
The runners' thread... (part II)

Indeed, I’m sure I did that classic thing of too many miles just because I could. How are you getting on @JTC ?
Back to running after my November break. Slow as shit and struggling with my adductor still. Managed 10K yesterday morning around snowy central Glasgow though. Will try for another 8-10K later today...
Got a short one in (3.5 ?) at decent pace just as the rain started yesterday, and did very relaxed, hilly 9.4 today. Total of about 30 miles for the week. Means I have lots of options for next year; if I get some base miles in over the Christmas break I could maybe do a longer spring run, transport permitting. The Stroud trail races are nice, but I would have to persuade somebody to give me a lift.
Another physio defying 6k earlier . Felt fine and went as quick as poss. Wearing the right clothes too which I have been getting wrong recently . I should look at the weather forecast rather than the calendar.

I’ve been doing lots of bar squats and deadlifting in the gym . The legs felt really strong. My gym buddies advise mixing it up as a good way to challenge and strenghten the body . And if you just run that means you !
Achieved my goal of 500 running miles in 2018! Not a huge total compared to what some of you have run but cycling is my main activity and I've ridden 5,000 plus miles.
tremendous stuff. 500 miles a year is a good amount of running particularly if mixed with other stuff .
Apart from this morning, I haven't run since Monday as I came off my bike and ended up with a leg that looked like it had been in a fight with a cheese grater and lost, badly. I'm all right and I can run okay now that the pain has eased off but I think it's safe to say I'll probably never win a Good Looking Left Leg competition lol.

I will be running on Christmas Day... if only to maintain my metabolism :)
Our local parkrun does a Christmas morning event where I will be running, sorry Ego! Also I wore my freebie Brooks ugly beany which is a little christmassy.
Apart from this morning, I haven't run since Monday as I came off my bike and ended up with a leg that looked like it had been in a fight with a cheese grater and lost, badly. I'm all right and I can run okay now that the pain has eased off but I think it's safe to say I'll probably never win a Good Looking Left Leg competition lol.

I will be running on Christmas Day... if only to maintain my metabolism :)

Sorry to hear that, but good that nothing is broken. At least in winter clothing prevents the worst of the road rash. I still have niggling pains (wrist, ribs) from my bike fall mid November, but they're getting better. Been running biking and finally back to swimming (though the wrist aches). Next up is New Year's day 5k - current long range forecast is snow (3-5") - hoping that doesn't transpire.

Good luck to the Christmas park runners - a morning run / bike should be mandatory on Christmas day - the lunch goes down so much easier.
Great to see you back on the road John (Hunt) - what a year for you, fantastic that you have recovered so well.

Sounds like a few may be planning a little Christmas trot... I may join in for a short one.
My local Parkrun is on, but think I'll skip that and just go for a gentle short local trip. Have just downloaded a skiing app for my mate Garmin, and will be off on boxing day, so don't want to strain anything running around a muddy parkrun course beforehand!

576 miles for me in 2018 according to Strava, though a few of those walking, so more like 550 running. New PBs for 5km, 10km, half and full marathon so a good year and well happy :)

Merry Christmas all and maybe see you out on the road somewhere!!
So much for my law of NOT running on Christmas Day, you lot are just completely bonkers!
I will be too busy building creations that require an engineering degree to assemble....maybe an escape on to the open road is not a bad idea after all, I just wouldn't live to tell the tale! The WHMBO would slice me into pieces and feed me to the turkeys!
Take care all. Have a good one.
Little trot today. I’ve joined the pfm Strava club. Working out this calf strain thingy. I think the shop sold me the wrong shoes. All my shows show signs of supination, the shoes sold to me were for severe over-pronation. A trot in my old shoes a neutral pair of Adidas Boost left me with no knee or calf pain. Hmmm, I think a visit to a different shop and a different analysis is in my Christmas future.

Double Parkrun on New Years Day is the next big trot, otherwise a few gentle jogs to blow the cobwebs away. Boxing Day and the 28th are scheduled.

Season’s greetings to y’all!
It has to be said John your comeback is beginning to sound like potential bestseller: Can't Walk, Can't Sing... But Can Run A Long Way!

Nice of you to say so. I gave a book about running, fell running , to my physio as a thank you . It’s called feet in the clouds and is a study of obsession , and running fast uphill and very fast down hill. It’s really good, and v funny in places .

I’ve been squatting 4x 10 x 65kg, and dead lifting my body wieght but lower reps . As a result by legs sometimes feel like they have another gear for running. Still going slow mind. I was in there yesterday with a posse of proper athletes . One of them ran the 4x400 final in the 2012 . I try not to be intimated by these young fellas and in return one of them corrected my kettlebell form
Belated Merry Xmas all! During a cheeky run of my own design (the “12Ks of xmas trail run”) I managed to break 1200 running miles for 2018, so after a mediocre year at least I got to my goal mileage.

Next year’s plan is to get fit. At least a little bit.
P.S. Not running today as I’ve run fairly hard the past few days. Good luck to all the Boxing Day runners wherever you are!

