
Today I have mainly been v3

Formidable. Went to the parc du marquenterre 20 odd years ago with the teacher who was hosting me on the school exchange. Great experience, and wonderful to see the storks.
Saw some last week as I was driving the back roads from Kassel to Dietzenbach in Germany. A tractor was turning the cut grass, and half a dozen or so big birds were circling in the sky around it. It took me a moment or so to realise that they were storks. Great sight.
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Quotes in South East London and Kent this morning. Getting a couple of quotes for repair to damaged body work on my car this afternoon. Mrs BB took it to Bluewater on Saturday and came back to find a dent in the rear bumper and rear panel.

Cheers BB
Another 5+ hours on the train on the way home, having thoroughly enjoyed my eldest's graduation yesterday. Dominic Cummings on the platform for the train ahead of ours, 1st class to Kings Cross for him. Mrs suggested he may have needed another trip to Barnard Castle to check his eyes prior to the election ...
Stressful day , had builders drilling out joints and doing a very messy unoleasant job and occupant not very happy . Work had to be done but its caused a bit of friction which i do my best to alleviate
off to this London, up West. for a lightish Korean lunch followed by a matinee performance of Standing at the Sky's Edge. Discovered a few interesting boozers to try out, stroll through Soho and Fitzrovia on the walk back to Euston.
off to this London, up West. for a lightish Korean lunch followed by a matinee performance of Standing at the Sky's Edge. Discovered a few interesting boozers to try out, stroll through Soho and Fitzrovia on the walk back to Euston.
I’m a big Hawley fan so I’m biased but I normally hate musicals, I thought Standing at the Sky’s Edge was superb. Enjoy.

Cheers BB
back from the dentist - 3 fillings, and hygiene. One more visit for a root extraction.......then a few months of healing before prep for implants
Seeing the son off to his school prom. Looked cool in his blue linen suit, blue linen shirt and Ted Baker tie.

"Limo" was courtesy of Mrs Jamie's brother, who kindly chauffeured him in his Aston Martin Vantage!
I went to the baker - then remembered ‘man cannot live by bread alone’ so I decided to get some beer in too.


