
Glasto 2024

I’m giving Sza another go by hitting rewind on the iPayer app. They sort her mic out a simply ridiculous 20 minutes into the set (about 22:10). I feel so sorry for her, of all places to suffer that kind of technical screw-up headlining Glastonbury has to be the worst imaginable. I don’t understand why they didn’t just take all the FX off and give her a clean mic. Just incomprehensible. The “fixed” vocal still has more autotune/FX than I’d like, but at least you can hear her voice behind it. Anyway, she’s got a giant plastic ant to sit on, and who doesn’t love a girl with a giant plastic ant? Take the positive here.

Technical issues aside, I thought it was a great set in the wrong slot.

There was some weird scheduling choices this year but to be fair I wouldn’t have predicted how popular say, Avril Lavigne, would have been. Or Sugarbabes for that matter.

Maybe they should have switched SZA and Burns Boy round? I’m not a fan, but he pulled a crowd, and the set did have end of festi vibes.

Based on performance and critical reception maybe Little Simz would have been a better headline choice?
Technical issues aside, I thought it was a great set in the wrong slot.

There was some weird scheduling choices this year but to be fair I wouldn’t have predicted how popular say, Avril Lavigne, would have been. Or Sugarbabes for that matter.

Maybe they should have switched SZA and Burns Boy round? I’m not a fan, but he pulled a crown, and the set did have end of festi vibes.

Based on performance and crowd, maybe Little Simz would have been a better headline choice.
Little Simz was a revelation to me, never thought I would have been so entertained by such an artist, would have been great to have her close the pyramid stage I think. I tried SZA, but she didn't do it for me... that's not a criticism as it's just not my thing.

All that said I feel that the last act on the last night of the Pyramid stage needs to have a fairly universal appeal as there is no next act for people to hang around for and there is no next day... after three days some people are going to feel that maybe it's time to call it quits unless that last act is a big draw for them. If I had been scheduling I'd have swapped SZA and Coldplay round as like it or not the draw for Coldplay is absolutely massive... just witness the size of the crowd on Saturday. That way I feel SZA would have got a larger audience and a better atmosphere as despite it not being my thing she clearly has something to say and a lot of talent.
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I think I’d have switched Little Simz and SZA. SZA may be bigger globally, but Little Simz is really well known here. I suspect she’d have done really well. That said SZA’s stage set was so spectacularly over the top no one could go on after it!

I think it has been a really good Glastonbury. One that rose to meet the politics of the time. I’m happy to see far fresher and far more diverse artists high up the billing. It went through a very long period of platforming the last gasps of pensioner superstars which I found really tedious. I much prefer this sort of line-up. It is far closer to the festival’s founding principles.
No-one ( apart from me) has mentioned this

She is a very different artist to the on who a hyped ( but good) new soul artist in the early 2000's - as just the opening few moments show. I stumbled across this by accidenty while trying to find PJ Harvey

She's really channeling the best of 70s black consciousness R&B infused in places with a dose of grunge ( Gibson SG and Orange amp!). Worth a dip in.

I don't know if it is because most of my Glasto viewing has been on iPlayer rather than via the aerial, but I have been pleased to see a lot less of the BBC's presenters this year. And none of those lame sets performed in front of a hay bale for the benefit of the BBC staff.
clearly there is a theatrical recipe to the closing headline act - even Stormzy last year had to concede to that. Whilst i think Little Simz is fantastic, and have seen her live twice now, and i think she is a potential closing act of the future, i am not convinced she has the repertoire to sustain that over the extended period of time of the closing act......

i read Eminem has never played Glasto.........
No-one ( apart from me) has mentioned this

She is a very different artist to the on who a hyped ( but good) new soul artist in the early 2000's - as just the opening few moments show. I stumbled across this by accidenty while trying to find PJ Harvey

She's really channeling the best of 70s black consciousness R&B infused in places with a dose of grunge ( Gibson SG and Orange amp!). Worth a dip in.

I listened to some of her early stuff, as I wanted to like it, but it just didn’t do it for me. However, I’ll give her another go based on your recommendation.
Tip for watching on BBC iPlayer - Go into categories > music > Glastonbury 24 to find all broadcasts
I still can’t find Squeeze tho.’ Does anyone know if they were filmed? Was it a technical or contractual issue that’s preventing their set from being televised? Seems strange as they were the perfect festival openers.
SZA as a final night headline act? She must have a great agent.
Yes, I’m old but I entirely agree you can’t just keep on wheeling out the “dad rock” acts who are in their 70’s to rely on.
But are lip-syncing auto tuned acts really the way forward? There was certainly a lot of it about this year from what I saw.
Admittedly though, plenty of girls at the front of the audience looked to be having a good time, so……….
Coldplay? Miles away from my choice of music, but they can do the mega-arena headline act thing like few others currently can.
I’ll put Harry Styles forward. Far from my taste in music, but I bet he could really put on a headline show.
I still can’t find Squeeze tho.’ Does anyone know if they were filmed? Was it a technical or contractual issue that’s preventing their set from being televised? Seems strange as they were the perfect festival openers.
Been looking myself and I can't find it either... have to hope BBC put it up soon. They put up Heilung this morning as it wasn't there yesterday when I looked.
But are lip-syncing auto tuned acts really the way forward? There was certainly a lot of it about this year from what I saw.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking she can’t sing. The autotune is just an aesthetic decision, I don’t especially like it myself, but best to think of it as adding fuzz/overdrive/chorus/delay etc to a guitar. It is just a style choice. I personally think it is hopelessly overused, but so were DX7 presets and gated drums in the ‘80s. It is what it is. Just the sound of modern pop. I’m sure SZA etc can sing really well, you don’t get to her level so fast if you can’t, which is why I’m amazed they didn’t just give her a clean mic when it was obvious the FX chain was totally screwed. I bet she’d have nailed it.

