
Today I have mainly been v3

They are out of season for uk grown, but there are usually imported ones available. They are not as tasty, but are one of the few fruits (with Cantaloupe melon) that the boy likes.
They are out of season for uk grown, but there are usually imported ones available. They are not as tasty, but are one of the few fruits (with Cantaloupe melon) that the boy likes.

Years ago I developed a taste for Charentais melons, exquisite flavour. Can I find them anymore in supermarkets? Not a chance.
Still the flavour comes to mind, at the mention of Charentais.
A flavourless watermelon can ruin an evening, speaking from experience they are a dice roll.
Any melon in a storm though.
Years ago I developed a taste for Charentais melons, exquisite flavour. Can I find them anymore in supermarkets? Not a chance.
Still the flavour comes to mind, at the mention of Charentais.
A flavourless watermelon can ruin an evening, speaking from experience they are a dice roll.
Any melon in a storm though.
I used to love Fuji apples, until supermarket supplies became intermittent, then they seemed to disappear altogether about 4 or 5 years ago. They were a bit like Pink Lady, but much crunchier and sweeter. Can't bring myself to eat something called a Pink Lady, so I go with Royal Gala these days.
Today in Lidl, I found pink onions, never seen them before, very nice, they look like a cross between an onion and a shallot, quite mild and sweet, eat them raw no probs.
Quick visit to a Ralph Lauren event in the West End with OH, who manages to get invited to all these events, then got into Entrecôte in Marylebone. Incredible queue to get in but so well worth it.
Took my Spaniel for a groom. £50. Looking all trimmed, neat, and great.

Then took him out for a walk later on this afternoon and the little bugger rolled all around in a muddy patch in the Park!

Went to cinema with Son, and saw the most bizarre film ever.

Now chilling and watching Home Alone on TV. Never gets old that film, love it.
Today in Lidl, I found pink onions, never seen them before, very nice, they look like a cross between an onion and a shallot, quite mild and sweet, eat them raw no probs.

We always get a few in the brown onions and they get thrown out unless i see them first.

The red onions this year are good and hot for some reason, maybe just the variety.
We always get a few in the brown onions and they get thrown out unless i see them first.

The red onions this year are good and hot for some reason, maybe just the variety.

These are crimsun pink onions, bred for sweetness and delicacy, not some rejects.

Got some wagyu meatballs to make a big pot of pasta sauce mmmm plenty of celery peppers herbs garlic bacon and whatever else maybe a bit of worcester sauce.
These are crimsun pink onions, bred for sweetness and delicacy, not some rejects.

Wasn't meaning to dis your onions!

It's hard to clean a seed dressing machine 100% so we always have a few strangers. Maybe c 200 per year.
Wasn't meaning to dis your onions!

It's hard to clean a seed dressing machine 100% so we always have a few strangers. Maybe c 200 per year.

Heaven forbid my onions being dissed man, lol

I found it strange that such a specialised item turned up in Lidl, but they do come up with some great stuff.
What was the film?
The Marvels.

I text my Mrs afterwards, to try to explain it. Copy/pasted below.

Spoiler alert, ah who am I kidding, you'll have no idea what's happening, even if you watch it!!!

We just got back from cinema. Neither of us knew what the film was about. Marvel film. Plot as follows:
Baddy called de-boner, or similar, flying superheroes that all morphed into each others places, a hole in space warp, a dead child, a land where no one could breathe but everyone could breathe, weird pixies/goblins, there was a nation of dancing and singing people, lots of fighting, cats with octopus mouths who ate people then spewed them up. Mind bendingly weird!!! I have no idea what I watched or what it was about. I forgot about the multiple universes. Also bangles that shot lazers, a woman who flew into a star and created a sun, spaceships, and Samuel L Jackson.
on a bus, now in Dudley.

Love watching the world go by from the bus window.

Our epic journey to discover the local boozers of out of the way places. The landlady reckons we are the first tourists to stop in Dudley for a decade.

At least this pub (The Griffin - £4.40 for 1 1/2 pints) is welcoming, unlike the Old Still in Wolverhampton yesterday with its boarded up windows, bouncers (at lunchtime) and beer in plastic glasses, lots of beat up customers giving you dirty least Louise is happier here.....
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