
Rega 50th anniversary: what’s next?

The 50th Anniversary costs £19 more than the RRP for an RP3 with Exact which is where the £19 came from. In my opinion this is a good deal but honestly I didnt hear £180 of difference (caveat being this is not my system so have only heard each deck for a few minutes after setting them up).
DinAlt, apologies, embarrassingly I was getting confused when comparing the different models and configurations quoted. You are right about the £19 differential, obviously ignoring the Neo and belt. PD
P3 50th Anniversary up & running. Looks great & as expected sounding great as well.

Was going to hold off buying a new TT to replace my outgoing LP12 till later in the year but these are far to tempting at £899.

As you can see from the pic I'm turning into a bit of a Rega fanboy. The RX Ones are another new addition.

Is there any hint about availability for the Planar 3? The marketing guff said something like "throughout the year". I really hope that means I can get one in a few months...
Is there any hint about availability for the Planar 3? The marketing guff said something like "throughout the year". I really hope that means I can get one in a few months...
One of the reasons I pulled the trigger so quickly was my concern that demand would outstrip supply & end up missing out. According to John at MAX they are selling like hotcakes which is no surprise really.

Much better vfm than the other anniversary product about which there is another thread & I assume the one @Alex S is referring to above. (Does look good though).

It really looks good IMO. Much prefer it to the usual gloss colours. I like this one a lot.
Even before this was announced I was considering a P3 as my next deck. I was a little upset to learn they are no longer available in green as that would have been my preference. The Walnut looks even better.
P3 50th Anniversary up & running. Looks great & as expected sounding great as well.

Was going to hold off buying a new TT to replace my outgoing LP12 till later in the year but these are far to tempting at £899.

As you can see from the pic I'm turning into a bit of a Rega fanboy. The RX Ones are another new addition.

Hello, I want to buy one
I am very intrigued by the sound
What are your feelings, it seems a hybrid between rega p6 and p3
Hello, I want to buy one
I am very intrigued by the sound
What are your feelings, it seems a hybrid between rega p6 and p3

That is, in essence, what it is.

You gain the Exact and Neo of the 6 but don't get the Platter, sub platter and lighter 'foam' plint.

I think it's 1+ kg heavier than the 6.

With other brands, heavier is always marketed as better. Rega works the other way round.

I am entirely happy for my use with the Exact but there is no doubt better precision/detail can be had (if spending more). Very involving and punchy. High output.

I would imagine it's most of the TT most will need unless you are really big into vinyl in which case I'd personally would look into an 8.
With other brands, heavier is always marketed as better. Rega works the other way round.

It is depressing just how much the (woefully incorrect IMO) ‘mass is best’ thing has taken over audio. It just looks like groupthink/cult behaviour to me. An industry-wide shared belief in environmentally wasteful construction for worse sound! The next stage will be to sell high-end hi-fi by the kg.
I read a review only yesterday of a T+A item that said nonchalantly "it's very light for a hi-end item". Rather depressing.

