
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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We don't need cars. We need a couple of squadrons of Spitfires, a few Valentine tanks and lots of typical British pluck. We'll make the EU come to its senses an accede to all of our demands.

But what are our demands ? To Leave, but not really Leave ? To stop foreigners coming here, but not really stop them ? To keep Trade and Services access exactly as they are but pretend they are not ?
But what are our demands ? To Leave, but not really Leave ? To stop foreigners coming here, but not really stop them ? To keep Trade and Services access exactly as they are but pretend they are not ?

I have vague memories of cake being in there somewhere. Those Germans make a nice cake. Perhaps that was it.
But what are our demands ? To Leave, but not really Leave ? To stop foreigners coming here, but not really stop them ? To keep Trade and Services access exactly as they are but pretend they are not ?
Yes all that and free access to the EU market and don't forget Australian Hormone dumped beef for your 'gammon' folk.
I assume the logic for the aussie beef is that it is cheaper. Mogg and his mates can make more profit selling that and still provide it at cheaper prices then that damn over regulated EU stuff. Winners all round, No vassalage and fxck eu business and your own farmers who needs them. Oh yeah and punish Ireland for not capitulating on the back stop that was originally suggested by the British.

Whether you are pro or against brexit hard to avoid coming to the conclusion the UK appears a laughing stock and it will only get worse. Johnson, Farage, Mogg, Fox whoever you pick have not taken control of negotiations. No statesmanship or political nous or skills have been displayed. When you add in the uselessness of May the UK really is the Paddy Last of the G8.

Haven't read it yet but their is an article in the Sunday times about Corbyn the dangerous dullard. Really aptly sums him up.

Sack in all and send the Green MP and NIcola Sturgeon and one of the Independent group to either end brexit or agree a deal.
We're gonna need a bigger table...

Paul Brand‏Verified account @PaulBrandITV
BREAKING: Labour will put forward or support an amendment calling for a People’s Vote. This is a big moment folks.
5:28 PM - 25 Feb 2019

But best to wait and see what exactly Corbyn says this evening. Looks like the Independent Group defections might have forced it.
We're gonna need a bigger table...

Paul Brand‏Verified account @PaulBrandITV
BREAKING: Labour will put forward or support an amendment calling for a People’s Vote. This is a big moment folks.
5:28 PM - 25 Feb 2019

But best to wait and see what exactly Corbyn says this evening. Looks like the Independent Group defections might have forced it.
Yeah, pity it took that to do it. I guess thats what passes for democracy with that cvnt. Dumb cvnt.
Yeah, pity it took that to do it. I guess thats what passes for democracy with that cvnt.

Dear oh dear. Just as I predicted some time ago. The remainiacs get EXACTLY what they want from Labour but they're still not happy.

Labour have done what they said they'd do at conference. But Corbyn is useless etc etc etc.
Don't jump to conclusions yet. Wait till it is clear. It is not even clear what the second vote might be on.

"Jessica Elgot‏Verified account @jessicaelgot
One Lab source thinks the new plan is to back the Kyle-Wilson amendment - with a twist.
Instead of approving the PM's deal, it would be to approve Labour's version of a Brexit deal, but followed by referendum."
Dear oh dear. Just as I predicted some time ago. The remainiacs get EXACTLY what they want from Labour but they're still not happy.

Labour have done what they said they'd do at conference. But Corbyn is useless etc etc etc.
Possibly not. And I'd bet it.
And when did the vote of no confidence occur? After which PV should have kicked in, as an election is by no stretch of the imagination (even a fertile labour one) on the table.
And in any case the intellectual lightweight shouldn't have supported a tory coup in the first place.
So, we're back to dumb cvnt.
If it is a people's vote, sensible people will realise that the Independent Group and the threat of further defections very likely played a role in bringing us here now.

The independent group are nothing more than a worthless bunch of attention seekers with no policies and no future. To think that anything they do or say has any effect on anything is fanciful to say the least.
The independent group are nothing more than a worthless bunch of attention seekers with no policies and no future. To think that anything they do or say has any effect on anything is fanciful to say the least.
? This is Corbyns plan? Always looked like he wanted to do this, didn't it?
He's doing it because labour is haemorrhaging away...
If it is a people's vote, sensible people will realise that the Independent Group and the threat of further defections very likely played a role in bringing us here now.
What will they realise if it's not quite what they wanted?

Insensible people might think that this helps explain the IG's rushed entrance into the marketplace last week.
Corbyn is about to announce support for the Cooper-Letwin amendment. This means he is in favour of going back to the people. If I understand it right, the choice will be between May's deal and Remain.

A post upthread says the choice will be between Labour's Brexit and Remain.

According to the BBC, Starmer says Labour will put their Brexit to the House. If it fails they will go for a People's Vote.

Is that clear? It certainly isn't to me.

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