
Today I have mainly been v3

(Tonight) I have mainly been at the Castleford Beer Festival…and bloody strong my choices have been!!


(tipsy after 3 pints :oops:)
(Tonight) I have mainly been at the Castleford Beer Festival…and bloody strong my choices have been!!


(tipsy after 3 pints :oops:)
Some of those stated abvs at Beer Festivals can be a bit off in my experience. I normally watch the people serving and see who gives the most generous ‘half’.

Cheers BB
Fab night out to celebrate OH birthday at 34 Mayfair, Live music as well. Classy place, prices to match but no more than a filling at the dentists earlier this week and far more enjoyable!
When I used to drink a lot, I always thought I got drunk quicker at Beer Festivals, just drinking what I considered session ales. It might have been in my head though!

Cheers BB
took the tram to Wolverhampton - not sure it was a great idea - not clever to be a Spurs supporter in Wolverhampton today......
took the tram to Wolverhampton - not sure it was a great idea - not clever to be a Spurs supporter in Wolverhampton today......
many years ago as a yong lad my mum made me a beautiful black and yellow scarf , i did used to wonder why it attracted attention on the tube !
of course its the colours of wolverhampton wanderers
Dropped the boy off at the village down the road this morning for his stint selling Poppies with Air Cadets. Did a bit of shopping, couldn't find anything I fancied for tonight, so Chinese takeaway it is....

Still no sign of any strawberries in Morrison's or Sainsbury's..... anyone seen any lately?
Dropped the boy off at the village down the road this morning for his stint selling Poppies with Air Cadets. Did a bit of shopping, couldn't find anything I fancied for tonight, so Chinese takeaway it is....

Still no sign of any strawberries in Morrison's or Sainsbury's..... anyone seen any lately?

Strawberries are out of season I reckon. ?
Like asparagus, it’s one of the things I pig out on when there are less air miles involved.
And I recall that Spanish strawberries (wherever) don’t taste as nice to me.
and yet those lemons sure ain’t local… :(

