......nice new Flip5 all working.
my plumber came to help me find a leak in shower tray and we resealed trap as it was spewing out . needs resealing round edges too but that will have to wait

then the crawling bundle of energy with us today who is utterly adorable but very tiring ... crawling round with him was fun and hearing the laughter is a great tonic
Another cold day here in North East Scotland. According to my weather station maximum was 10.3C at 8.32 this morning!! No wonder I have my vest and long sleeve shirts back on.
Bathroom remodeling after a really nice walk on the promenade at the cost with the dog. Most of the bathroom work today was drywall patching to fix the 8 holes I had to make to snake wiring through for a new power outlet.

