
The runners' thread... (part II)

Had to go looking for this in the PFM wilds.

Well I didnt get the 400 intervals done but have been plugging away at the training . A gym buddy of mine dropped dead last week so been feeling a bit flat with all that . Added some bar squats to my routine. Quite like it
Sad news John. Hope you are ok.

Been training quite hard, upped the mileage probably too much, so having a few days off. Had a slightly dodgy knee and the calf was letting me know it was there. Nothing serious, but I suspect I’ve been taking it all for granted. Aiming for a half-marathon in May. Up to eight miles on my long run every week. I’m adding a little extra each week. Made my short runs a little longer too, maybe that was too much. One more week of boys football then I’ll squeeze a Parkrun or two in. Planning a New Year double one with some friends.

Just trying to make sure I don’t do too much too soon...
Sad news John. Hope you are ok.

Been training quite hard, upped the mileage probably too much, so having a few days off. Had a slightly dodgy knee and the calf was letting me know it was there. Nothing serious, but I suspect I’ve been taking it all for granted. Aiming for a half-marathon in May. Up to eight miles on my long run every week. I’m adding a little extra each week. Made my short runs a little longer too, maybe that was too much. One more week of boys football then I’ll squeeze a Parkrun or two in. Planning a New Year double one with some friends.

Just trying to make sure I don’t do too much too soon...
Sounds good. I’ve ‘ over trained ‘ for years and take the view that if you can do it , do it.
It's been over a month since my last run, well, it was until yesterday. I went for a 1.5ml run yesterday and then the same this afternoon. I don't know what it was but I woke up yesterday and heard a voice inside say it's time to start running again, so I did. It would be foolish to make any promises but I enjoyed both runs and I'm looking forward to running again either tomorrow or Wednesday. I also thought about Gareth when I was on the road - I hope you're doing okay
Thanks Derek. I am OK and did a parkrun on Saturday but it was horrible, I was dying and soooo slow. Can't believe I have lost so much in just 3 weeks. Trying to get back into a regular pattern now the funeral and stuff is done with. Dad seems to be getting into a new routine and coping phenomenally well. Got a meeting with the legal folks on Friday to sort out the will etc. Mum and Dad setup a complicate trust thing to minimise death duties but I believe the law changed and it may no longer be necessary. We will see.

Going for a run tonight, it can be a combination of two loops, one is around 4.7k and one is around 3k. Can do anything from 3k up to nearly 10k depending on mood and time taken during my sons 1 hr tutor lesson. I usually do the 4.7k loop first and if it is under 28 mins then I will do the full loop again.
Good to hear you're able to find time for running Gareth. I'm sure you'll keep a close eye on your Dad as the grief from bereavement can hit some time after the event. It's great for him that you can help with the legal side, which can be the last thing you want to deal with at the time. Even now 3 years after my father's death it hits me every so often. My mum has been a trooper but I worry that her stoicism may be concealing deep unhappiness.

I ran the Boston (Jamaica pond) parkrun on Saturday - it's a lovely course, but could be a bit cold in winter since it's quite windswept, being two laps of a large pond. I hope some fishies are able to do it at some point while visiting Boston. My time was not very good (20:38) neither was my Thanksgiving turkey trot (20:05) but I partially attribute this to falling off my bike a few weeks ago resulting in various sprains and most of all bruised ribs - running a hard 5k with bruised ribs (I took painkillers for the Thanksgiving run) is a bit of a balancing act. Next up is the New Years Day 5k run by Needham running club, in my home town. Last year it was -15C and windy - I'm hoping for a little warmer this year. Robs - your nearby friend would be most welcome. It's only $20 and apparently there's some very nice running gloves in the swag bag.
I have completely lost my running Mojo....and a long time since I posted on this thread...time of year I think. Sounds/reads like we are all stepped off the pace for a bit (except Sean!).
I went out this morning for a couple of miles, fourth run in the last month...slow, but felt good though. Might do it again soon.

John H, fantastic news that you are back up and running, and fully repaired.
8 x 400m each flat out
- good luck with that!
Sorry to hear the sad news of your mate also.

Gareth, glad to hear the funeral went well (as well as these things can), and that you are running again.

Sean, 20mins with bruised ribs is phenomenal! I'll let my mate know about NYD - he's in Newton, so right next door. He missed Jamaica Pond last week, but is usually there - and getting quicker..21:59 the previous week.
I might be on the up myself as I've run 1.5 miles on each of the last three days, with the third of these runs taking place this morning. I know it's not a lot but I plan to do the same tomorrow and then after a day or two off, I'll see about upping the mileage a wee bit. Who knows, maybe we can make this the best thread on pink fish once again because, once we put our minds to it, no one and nothing* can stop us!

* injuries notwithstanding.
I might be on the up myself as I've run 1.5 miles on each of the last three days, with the third of these runs taking place this morning. I know it's not a lot but I plan to do the same tomorrow and then after a day or two off, I'll see about upping the mileage a wee bit. Who knows, maybe we can make this the best thread on pink fish once again because, once we put our minds to it, no one and nothing* can stop us!

* injuries notwithstanding.

Those bloody injuries! My calf is haunting me again, think it’s the cold!!
Thanks all. Peter was a worker in one of our local churches. Lovely fella. Would visit the gym two three times a day , not because of any particular work out strategy but because I think he liked the family atmosphere we’ve cultivated. I think it felt like home to him. He died a couple of Saturdays ago , heart attack x2. His family and most friends appear to be up north and we’re thinking of a London delegation attending the funeral.

Foot has been a bit sensitive these last two weeks, bossy physio tginks I’ve been over doing it . I was in the gym earlier , over doing it.
Thanks all. Peter was a worker in one of our local churches. Lovely fella. Would visit the gym two three times a day , not because of any particular work out strategy but because I think he liked the family atmosphere we’ve cultivated. I think it felt like home to him. He died a couple of Saturdays ago , heart attack x2. His family and most friends appear to be up north and we’re thinking of a London delegation attending the funeral.

Foot has been a bit sensitive these last two weeks, bossy physio tginks I’ve been over doing it . I was in the gym earlier , over doing it.

The physio thinks you've been overdoing it... is this the same physio that prescribed all those 400m intervals lol?

And yeah, that's bad news about your friend at the gym. Condolences, John :(

