
Today I have mainly been v3

trial xmas dinner today. chicken marabella, harrisa spuds and a la dante green beans- it was a winner, probably will add a brussels side also. a nice easy cook for 8, others doing starters, veg and puds.
clearing out the wine fridges as we no longer indulge in hunks of animal flesh ( if you cannot kill them, why let others do it for you) we have drank ib the last month 5 o 6 bottles of chateau du pape from 2015-18, and all cloying big heavy reds, still have a few 2015 good riojas, beaucastel and bolivian marsalan blends. looking forwardto restocking fridges with more modern wines that are not meat dependant.

I presume you follow the US in your change weekend?

Aye, we're pretty much in synch on everything, even the electrical grids, as some Canadian provinces sell excess generated power to neighbouring states in US.

The one area where we differ is the metric system. We kind of adopted it, eh, whereas the US has not, heh.

Fun afternoon.Took OH's 2 delightful young grandchildren to Twist museum on Oxford St and they absolutely loved. Follow by lunch at Kinchin Japanese BBQ restaurant. Individual BBQ's on every table!
Feck all. Sinusitis back with a vengeance. Getting to be an annual thing. Walked on the beach to try and inhale some salt. Watched a grebe fishing. Boy, the days are short.
A client rang me yesterday afternoon to ask if I had anyone who could do a small builders clean, in Central London this afternoon, 2 people for 3 hours he thought. Confident that a couple of my guys would want to do it I said yes. Low and behold nobody was available so Mrs BB and I went, 3 hours was actually 6. Nice for Mrs BB, my accountant, to experience what our employees do all the time. No wages to pay out either.

Cheers BB
Good to be at the coal face, i used to take out the chief executives for the day at the coal face .it was brilliant as they got down and dirty with us working
Solid classic evening yesterday with my best friend. Got to admire his photographs onboard a diesel submarine in dock in France - marvellous. He is an artist and has been doing some mosaic work with another artist on a huge new cruise ship. Fantastic pieces of work. Bizarre environment.
After several beers, my guest requested a drink - two fingers of rum/two fingers of cola with a squeeze of lemon juice.
The Wife did an exaggerated eye roll when she saw me pour the cocktail, and laughed when I said that my mate had requested it..
Sure enough, about 30 minutes later, said guest had to go and lay down and potentially puke his guts up. :D

I gave him ten minutes and went to find him - he was flopped on the spare room bed, snoring like a pissed old man. (that is what it was)
Wife texted his partner to reassure her that her man was collapsed in a pile and wasn’t going to be push biking the 3 miles home…
It was a great night with an ending that I can rib him with next time I see him.

Even better, I felt fine in the morning. hahahahhahhaha

Today I get to listen to some records - tried to contact the Headway shop to arrange shifting a load of records there, but the manager wasn’t available. Try again tomorrow.
attended the buriel of ashes of dear friend of mine . lovely service around the grave , 2 wonderful hymns including Amazing grace . lovely autumn day for it . amazing guy who lived to a ripe old age with dignity :)
Packing for a cheap trip to Rome and getting tips from the family for decent places to eat.

Best shorts in the washing machine.
After return from Arundel, quick dinner in Pret. Tried a few others first, just impossible to get in and Entrecôte queue was long as usual.
Then, OH found out the Selfridges was open till 10 pm........
Today, trying to get car fixed after destroying a tyre and track rod on a pothole in rural Northants following a diversion late last night.

