
Should Ched Evans be playing professional soccer?

Anyone who supports the principle of rehabilitation of offenders has to support him returning to pro football.

I agree with that, but not whilst he is appealing his conviction and is on licence. Maybe he will show some remorse if his appeal fails.
Society has become far too precious and indignantly self righteous in any crime where sex may have been part of the motive in my opinion (obviously peados deserve everything they get of course!) and most of this has come out of tabloids stirring up indignation in order to sell papers...

Why exactly are convicted rapists to be given a second chance but 'peados' are not?
I haven't read the thread but no, not until he admits his crime and says sorry or is found innocent. It is clear cut- you can't have your cake and eat it.
But what deterrent is there when some thug who kicks an inflated leather balloon as a "job" can commit just about the worst crime, then return to "work"? He should be banned from all sport as an example.

People are choosing there responses here, some on PF would say a person doing 120 on the motorway should have his license thrown away
Recidivism would suggest that deterrents do not work in all cases but until Ched Evans is arrested and charged and found guilty of the same offence then I think for Ched deterrents do work.
One of the first rules of internet forum etiquette.

You should never post on a thread without reading it first.

W**k! I was simply answering the op. I wasn't interested in the rest of you.

Here is an actual rule of the internet:- there is no dominion.
Genuine question, so please don't attack me.......

Is there a chance this bloke has been wrongly convicted???

OK, so I have a daughter & I probably have stronger views towards Rapists than most on here. ...but from research I did, I gather that :

- The girl went willingly to the hotel & carried out sexual acts on both players.
- the girl is on record as having tried this before with a rugby player.
- She made several twitter posts bragging how she was about to "win big" & speaking of cars & holidays etc.. & that these were quickly deleted.

I accept that the activity is sordid & not proper behaviour, but is it possible that Ched Evans is victim of a scam here?

Maybe I've missed something?
Genuine question, so please don't attack me.......

Is there a chance this bloke has been wrongly convicted???

OK, so I have a daughter & I probably have stronger views towards Rapists than most on here. ...but from research I did, I gather that :

- The girl went willingly to the hotel & carried out sexual acts on both players.
- the girl is on record as having tried this before with a rugby player.
- She made several twitter posts bragging how she was about to "win big" & speaking of cars & holidays etc.. & that these were quickly deleted.

I accept that the activity is sordid & not proper behaviour, but is it possible that Ched Evans is victim of a scam here?

Maybe I've missed something?

Of course. That is why we have courts, judges, juries and stuff who spend days/weeks listening to and weighing up the evidence. You can even appeal and have your case heard again if you think you have been treated unfairly. They do their very best and are usually right but sometimes wrong.

This is why we have stopped hanging people, which tends to be more serious than not being able to play professional football.
Anyone who supports the principle of rehabilitation of offenders has to support him returning to pro football.

No they don't. The principle of rehabilitation doesn't mean you have to be automatically allowed to return to the career you had previously.....especially a career that influences young people/fans. Some careers are typically off limits to ex-convicts and whilst being a professional footballer isn't one currently, it doesn't mean he is 'entitled' to a return to professional football or that he should be supported in such endeavours.
Genuine question, so please don't attack me.......

Is there a chance this bloke has been wrongly convicted???

OK, so I have a daughter & I probably have stronger views towards Rapists than most on here. ...but from research I did, I gather that :

- The girl went willingly to the hotel & carried out sexual acts on both players.
- the girl is on record as having tried this before with a rugby player.
- She made several twitter posts bragging how she was about to "win big" & speaking of cars & holidays etc.. & that these were quickly deleted.

I accept that the activity is sordid & not proper behaviour, but is it possible that Ched Evans is victim of a scam here?

Maybe I've missed something?

No you haven't. An ever growing number of people think that there's something very wrong going on here.

W**k! I was simply answering the op. I wasn't interested in the rest of you.

That explains a lot.
To be honest, I couldn't give a toss either way whether he plays or not. Why is this bloke called Ched, anyway? Is it short for Cheddar, or what?
I absolutely believe in rehabilitation after a punishment has been served for a crime. And he can if he so wishes play professional football, and i would be happy to see that happen.

On the question of whether he is innocent and a miscarriage of justice has been done, if I recall, he had sex with a woman who was too drunk to give consent. This was deemed a rape which seems a perfectly reasonable description of what occurred. Even if for the sake of argument she did give a notional consent, in the state she was in would it not be the better thing to do to err on the side of caution/kindness/social responsibility and not have sex with her? That he professes his innocence yet acknowledges that this woman was very drunk seems to me that he still cannot see the issue. He seems unable to even accept that it was at the very least very poor judgement on his behalf to have sex with her in the state she was in.

This sort of social behaviour would appear to be acted out by too many man and regrettably by too many men who think they have the right either by status or activity or wealth. They don't and maybe this man has been made an example of but unless he can at least see the principle here he, and we are no further forward.
Fact: Ched is a convicted rapist.

Fact: he has been released on licence like 90% of convicts.

Fact: acknowledgment of guilt or remorse is not required for release on licence.

Fact: there is no law that prevents a rapist from working as a professional footballer.

My opinion: if professional footballers are role models, then a rapist would fit right in.

