
Today I have mainly been v3

friend has a severely disabled daughter who is a teenager but looks the size of a 7 year old , she is in a wheelchair and breaks bones incredibly easily . she has many other conditions and was with her today as she took part in an event . I am just in admiration of parents who cope with with this sort of situation . just incredible really
The boy has been complaining about the flush in the bathroom toilet (we don't use it much, as we have en-suite), not enough 'oomph' to flush as away his 'deposits', so had a look. It was filling way below the marked line at 6 litres, and the refill was a dribble, took many minutes. Took a few bits off, but decided at £12 for a Toolstation replacement, I'd just do that. The nut underneath the bottom fill valve was shrouded by the rear flange on the toilet pan, but I could twist the body, until the point where the float hit the side, and couldn't get the float bit off, as the removable top section would not remove. Not enough room for a hacksaw, so resorted to melting through it with the soldering iron. After joining all the holes up, I was able to wrench the top section off, remove the float and twist the body free. Replacement was a doddle. Good guess on the adjustable height, right first time, halfway between the 6 litre line and the overflow. All good now, decent flush and quick fill.
Then replaced the UV tubes on my Avatars vivarium.
Having a short break, then 2 cars to wash and chicken parmigiana to cook later.
For the first time in ages had Daughter 1 & 2 and son #2 at home last night and this morning. Girls were all out together yesterday.

Cooked a nice breakfast this morning and then we took the dogs out. Mabel launched herself into a deep stream which was quite entertaining, better than thick mud anyway.

Put a hose reel on the wall and gave the new turf its first cut this afternoon.

Daughter #2 currently cooking a roast dinner. Should have had a BBQ but the weather is so unpredictable.

Cheers BB
Not far from your neck of the woods BB, Runswick Bay

Wow, didn’t recognize it, it’s been many a year since I was last there. Went to some great beach parties there in my youth. The hill down is quite steep, my grandma screamed when we drove over the brow at the top, she thought we’d driven off a cliff.

A bit far away for a day trip, are you staying up there?

Cheers BB
Wow, didn’t recognize it, it’s been many a year since I was last there. Went to some great beach parties there in my youth. The hill down is quite steep, my grandma screamed when we drove over the brow at the top, she thought we’d driven off a cliff.

A bit far away for a day trip, are you staying up there?

Cheers BB

Naa not staying just fancied a day out, you know how it is when you're used to driving all day, two and half hours each way isn't much with music on all the way!

Yes the hill down is steep, I parked in the car park at the top and walked down, then walked up the cliff path, Cleveland way I think, round to Kettleness and back. Lovely weather.
Naa not staying just fancied a day out, you know how it is when you're used to driving all day, two and half hours each way isn't much with music on all the way!

Yes the hill down is steep, I parked in the car park at the top and walked down, then walked up the cliff path, Cleveland way I think, round to Kettleness and back. Lovely weather.
Yes, it’s the Cleveland Way. You’re right about the driving, my drive to London can be 2 hours plus on the wrong day.

Cheers BB
Back in the 70s we used to take parties of deprived school kids from Manchester to the holiday fellowship camp at Staithes for a week in the summer holidays.
Walking to Runswick Bay for the day was one of the activities.
You went to ‘Stears’ and lived to tell the tale. Well done! How times change, Air B&B paradise now.

Cheers BB
You went to ‘Stears’ and lived to tell the tale. Well done! How times change, Air B&B paradise now.

Cheers BB
Must have done it five times. Had some right laughs. I was a young sprog teacher then. Crabbing on the quay, used to foul hook mackerel as they drove in on a feeding frenzy to catch sprats. The cooks at the camp used to fry it for us. Fresh mackerel is delicious.Those not on duty used to walk down the hill for an evening in the pub. The walk back was always hard work!
The boy has been complaining about the flush in the bathroom toilet (we don't use it much, as we have en-suite), not enough 'oomph' to flush as away his 'deposits', so had a look. It was filling way below the marked line at 6 litres, and the refill was a dribble, took many minutes. Took a few bits off, but decided at £12 for a Toolstation replacement, I'd just do that. The nut underneath the bottom fill valve was shrouded by the rear flange on the toilet pan, but I could twist the body, until the point where the float hit the side, and couldn't get the float bit off, as the removable top section would not remove. Not enough room for a hacksaw, so resorted to melting through it with the soldering iron. After joining all the holes up, I was able to wrench the top section off, remove the float and twist the body free. Replacement was a doddle. Good guess on the adjustable height, right first time, halfway between the 6 litre line and the overflow. All good now, decent flush and quick fill.
Then replaced the UV tubes on my Avatars vivarium.
Having a short break, then 2 cars to wash and chicken parmigiana to cook later.
Well done jamie , we really look after our old toilet as modern ones just dont seem to flush with such oomph as you say . You are very talented to fix it , sorry to say i leave it to homeserve !
There was only 1 Comp and 2 private schools in the area. Fylinghall was close to RH Bay. We had quite a few ex Fylinghall in 6th Form at Whitby School.

Cheers BB
Quite a ropey school in those days I am told but subsidised by the MOD for children of service personnel. It gave Mrs BM an inability to take prisoners.

