
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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I know I shouldn’t be surprised but here we have a party with no policies at all beyond opposition to Brexit, which they make more likely, and the media are just, This is fine! Breath of fresh air! Such bravery! No one is asking any questions.

I’m not clear as to whether you are talking about the new independant group or Labour here.
Ah have just re-read it and you said “opposition to brexit” so that rules out Labour.
The latest suggestion from a think-tank you have probably never heard of (quick, google it so you know whether you will agree or disagree before bothering to read on) is that research into FLT time travel equipment should be started so regardless of the current outcome of Brexit negotiations, people can be sent back in time 20 months before the referendum itself to start negotiations with the EU in order to meet the March 29th deadline. Should the negotiations not be resolved in the additional months, teams could be sent back earlier and earlier. The beauty of the solution is that it can be repeated until success is achieved, and can be started at any time in the future as success will allow people to go back and meet project deadlines even if they were missed.

When asked to comment, theoretical physicists agreed that it was slightly more credible than the frictionless border crap that was being suggested before.
Except Labour does own the UK recession following the financial crisis of 2008. Firstly, it was not global. Secondly, some countries bounced back quicker than others, partly because there were assets to draw on, eg Germany.

To use the correct terminology.. this is bollocks.

And significantly due to Labour overspend.

To use the correct terminology.. this too.. is bollocks

Have you anything sensible to add?
To use the correct terminology.. this is bollocks.

To use the correct terminology.. this too.. is bollocks

Have you anything sensible to add?
I'll wait for Drood's follow-up, thanks. Oh, he cannot be arsed. Those on the hard left can't really add value to the argument. Actually not at all.
Total delusion. This fiasco has gone on long enough. Seeking to get a vote through before a spring statement that will be changed and look a lot like Osborne's "emergency budget" as the UK gets handed her arse. Many of the people who put faith in shysters like Johnson, Mogg, Bone and Redwood in this nonsense and the subsequent "we'll get a deal we're special" posturing will pay a heavy price.
I'll wait for Drood's follow-up, thanks. Oh, he cannot be arsed. Those on the hard left can't really add value to the argument. Actually not at all.
Up to you to find credible support for your gammon claim of Labour profligacy really. Until then I think most will go with the consensus amongst economists that it’s bollocks.
They’ve left the hapless Education Minister Damien Hinds to explain the omnishambles on R4 this morning while May is treading water in Sharm El Sheikh as an excuse to run the clock down further. He said “there’s a good deal(May’s) on the table already”. The interviewer was left to remind him it was defeated by the greatest parliamentary majority in history to which he replied “yes, but there was only a tiny bit of it they didn’t like”.
I wasn’t previously aware of Damien Hinds possibly because he went on to reveal himself to be yet another low key incompetent. It’s the only type left to appoint to Cabinet- inexperienced, incompetent and very grateful to the Prime Minister.
Except Labour does own the UK recession following the financial crisis of 2008. Firstly, it was not global. Secondly, some countries bounced back quicker than others, partly because there were assets to draw on, eg Germany.

That's simply not true. Labour responded *correctly* to the recession using mainstream economic theory. This recovery was then cut off by the Conservative government with their turn to austerity. This is very clear in the data and is widely accepted outside of political circles and the popular press.

You are also wrong about Germany which was wrong about everything policy wise and mostly recovered because of how the Euro works in respect to its export economy.
Up to you to find credible support for your gammon claim of Labour profligacy really. Until then I think most will go with the consensus amongst economists that it’s bollocks.
Why do you associate me with gammon. A few months ago you associated me with racism.

I am currently a Corbyn supporter and supporter of a 2nd referendum, even though I voted out. I suspect you are similar to this.

Life is more complex than your narrow-minded, pigeon-holing.
That's simply not true. Labour responded *correctly* to the recession using mainstream economic theory. This recovery was then cut off by the Conservative government with their turn to austerity. This is very clear in the data and is widely accepted outside of political circles and the popular press.

You are also wrong about Germany which was wrong about everything policy wise and mostly recovered because of how the Euro works in respect to its export economy.
They own the 2008 recession because of what they did and did not do before it, not after.
They’ve left the hapless Education Minister Damien Hinds to explain the omnishambles on R4 this morning while May is treading water in Sharm El Sheikh as an excuse to run the clock down further. He said “there’s a good deal(May’s) on the table already”. The interviewer was left to remind him it was defeated by the greatest parliamentary majority in history to which he replied “yes, but there was only a tiny bit of it they didn’t like”.

I was taken in by this until he got to “no deal is bad for the EU - the Germans want to sell their cars...” at which point I realized it was an elaborate joke by the BBC.
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