
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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Yes, but the tories voted for everything broon proposed re de-regulation and even insist broon to go further.

How can you arrive at your prospective?

Please, do tell.
Because I am not a tory. why would anyone listen to them? I have tried to separate this several times on this thread. Labour should not get away with shite work just because the tories are worse.
People seem to easily misinterpret my admittedly poorly constructed sentences in a way that always ends up in disagreement with my every point! I must try harder to be more precise in my points.
You & me alike :)
If you plummet the depths of the unintelligibility of my posts I will give you the heads up :D
Because I am not a tory. why would anyone listen to them? I have tried to separate this several times on this thread. Labour should not get away with shite work just because the tories are worse.
I’m fascinated by your not infrequent observation about others ‘getting away with it’ Rich. What have you got away with?
You made my point. Following 20 years of easy regulation and access to the markets by the tories, Labour had 11 years to tighten things up. But they did not. 'Drunk at the wheel' it says here, written by a man that Brown trusted.
Rich, my point is that there was little any British government could realistically have done that would have insulated the UK economy from the 08 crash, because it was made in the USA, and because few seen it coming.

There was an opportunity post crash, to try to minimise the damage, get the economy back in recovery, and limit the extent to which the UK banking sector might be exposed to such a thing again. Brown didn't do much in this regard IMO, but when the Tories got in they done nothing. In fact they made everything worse by their policy of austerity, which further crippled the economy while targeting those least able to cope financially.

So saying Labour owns the 08 crash is just wrong, IMO.
Rich, my point is that there was little any British government could realistically have done that would have insulated the UK economy from the 08 crash, because it was made in the USA, and because few seen it coming.

There was an opportunity post crash, to try to minimise the damage, get the economy back in recovery, and limit the extent to which the UK banking sector might be exposed to such a thing again. Brown didn't do much in this regard IMO, but when the Tories got in they done nothing. In fact they made everything worse by their policy of austerity, which further crippled the economy while targeting those least able to cope financially.

So saying Labour owns the 08 crash is just wrong, IMO.
Quite possibly. But we can't know.

Lets call it joint ownership then.
I just spoke to a close family member who is convinced that the EU only agreed this trade deal with Japan because of Brexit in order to punish the UK and to shut down the UK car industry.

They were effectively blaming the EU for the Honda shutdown.

How can you reason with people with views like this? I give up.


Bad ham is right.
Well, May didn't mention 'no deal' today, but neither would she rule it out. She repeats again that she does not want an extension.

I think she is in denial. She probably cannot face up to what a disaster she has presided over and cannot face the humiliation of requesting an extension. I don't think she's smart enough to be playing a strategy.

Mark Rutte says: "We are sleepwalking into a no deal scenario. It's unacceptable and your best friends have to warn you. Wake up" (and he says it in better and clearer and more human English than May or Corbyn could manage)
Is it because he is Scottish, Dec, that you think he did ok?
Rich, I’m struck by the number of times you’ve replied to folk saying “you’ve got me all wrong, I not Gammon, Im not such and such”. Has it ever occurred to you why there’s the disparity?
You’ve always appeared to me as a nativist and yes, you have lived in other countries but the impression I’ve got is that you’re the hemit crab who carries the shell house he’s brought from home where ever he goes. You also assert you dont like like “extremes”- you’re the man in the middle, perfectly balanced with a chip on both shoulders!
Rich, I’m struck by the number of times you’ve replied to folk saying “you’ve got me all wrong, I not Gammon, Im not such and such”. Has it ever occurred to you why there’s the disparity?
You’ve always appeared to me as a nativist and yes, you have lived in other countries but the impression I’ve got is that you’re the hemit crab who carries the shell house he’s brought from home where ever he goes. You also assert you dont like like “extremes”- you’re the man in the middle, perfectly balanced with a chip on both shoulders!
Miles off. Being British around the world has no particular status to be proud of at all.
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