
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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And will UK Citizens living in Europe be disenfranchised again ? Extraordinary when you think the vote affects them more than anyone else. Anyone would think the Tory Party want a leave result :rolleyes:
Does anyone have any idea how many Tory MPs would vote/abstain for a second referendum, and how many Labour MPs wouldn't, if you see what I mean?
Is Labour’s commitment to a second ref all it seems? Looks like Milne isn’t too happy. “And now, in less than three hours, it begins to unravel.. Reuters: "Labour spokesman says referendum giving choice between May's deal and Remain would not be acceptable."

No reference to Milne in the original Reuters article...

...just someone on Twitter assuming, which is then picked up by someone else - and the next thing you know ‘Milne says...’ becomes the accepted truth. Tricky business, trying to sift out the facts on the internet.
Is Labour’s commitment to a second ref all it seems? Looks like Milne isn’t too happy. “And now, in less than three hours, it begins to unravel.. Reuters: "Labour spokesman says referendum giving choice between May's deal and Remain would not be acceptable."

Fingers crossed.
Milne is a communist and malign influence on Labour who pulls Corbyn's strings. Hopefully Starmer and others will now see him off, along with the equally malign McCluskey.
Yes. In addition any likely result of a second referendum will be so close as to simply continue the "we wuz robbed" refrain of the losing side, hardly a recipe for unity in the future.

The danger of falling into the Gove/Leadsom trap of declaring a second referendum 'divisive' or 'dangerous to democracy' is that it pretends the first one somehow wasn't.

I'm afraid that cat left the bag with the first vote. At least this one would be against a backdrop of exactly how "easy it will be", how much more "they need us" and that Fox has delivered, err, perhaps two of his forty trade deals that would be ready on the morning after the sunny uplands appeared.

By any reasonable measure a vote now would be a more informed vote. Brexiteers would be all over this if they really thought they would win it, but in any event if people choose that again - there can be no complaints from them when their arses get handed to them to help pay the price.
As Owen Jones correctly said, the "tell them again" message is massively powerful and sh1ts like Chuka, Blair et al leading the remain charge will not help at all.
This is so true regardless of anyone's stance regarding Brexit. Many here feel it will be a walk over for remain, I can't see it with this government in charge.
Does anyone have any idea how many Tory MPs would vote/abstain for a second referendum, and how many Labour MPs wouldn't, if you see what I mean?
Stephen Bush points out that "43 [Labour MPs] have publicly committed to opposing another referendum and that number is certainly too low as I have only been able to add to that as and when MPs, activists or aides have sent me the relevant election literature." Just 9 Con MPs - including the splitters - have publicly committed to support one.

He's interesting on the Kyle and Wilson amendment too:

"The political thinking behind Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson’s amendment, which would amend the accompanying legislation for the Withdrawal Bill to allow a vote on the deal is it allows MPs to tell Leave voters they backed the deal and Remain voters that they backed another referendum. It's this amendment that Jeremy Corbyn has committed to backing after and if (and considering the balance of forces in the House of Commons, that essentially means when) his plans are defeated this week."

Mad, I think, to think that May won't devise a way to wriggle out of a ref once the bill is through, should she want to.
In which case the Brexiteers will be in favour of a second referendum as it will reinforce the result of the first one. Let's wait and see what the far right tabloids such as the Daily Mail have to say about that.
I would welcome a second ref as would many who voted leave I would imagine as long as the leave option deal represents Brexit, as it stands, May's deal is a joke.
This is so true regardless of anyone's stance regarding Brexit. Many here feel it will be a walk over for remain, I can't see it with this government in charge.

If people vote for what they see on the telly or the headline in a rag instead of using their noggins you may well be right. And they will fully deserve what they get and no sympathy.
I would welcome a second ref as would many who voted leave I would imagine as long as the leave option deal represents Brexit, as it stands, May's deal is a joke.

Well, at the moment, there is no deal so "Brexit as it stands" means crashing out without a deal. I can't understand why anyone outside of the lunatic branch of the Tory party thinks this is a good idea.
Unless Corbyn gets all his MPs to vote for a 2nd Referendum he is still playing a game: "we tried you know".

Agreed, although in his defence it is a risky one: A second referendum that looks unlikely to happen plus a chorus of ‘you tried to stop our lovely Brexit’ from a large chunk of his supporters at the next election.
No reference to Milne in the original Reuters article...

...just someone on Twitter assuming, which is then picked up by someone else - and the next thing you know ‘Milne says...’ becomes the accepted truth. Tricky business, trying to sift out the facts on the internet.

I was being mischievous. I obviously have no idea who the spokesperson was, but Milne certainly fits the bill.
But the country democratically voted to leave, Gassor.

That is kind of important (read extremely important/relevant in a democratic country etc).

Wow, we are a democratic country now. I thought we were controlled by some ruling elite who due to their money and control of the media can decide on everything and voting was just a smokescreen to give a semblance of being a participative democracy. Every day is a schoolday.
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