
Should Ched Evans be playing professional soccer?

All of these articles use The term rape as a blanket term without nuance. I wonder why the facts of evans conviction and that evening in the hotel are not actually talked about.

Try explaining to your wife/partner that there are nuances of rape. You may find A & E is not too busy in the afternoon.

Does the woman being in a state of drunkeness constitute one of the nuances you refer to?
She had sex with two blokes one after the other, she was found capable of giving consent to No1 (who was found not guilty) but found incapable of giving consent to No2(who got 5 years)-I'm having trouble squaring that logic.

It doesn't mean he was innocent but it does throw up reasonable doubt in my mind.
She also was sufficiently sober to know she wanted a pepperoni pizza.

Additionally her defence is no memory from 2 am. She gave consent at that the time but that consent was found to worthless.
Its rape Jim but as I know it.
She had sex with two blokes one after the other, she was found capable of giving consent to No1 (who was found not guilty) but found incapable of giving consent to No2(who got 5 years)-I'm having trouble squaring that logic.

It's explained in the summary and the instructions to the jury.
She also was sufficiently sober to know she wanted a pepperoni pizza.

And sufficiently drunk that people in the pizza place said she seemed very drunk.

When I have severe hypos and the only part of my brain functioning is the bit that is barely evolved from when we were lizards, I can still make decisions about what sugary treat I am going to stuff my face with.

Its rape Jim but [not] as I know it.

But it is rape as the law knows it and the jury determined it to be.
They were both charged with rape i.e. none consensual sex.
I found the logic of the judges direction extremely difficult to follow.

You are either too pissed to give consent or you are not imo in which case I'm not sure how the other guy can walk(other than as due to the directions of the judge).In which case this girl still hasn't had justice...
It would seem the club that I support - Oldham are going to offer Ched a contract and a chance to get on with his life .

well done Oldham . And please hold your nerve .
This was discussed in detail in November. Unless he has acknowledged what he did and showed remorse nothing has changed from that discussion.

oh...........I see Oldham are reconsidering their position!

It is not about nerve...........just morals.
This was discussed in detail in November. Unless he has acknowledged what he did and showed remorse nothing has changed from that discussion.

oh...........I see Oldham are reconsidering their position!

It is not about nerve...........just morals.

As was said at the time, no doubt, you cannot acknowledge or show remorse if you believe you have done nothing wrong.

Also are no criminals worthy of employment unless they show remorse? How should this remorse be demonstrated btw?
As far as I can make out from fairly detailed reading up on his case he is probably innocent.
In which case, and as he himself is professing his innocence, why should he show remorse?

Even if he was guilty he's done his time and so deserves the chance to rebuild his life and career.
As far as I can make out from fairly detailed reading up on his case he is probably innocent.
In which case, and as he himself is professing his innocence, why should he show remorse?

In which case why was he found guilty? Even his appeal was thrown out.

Even if he was guilty he's done his time and so deserves the chance to rebuild his life and career.

He's actually out on licence, so he hasn't fully served his sentence.

It's probably best if he waits until his 'new' appeal is heard, which will take around 35 weeks.
Miscarriages of justice do happen.

Have you read the appeal judgement or indeed this thread.

Meat pie sausage roll come on Oldman let ched score a goal.
Suzanne Moore gets straight to the point in The Guardian here:

No football club should touch Ched Evans, even if he ever does apologize.

"I see no need for Ched Evans to stop playing the beautiful game. There are parks and grounds all over the country. He is entitled to use his skills to make a living. He can coach. But like many others, I find the idea of this convicted rapist returning to professional football, by signing to Oldham Athletic, sickening.

"The talk of rehabilitation and second chances simply does not wash in Evans’s case. Football managers surely know this, as some moronic supporters line up in Ched Evans masks with blow up dolls, or tweet rape threats to women who oppose this signing.

"A high-profile case like this reveals that rape culture exists not in some subterranean dressing room, but runs unbowed through all discussion. This is, after all, a country where the number of rape allegations that end in a conviction on that charge is still shockingly low."

I agree with Suzanne.

"I see no need for Ched Evans to stop playing the beautiful game. There are parks and grounds all over the country. He is entitled to use his skills to make a living. He can coach. But like many others, I find the idea of this convicted rapist returning to professional football, by signing to Oldham Athletic, sickening.
Ched Evans can only make a living from playing football if a club is willing to sign him. Each club which considers him has to weigh up the pros and cons and make their own decision. I'm sure he appreciates he's not entitled to a contract, which is quite different from being barred from playing football.

The chances are few, if any, clubs (and their sponsors) will be willing to accept the cons. Just one of those things.
Suzanne Moore gets straight to the point in The Guardian here:

No football club should touch Ched Evans, even if he ever does apologize.

"I see no need for Ched Evans to stop playing the beautiful game. There are parks and grounds all over the country. He is entitled to use his skills to make a living. He can coach. But like many others, I find the idea of this convicted rapist returning to professional football, by signing to Oldham Athletic, sickening.

"The talk of rehabilitation and second chances simply does not wash in Evans’s case. Football managers surely know this, as some moronic supporters line up in Ched Evans masks with blow up dolls, or tweet rape threats to women who oppose this signing.

"A high-profile case like this reveals that rape culture exists not in some subterranean dressing room, but runs unbowed through all discussion. This is, after all, a country where the number of rape allegations that end in a conviction on that charge is still shockingly low."

I agree with Suzanne.


I couldn't disagree more with Suzanne!

I have a feeling I'll be going out on a limb here... but here goes... I think the seriousness of rape in cases such as this alleged case, where no violence was used and it's a matter of interpretation as to whether it was even rape, is vastly overblown. If he had assaulted someone causing multiple broken bones , fractured ribs etc then IMHO that would have been MUCH worse..

I doubt there would have been much outcry over this though and he'd probably have been instantly accepted by a variety of clubs and their supporters..... I'm guessing many will disagree...

Society has become far too precious and indignantly self righteous in any crime where sex may have been part of the motive in my opinion (obviously peados deserve everything they get of course!) and most of this has come out of tabloids stirring up indignation in order to sell papers...

Hence elderly ex celebs being hunted as if in a witch trial for, in some cases, merely groping and making lewd suggestions.
Anyone who supports the principle of rehabilitation of offenders has to support him returning to pro football.
Suzanne Moore gets straight to the point in The Guardian here:

No football club should touch Ched Evans, even if he ever does apologize.

"I see no need for Ched Evans to stop playing the beautiful game. There are parks and grounds all over the country. He is entitled to use his skills to make a living. He can coach. But like many others, I find the idea of this convicted rapist returning to professional football, by signing to Oldham Athletic, sickening.

"The talk of rehabilitation and second chances simply does not wash in Evans’s case. Football managers surely know this, as some moronic supporters line up in Ched Evans masks with blow up dolls, or tweet rape threats to women who oppose this signing.

"A high-profile case like this reveals that rape culture exists not in some subterranean dressing room, but runs unbowed through all discussion. This is, after all, a country where the number of rape allegations that end in a conviction on that charge is still shockingly low."

I agree with Suzanne.


Utter nonsense. I like the bit where she would permit him to 'coach' - All I can say is I hope he ends up as the England team manager, goes on to win the World Cup.

I have no idea whether he is guilty or not, but in principle we have laws - he's been found guilty and sentenced. He has been punished and if the judge had not wanted him to restart his career in football he would have said so. It is not for anyone to take the law in to their own hands and mete out further punishment.

