
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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So theyre saying on R4 that labour will campaign for remain should there be another ref.
Names were mentioned who confirm this and say they are behind it. Guess who's name wasn't mentioned?

Oh yeah....the media....the media are all against them. Him. Whatever.
What will they realise if it's not quite what they wanted?

Insensible people might think that this helps explain the IG's rushed entrance into the marketplace last week.

My wildcard: Corbyn's head was turned when he went to Brussels and he quite fancied himself there. Grinning with Verhofstadt, striding (and grinning) with Barnier. When did we last see him smiling like this?

My wildcard: Corbyn's head was turned when he went to Brussels and he quite fancied himself there. Grinning with Verhofstadt, striding (and grinning) with Barnier. When did we last see him smiling like this?

When he saw a nice fresh carrot ?
Which reality? Yours?

Not at all. Here's some realities for you.

1. The result of the referendum was to leave.
2. Labour's plan was always clear and always included an option for a 'people's vote' and that plan hasn't changed
3. The result of the second referendum won't necessarily go the way you want and yet you seem to think it is a certainty.
But what are our demands ? To Leave, but not really Leave ? To stop foreigners coming here, but not really stop them ? To keep Trade and Services access exactly as they are but pretend they are not ?

Details! Stop putting obstacles in the way of the will of the people!!!!! Leave means leave!!!!!!!
Honestly at this point I feel like I have been the victim of some massive gaslighting plot. Although obviously it's really just my fault for not paying attention and I am probably the only one.

In other news Honda say closing the plant is nothing to do with Brexit.
Corbyn seals the deal ...... will all you Corbyn sceptics now get back on board? Do you still think he is an idiot? Or is he playing a sound game of chess?

Corbyn couldn't play a decent game of Shove Ha'penny. Crashing poll figures, party splitting and in disarray.... What can he do?

Finally, promise the 2nd ref., 5 weeks before deadline. A ref. voted for by Conference last autumn. At least it's popular with the members.
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