
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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It doesn’t stop him making the argument. You are happy to go on about “Blairites” and sneer at Umunna, Berger etc, yet those are the ones who eventually had the conviction to stand up and do the right thing. Corbyn has been hiding under his desk from the largest post-war issue facing the UK for fear of upsetting repugnant isolationists like Mann, Stewart, Hoey etc. That is not leadership!
Hiding under his desk.
O wad some Power the giftie gie us,
to see oursels as The New York Times see us

....the calamity of a no-deal Brexit.

This, absent an accord or deferral, would involve Britain crashing out of the union on March 29 into a void. Bring it on! So say the hard-line Tories in May’s party, their appetite for destruction not yet sated. Many of them are members of the European Research Group, an entity whose anodyne name masks its pro-Brexit zeal. It has apparently never heard of a multinational supply chain.

Honda’s recent decision to close a plant in Swindon with the loss of 3,500 jobs — unrelated, it says, to Brexit (ha-ha) — and Nissan’s recent retrenchment are signs, along with slower growth and lower investment, of the price Britain has already paid for uncertainty. No-deal Brexit would turn uncertainty into mayhem.

So May maneuvers to save her deal, chiefly by adjusting the “backstop,” an insurance policy to preserve an open border in Ireland that has enraged hard-line Brexiteers because they see it as a Trojan horse for keeping Britain in the customs union through all eternity.

Jeremy Corbyn, the feckless Labour leader, maneuvers to keep his fingerprint off the British exit he not-so-secretly favors, while the majority of his party wants to remain in the European Union and eight M.P.s quit to form an independent group in Parliament to protest his policies.

Yvette Cooper, a leading Labour politician, pushes a bill to defer the March 29 deadline; and two other Labour M.P.s, Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson, have drawn up an amendment that would see the House of Commons approve May’s accord on condition that it is put to a second referendum. (As for the Malthouse Compromise and forms of a soft or free-trade Brexit modeled on Norwegian or Canadian ties to the union, consign them, dear reader, to the vast T.M.I. Brexit archive).

The bottom line is simple: Brexit has been, is and will be a disaster for Britain. The 2016 vote was manipulated through lies. A country that has benefited from its 46-year participation in a union of more than a half-billion Europeans is drifting toward a self-amputation understood by few, opposed by the young, abetted by a dissembling anti-American Labour leader, driven by little-England Tory right-wingers holding the country for ransom, and, according to polls, no longer wanted by the majority.

Here are the odds in descending order of likelihood: An adjusted May accord secures parliamentary approval; the March 29 deadline is extended; no deal; a second referendum. Fight on! The best option, now that the country has sobered up, is to put Britain’s real future to a second people’s vote.
Are you's not as simple as Corbyn giving his backing? That the numbers might not be there?

Why didn't he see this coming, the old ____!
Emily Maitlis described his agreeing to consider a PV as sounding like a hostage in a kidnapper video.
A Government Minister saying there will be civil disorder if his Government doesn’t get its way- echoed by the foul ex-ukipper, was echoed by Suzanne Evans who got wheeled out like a political stiff on ITV Scotland. She predicts civil disorder too if Brexit is delayed by one day - ie. she’s calling for it. She also said a second referendum would be an attack on democracy ( like “Corbyn is an attack on democracy”). Five minutes later the interviewer asked her if “she had anything to fear from a second referendum”- “absolutely nothing, we’ll win with a bigger majority” replied the idiot.
Which ever way this goes- I’ll put money on it that a new far right Party emerges from the Tories in Westminster.
Corbyn has been criticising the Tories for putting their party above the interests of the country. But the fact he does the same is OK, it's on the basis of electoral logic y'see.
But the country democratically voted to leave, Gassor.

That is kind of important (read extremely important/relevant in a democratic country etc).

Only now (as of today) he is willing to reconsider that strategy and go for a second ref. Putting the country first finally? No, just trying to stop his party from rupturing wide open. He's a man of principle y'see?
But it's not only now, as of today. Labour democratically agreed at their conference that were they not able to force a GE, or ensure their softer Brexit was in the offing, they would pursue a second referendum which would give voters the chance to vote for a Tory Brexit, or to remain.

This is good. It is responsible. It has nothing to do with the Blairite 7's exit because it was policy long before said exit.

It's time for remainers to put away the Corbyn voodoo dolls now. He does not stand in the way of the second referendum you all sought.

Target those who do.
But it's not only now, as of today. Labour democratically agreed at their conference that were they not able to force a GE, or ensure their softer Brexit was in the offing, they would pursue a second referendum which would give voters the chance to vote for a Tory Brexit, or to remain.

But the VONC, and the rejection of Labour’s amendment seems a lifetime ago, and yet within days of 7 MPs leaving, and rumblings of discontent from others, the 2nd referendum is on the table.

To be honest, I’m grateful it’s there, because I’m concerned we’re heading towards a no deal Brexit, and no one apart from some far right MPs sees that as being anything but a disaster.
Chuka is doing a wonderful job of making a mouthful of shit look lovely. I guess a career of eating shit, talking shit and being up to your neck in shit helps.

Bloody well said. That picture makes me feel sick. Not just the people in it but that posters on here (who largely strike me as intelligent) and a good % of the public think that such a bunch of unprincipled, attention-seeking sh1ts are doing anything other than trying to further their personal ambitions.

Owen Jones highlighted just what these ball-bags stand for 'All they have left is a throwback hotchpotch of reheated Blairism and Thatcherism, cuts, privatisation, and pro-rich policies.'

This bunch of narcissists and their fledgling party will sink without trace. Just like the LibDems they will be found out. It will end badly. It will end when their financial backers are exposed. Always follow the money.
Bloody well said. That picture makes me feel sick. Not just the people in it but that posters on here (who largely strike me as intelligent) and a good % of the public think that such a bunch of unprincipled, attention-seeking sh1ts are doing anything other than trying to further their personal ambitions.

This bunch of narcissists and their fledgling party will sink without trace. Just like the LibDems they will be found out. It will end badly. It will end when their financial backers are exposed. Always follow the money.
I don't know Harry, it seems to me they'll just slot in quite seamlessly in a sort of "spot the difference" kind of way.
Cabinet meeting this morning? Fingers crossed. The Tory Party destruction I've waited over 50 years for could start today.

Are you an acid Harry? Don't get me wrong, if JC is following through the conference decision on a PV - good on him. The bit that made me smile was hearing that it was like watching a hostage read out the ransom demand.

Somewhere in the shadows there was a strange crunching sound. it was 'Lightning' Len McCluskey eating an ashtray.
Keir Starmer on BBC this morning was clear, concise and answered every question directly and with confidence. David Liddington was also on. I have no idea what he said or what happens next.

The Tories are in total disarray. Labour's 'long game' is working.
Emily Maitlis described his agreeing to consider a PV as sounding like a hostage in a kidnapper video.
Like a hostage reading out the ransom note, according Nick Robinson on Today.

I don't trust Corbyn, though Kier Starmer was pretty clear that " remain " would be an option. The problem is I doubt there is a majority in the HoC for a second referendum.

Bad ham is right.
Is that from Viz?
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