
Today I have mainly been v3

Moved on to Pegasus in Berkeley Square
Similar prices per glass but had a look at the wine list, jeez…..some approaching £10K per bottle!
I can’t find it now but I photographed a price list from a members only night club in the West End, favoured at the time by young Arabs and Russians. They sold single cigarettes for £100.00 a time and being conservative a bottle of Smirnoff was about £8K. They had bottles of some stuff for £40K. When the lights were up, when we were working, it was an absolute dive.

Cheers BB
I can’t find it now but I photographed a price list from a members only night club in the West End, favoured at the time by young Arabs and Russians. They sold single cigarettes for £100.00 a time and being conservative a bottle of Smirnoff was about £8K. They had bottles of some stuff for £40K. When the lights were up, when we were working, it was an absolute dive.

Cheers BB
Like this one tonight at Pegasus. Just 1 page and they had separate ‘books’ for wine and cocktails
I walk passed the Connaught a lot as we often work in Mount Street, I’ve promised myself a weekend stay there at some time. No idea how much it would be,

Cheers BB
OH lived near there for many years and also had an office around the corner. used it regularly for business lunches. Boring bar but first class service.
It’s WKCR New York’s fund-raising week. Some of their jazz programmes are wonderful in-depth (three, four, five hours) looks at specific artists and labels. ‘Where else would you hear five hours on Mel Rhyne or Ernie Henry or Riverside Records?’ Sid the presenter asked. Probably nowhere, I had to agree. ‘We need your support - we work here for free, but the equipment has to be maintained or replaced… just looking at what’s around me here, we’ve got turntables, some with needles for 78s, plus cassette machines, CD players…’ fair enough, sounds like an average pfm’ers room - I’ll stump up.

I thought it would be fun to speak to them in person, so I gave $25 over the phone to a very friendly agent who was quite chuffed that I was listening in England. He told me my email address was ‘perfect’ and my credit card details ‘awesome.’ He struggled a little with ‘Warwickshire’ though. I thought of mentioning Dionne but went for spelling it out instead.

After that I won a Harris Tweed jacket on eBay for £9 posted. I thought it might keep me warm during the winter evenings whilst enjoying reading posts about folk dropping a couple of tons on drinkies before moving on to dinner in the West End.

Just when I thought my day couldn’t get better, Sid on WKCR thanked me for my donation on-air. I nearly dropped my reading candle in shock - it’s hard for an Old Person to get his head round speaking to someone on the phone in New York, then my name being passed to a broadcaster who thanks me over worldwide internet radio between playing vintage jazz recordings - all inside thirty minutes. Even the phone call had been free as part of my £6/month Lebara contract. Technology, eh?
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Eaten at the Langham a few times and liked it, nice bar too. Mrs BB would certainly like to stay there.

Cheers BB
Try to go to The Peninsula at 1 Grosvenor Place if you can. New hotel, not yet fully open but it's an absolutely stunning place. Classy roof top bar with great views, live music for afternoon tea etc and the staff are simply superb. They go the extra mile. Seriously impressed.
I'm giving a workshop today at the audio developer conference, so I *should* have spent the weekend getting my slides together and running through the talk some more.

Instead I spent time sorting out my garage. I've got the first set of cupboards built, having decided to make them myself from ply rather than go the cheap kitchen cupboard route (when I discovered it was not going to be cheap for full height cupboards like this). I've slapped some paint on the doors to hopefully stop the ply warping too much, we'll see if this works out.


I tiled the floor a few weeks back, and painted the walls a few weeks before that. I've got more storage to make for above the freezer, and a hole in the roof which looks to be missing cement on the ridge tiles. Not sure I want to go up on the roof, so i've got to either find a trade person who wants to sort this in the middle of winter, or do a temporary bodge from the inside and wait till spring to get it sorted properly.
back in the greatest of all London. 1hr and 20 mins on the train from Brum International. Train was empty.....does HS2 need to get us to Birmingham quicker? Maybe it is needed to relieve capacity on the West Coast mainline? IMO it needn't be much faster than the existing Avanti service
back in the greatest of all London. 1hr and 20 mins on the train from Brum International. Train was empty.....does HS2 need to get us to Birmingham quicker? Maybe it is needed to relieve capacity on the West Coast mainline? IMO it needn't be much faster than the existing Avanti service
This was always my position. We don't need speed as much as we need extra capacity. HS2 could have been done for less cost if running speeds had been designed to be close to Pendolino performance. Radiuses could have been tighter, power infrastructure could be lower capacity. Yes, if you're going between Edinburgh and London, speed would make a difference, but then again, not so much difference that it outweighed a higher frequency of trains that would arise from greater capacity on the routes.
back in the greatest of all London. 1hr and 20 mins on the train from Brum International. Train was empty.....does HS2 need to get us to Birmingham quicker? Maybe it is needed to relieve capacity on the West Coast mainline? IMO it needn't be much faster than the existing Avanti service
I'm surprised. Every train to London from Brum I have been on in the last year or two has been rammed full. Not only Avanti but the Chiltern service via Moor St. too. Chiltern returns back are even busier it seems too.
I'm surprised. Every train to London from Brum I have been on in the last year or two has been rammed full. Not only Avanti but the Chiltern service via Moor St. too. Chiltern returns back are even busier it seems too.
both today's and last Thursday were relatively quiet. Avanti first class

We did hop on the LNER route to Euston to get from Brum to Coventry last Friday and it was rammed both ways.

Didn't know Chiltern operated a route as well - just looked, from Marylebone I see - not a useful option for us....

