
The runners' thread... (part II)

Gyms, eh? Better off rid. Actually set myself up with a little weight bench at home, with bar and some modest plates to try and strengthen my core and super-charge my legs for future hill work. Been getting a bit skinny around my shoulders lately so hopefully I can start to balance that out.

Won’t be running now until Dec 1st! Am considering getting a coach - someone who can keep me focused and help avoid future issues....
All I need is a thin shell waterproof, more for the wind chill than for rain if it is really cold. Legs I tend to stay with shorts but do have some tights for mid winter park runs as there is a fair bit of standing around. Biggest thing for me is a hat and gloves as my hands get really cold and take ages to warm up. The hat means I warm up faster and on cold but sunny days like today I end up taking it off after 40 mins or so.
I just wore a t-shirt and a running top with long sleeves today. Quite nice if a little blowy. Did a nice 10k ish run a time in just over an hour. Happy days.
Man that's a bummer about the bloke at the gym (reminds me of something that happened to a mate recently, see below), but canceling your membership will be good for the pennies, so some of which you can use to buy some winter running gear, so it's not all bad. I got through last winter with only a windbreaker as proper winter clothing: I wore my usual shorts throughout. I might have run with a hat, I can't remember. But the sleeves on the windbreaker were long enough to cover my fingers as well so I didn't even buy gloves. Like you, I'm not a fan of running in heavy rain so I didn't bother investing in a rain-proof jacket. I bought one a few weeks ago so I can keep on cycling but I don't plan on using it for running.

The story about my mate: he picked his 6-year-old kid up from a sports centre where there was some class on during summer and as he was walking back to his car, some dude beeped his horn and braked hard behind them as they were walking along the car park as the driver couldn't get past. It was aggressive driving and my mate shook his head in disappointment once the car carried on. The driver saw this in his mirror and promptly stopped his car and out comes a massive adrenalin-fulled bodybuilder who's ripped all over and clearly just finished a session. My mate reckons he must have been on steroids or something as his eyes were bulging out of his head and he was, pardon my french, scary as ****! The guy berated my mate who somehow retorted, 'Just get back in the car, you're embarrassing yourself'. My mate has no idea where such boldness came from as the guy could have torn him to pieces - presumably paternal instinct or something. Anyway, more abuse followed but the guy eventually got back in his car and drove off. His kid was in tears and my mate was shaking like a leaf. He reported it to the police but nothing doing as it wasn't corroborated by CCTV or whatever. Some people are scary and some scary people who are filled with adrenalin are scary and bloody dangerous!

I guess is depends on the gym you use . Mine is serious in the sense that the people who use it properly work out, we have a family atmos and idiots are actively discouraged although occasionally we do get them in. Right now actually we have a problem child in the house , a steroid idiot with hair trigger temper. But he will be managed

its connected to a track so we have a smattering of professional athletes of various sorts hanging around , some of whom try to blend in with their team gb athletic clobber on ! I’ve been using it for ten years , and it saved my life , and so it’s a happy place of mine. of course as we age it’s more and more important to maintain muscle tone , and lifting is a good way to do that. Running also really benefits from other forms of cardio like rowing as well as core and upper body strength. all of which you can get in the right gym for you.
Man that's a bummer about the bloke at the gym (reminds me of something that happened to a mate recently, see below), but canceling your membership will be good for the pennies, so some of which you can use to buy some winter running gear, so it's not all bad. I got through last winter with only a windbreaker as proper winter clothing: I wore my usual shorts throughout. I might have run with a hat, I can't remember. But the sleeves on the windbreaker were long enough to cover my fingers as well so I didn't even buy gloves. Like you, I'm not a fan of running in heavy rain so I didn't bother investing in a rain-proof jacket. I bought one a few weeks ago so I can keep on cycling but I don't plan on using it for running.

The story about my mate: he picked his 6-year-old kid up from a sports centre where there was some class on during summer and as he was walking back to his car, some dude beeped his horn and braked hard behind them as they were walking along the car park as the driver couldn't get past. It was aggressive driving and my mate shook his head in disappointment once the car carried on. The driver saw this in his mirror and promptly stopped his car and out comes a massive adrenalin-fulled bodybuilder who's ripped all over and clearly just finished a session. My mate reckons he must have been on steroids or something as his eyes were bulging out of his head and he was, pardon my french, scary as ****! The guy berated my mate who somehow retorted, 'Just get back in the car, you're embarrassing yourself'. My mate has no idea where such boldness came from as the guy could have torn him to pieces - presumably paternal instinct or something. Anyway, more abuse followed but the guy eventually got back in his car and drove off. His kid was in tears and my mate was shaking like a leaf. He reported it to the police but nothing doing as it wasn't corroborated by CCTV or whatever. Some people are scary and some scary people who are filled with adrenalin are scary and bloody dangerous!
I too am not one for tights Derek, shorts do me no matter the weather, although I do wear gloves, without gloves my hands would probably drop off! Inherited something called raynauds from my mother's side!
I went out this morning for a short 1.5ml run around my neighbourhood. I've done this every second day since Sunday although I haven't bothered tracking the runs on Strava as I'm trying to just get out there and run to see if I can rediscover the joy of running as my motivation to run has been low for a while. I haven't even logged in to Strava for ages so I wouldn't be surprised if Strava told me to bugger off for being just a part-time jogger lol. Anyway, so far so good... so far still jogging.
I went out this morning for a short 1.5ml run around my neighbourhood. I've done this every second day since Sunday although I haven't bothered tracking the runs on Strava as I'm trying to just get out there and run to see if I can rediscover the joy of running as my motivation to run has been low for a while. I haven't even logged in to Strava for ages so I wouldn't be surprised if Strava told me to bugger off for being just a part-time jogger lol. Anyway, so far so good... so far still jogging.

Hi Derek

Sorry your mojo is down especially as you were key to kicking off this thread and the Strava group which I have enjoyed immensely. Not sure quite what ails you but you set some pretty big targets and whilst you hit many of them I get the impression that that injuries are getting you down.

I am a terrible runner really and don't seem to be making any progress however I am happy to just be out there and running with my friends. This makes a huge difference to me and having Parkrun and various related events as a target every couple of months helps me get out and train.

I am finding that the more miles I do, the more niggles I seem to be accumulating. I need to back off the mileage I think or at least get there more gradually as at my age and weight I am aware of the stresses I am putting my body through.

I have a half on the 11th and a 10k on the 18th and I think that will be it for a while. I need my knee to recover and will probably move to just cycling for a while. Sorry I am not more local to you as I would be happy to join you for a social run or two!
Day one in the Non Running house. Dammit, I want to go out for a run! Back from physio, apparently my recent woes were due to right leg being out of alignment and therefore effective length by a significant margin; physio was surprised I'd been able to run more than a few miles without issues, but we're made of hardy stuff up here. Anyway, that's been manipulated back to normal, and hopefully, with some rest and work on glute strengthening and flexibility, I will be back to functional fitness within a few weeks, just in time to start the build up for CTS Northumberland 2019....
Good news! I imagine the realignment was a relaxing pleasurable experience, a bit like a candlelit bath with a pint of Guinness
Day one in the Non Running house. Dammit, I want to go out for a run! Back from physio, apparently my recent woes were due to right leg being out of alignment and therefore effective length by a significant margin; physio was surprised I'd been able to run more than a few miles without issues, but we're made of hardy stuff up here. Anyway, that's been manipulated back to normal, and hopefully, with some rest and work on glute strengthening and flexibility, I will be back to functional fitness within a few weeks, just in time to start the build up for CTS Northumberland 2019....

I think CTS Northumberland looks great, I am really envious and had picked it out as a future target. I did CTS Suffolk in 2017, it was excellent! The Endurance Life people are really good. There are a few things I learnt that I would do differently if I ever do another Ultra.
  • Do strength exercises for the vastus medialis, which stablises the knee-cap.
  • Not get knee injury with 3 weeks to go. (See above).
  • Do some moderate speed work, like say Parkrun once or twice a month, rather than just going for miles per week.
  • Not start quite so conservatively, walk a bit less, run a bit more.
  • Drink a bit more, and refill my water bottles one more time than I did.
  • Carry some savory food items - I got bored with sweetish stuff, and craved something like crisps.
  • Do the post race recovery a bit better - eat sooner, including at least a bit of protein
Best of luck with the recovery!
Thanks. Just for clarification, I'm entered for the marathon, rather than the ultra; I'm not at all ready to take on ultra-distance races, at least in my head anyway....
Well....according to the website it's 27.2 I guess you could class that as an ultra!

Looks a beautiful course. Quite tempted but February oop North...hmmm...:eek:

LOL the video makes it look like middle of summer...
10 miles this morning at a steady pace, my longest run this year. I'm on track to meet my target of 500 miles in 2018. I know it's not a lot but I'm also on track for 6,000 plus cycling miles.
Still getting my runs in, so this week about 17 miles and three good strong gym sessions too. Compo lawyer still cracking on and bossy physio keeping a big brown eye on me.
All my extensive (half marathon, 5k and 10k in the space of a week) running plans came crashing down around me as my mother became seriously ill while I was away in the US last week and sadly died on Sunday to the sounds of the last post. Needless to say running has been the last thing on my mind.
Truly sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you (as someone who also lost his mum unexpectedly on a sad November day in 2012). Hope you’re bearing up okay.
I'm really sorry to hear that Gareth. I hope you find some time to get out and run / bike to help keep your head straight even if you can't be at any events.
Thanks all, all a bit strange right now.

Looking forward to getting some time to myself and going on a loooooong run or ride.

