
Today I have mainly been v3

enjoyed a beautiful funeral live streamed from family members in Ontario , beautiful church and service on a lovely person. how brilliant to be able to watch from the sunny UK thanks to youtube
I feel for you Phil, our house move nearly fell through because of a deed of variation, management companies are a nightmare. We ended up paying £2.5K and Mrs BB ended up doing much of the leg work.

Cheers BB
yes i remember you talking about it , we started nearly a year ago !!!
managed to eat something bland, let's see if it stays down - this mornings boiled egg was OK, but a nibble of cake in the cafe of Manchester Central library wasn' feeling better though - off to the gig soon, staying off the booze for now.
managed to eat something bland, let's see if it stays down - this mornings boiled egg was OK, but a nibble of cake in the cafe of Manchester Central library wasn' feeling better though - off to the gig soon, staying off the booze for now.
feeling that, and stuck up North, back to that London asap is the best cure
That would certainly upset my digestion Simon
Hello Olan, hope you are doing well

not a bad gig, bit samey - but some classic numbers. Worth seeing here in Manc.

Cast were a surprisingly good support act..

Sound setup was excellent, transport to and from was efficient....good time was had by all.
Long day in London. Picked up daughter #2 from Canterbury, will be nice to have her home for a week. Daughter #1 came over and her and Mrs BB had their nails done by a mobile tech.

Got a late email confirming we’d got a job that will take up most of September and I had a few beers to celebrate (I fell off the wagon a few weeks ago). Made a chicken curry and fell asleep on the sofa whilst the ladies watched a film.

Busy weekend ahead, out tomorrow night with Mrs BB for another meal to celebrate our silver wedding and then family over Sunday to celebrate Daughter #1’s 26 Birthday. Detectives amongst you will notice she would have been at our wedding!

Cheers BB
Last weeks wood burner visit didn't go too well; for some reason the rep thought it was appropriate to delay the meeting two hours without calling.

Thus went to a shop today for a lecture on building regs and why everything we needed to do was impossible. Final failure was the need to have a specific size and depth of hearth which would present a trip hazard.

Internet is a great resource so i've saved £4k and spent the afternoon wriggling round building regs for air inlets and liners.

Magret for dinner after a well earnt G&T.
Took the front wheels off Mrs J's CX5 to give the insides a deep clean. Took over an hour a side to get the baked on crap off. She was as grateful as ever....I don't know why you bother, does anyone else clean the insides? Still, will do the rears tomorrow and the rest of the car as well.

Glad I got one of these last week:

Cleaning my Qashqai can wait till next Friday, as MOT is booked for Saturday.
Fitted two rather nice dali wall mounted speakers in lounge . Due to a little crawling fella we have to proof the room .most impressed with sound from these things which look rather good

Rather amused to have them delivered by a lady from amazon in who could hardly carry them ...heaven this lady if they give her anything heavier !!!
Final night out for our Silver Wedding Anniversary. Unfortunately a rather under par dinner but cocktails afterwards went some way to making up for it. Now spinning Mrs BB’s favorite Wham albums on the TT.

Cheers BB
Having had 3 at University over the last 8 years we’ve done loads of these. We spent all day at some, shortest one was 15 minutes. Certainly made me wish I’d gone to University.

Good luck.

Cheers BB
Thanks BB, luck required, youngest is on *second* year out struggling to work a path forward in life, hoping these days may give them a clue.

Yesterday 5+ hours driving, today 5+ hours on the train, I hate travelling, I just want to be at home, catching up on the jobs I haven't finished, and those I haven't started :oops:. I'll also miss a Grand Prix and the England game so mixed blessings.

Congratulations on the Silver Wedding!

