
The runners' thread... (part II)


I’ll live!! Think it’s just tight, I’ve been taking it for granted, not stretching or warming up properly. Have an enforced week off now. Been running up too many hills. Planning a week off, then a few short ones followed by the long one. It’ll be fine. Double parkrun news day goal number one!!!
Yes that’s true , 400 x 8 flat out . Rest between each the same as each repeat. When my foot is a little more solid I will give it a shot...and report back

Thanks , Peter the paster, as I used to call him , is in a better place.
Euro XC Champs on BBC red button at the moment. Ingebrigtsen just strolled the Mens U20...what a ledge this fella is going to be.
Really good trot yesterday, my hilly 5k route in just over 28 mins. Bloody calf sore today though. Never sure whether it's needing a rest or just needing more challenging. Never seems to hurt when I'm running, just after. I usually wait until it calms down and then go out again. At least it's sore in a different place this time...
My rule for running with niggly pains is warm them for 15+ minutes before the run (hot water bottle if necessary), run gently for 10 minutes, and then after the run gentle stretch and finish with ice. Touch wood it's worked so far.
My rule for running with niggly pains is warm them for 15+ minutes before the run (hot water bottle if necessary), run gently for 10 minutes, and then after the run gentle stretch and finish with ice. Touch wood it's worked so far.

Think I'm heading for enforced rest with this one. May have pushed it a bit far yesterday. Quite sore to the touch today, but can walk and go up and down stairs ok without pain. Will give it a few days of hot and cold and see how things are.

Just checking I understand Sean, you warm, then run gently for 10, then do what you want, stretch, and then ice? I think I've been lax with the stretching having had no grief at all from the calf.

Do you use compression socks Lordy? They work for me. Wear them for long runs, and afterwards for recovering. I used to get very sore calfs, socks helped, new shoes helped more I think.
Your mileage may vary (sorry!).
Since I went out for a short on Sunday 2nd December, somehow I've been out running every day since apart from one day off last week. Admittedly, the runs have all been about 1.5ml apart from one 3.5ml run, but even so, it looks like I'm a runner once again :) I suppose the upside of low mileage is it's probably the safest way to return to running after a month off, but I'll see about doing a couple of 3.5ml runs next week and take it from there.

And looking at what Rob said above, I think we need a new punners thread lol
Just checking I understand Sean, you warm, then run gently for 10, then do what you want, stretch, and then ice?

Sorry for the slow response - yes, that's pretty much it. If I have any niggles prior to running I'm extra careful about warming the legs / knees / ankles /
achilles before heading out and then take 5 mins of gentle running to continue the warm up before upping the pace or doing anything strenuous (intervals, hills etc). I'll wear two pairs of socks, or knee warmers to keep any sore areas warm. I then stretch when I get home (gently) and ice if still uncomfortable - though by uncomfortable I mean mild sensation of discomfort - if I felt real pain anywhere I would take a 4-5 days off running and swim /bike/gym instead.

Hoping to take a car full to the Boston park run again tomorrow and try to go under 20 minutes.
I had a couple of days off holiday that I had to take before the end of the year, and so got two longer than normal mid-week runs. I did 7.5 miles on the hills, rather gently as I had various twinges. Yesterday I did 10.4 mostly flat in a hour and a half, in bright cold and windy conditions. I went out a bit fast, and faded slightly, but was not too sore afterwards.

The weekend doesn't look so great, so nice to bank a few miles first.
Yes, on the mend now I think. Lots of ice seems to helping. Won’t be going out again until the soreness has gone. Made that mistake with this calf before. Doctor suspects it might be the tendon in the side of the shin getting inflamed. Lots of ice, and rest is whatvhe suggested. Went to get it checked because it just wasn’t feeling any better.
Maybe the key word there Richard is rest - my motivation and my body feel better after a good rest. I know it's hard to say no to running, but sometimes rest is the best medicine
Still at . My foot flared up and bossy physio told me to rest it. But have managed three runs and three gyms this week just gone. I’ve changed the gym routine so I do more of the stuff people normally do in gyms so I’ve been squatting and deadlifting.

