
General Election 2024

Anybody else had this utterly vile letter from the Tories ?

I thought it was from Reform first of all. Then I looked at the small print and saw "Conservatives", went back and read the second half of the last page which I'd skipped because I thought I was going to be sick, and realised the full horror.

When do we see the back of this pack of liars, thieves and charlatans ?
France will be ripped apart by this 'development' but then it's no real surprise given that half of the country supported the Nazis.
Let’s be crystal clear. This is not Germany 1933, or even Petain’s Vichy France; but it’s becoming dangerously close. The French PM is the 2nd highest office in the land. There isn’t really a U.K. equivalent, but its crudest approximation would be the Chancellor of the Exchequer; and there is a very real chance that in a weeks time this position will be occupied by an avowed, bona fide fascist.

This will entail an even greater wave of racism in what is already one of the most racist states in Europe. The police will be emboldened to harass, attack and beat young French men of African and Muslim heritage. There will be enhanced (physical) attacks on the left, trade unions, the LGBT community, and pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Muslims will become second class citizens to ‘indigenous’ French, and deportations will significantly increase. Venues featuring hip-hop and black music will be targeted and have their licences revoked. The racist war on Islam will be ramped up considerably. The fascist street gangs, more or less held in check up to now, will be unleashed. Moreover it will be an unimaginably huge boost to the global rise of fascism.

However, there is no need for pessimism, even when we recognise the danger. There were massive anti-fascist street demonstrations across France last night. This is it, despite years of warning, the enemy is at the gate. They simply have to be beaten back.
I thought it was from Reform first of all. Then I looked at the small print and saw "Conservatives", went back and read the second half of the last page which I'd skipped because I thought I was going to be sick, and realised the full horror.

What a remarkably bizarre bit of propaganda. Never seen anything like that before. I almost respect the creativity in the desperation.
With respect, I don't think it's done that. The presidential election is in 3 years' time. I don't think Le Pen is going to end up with a ruling majority in parliament, either, but could be wrong on that of course. Bardella has already said he would not accept an offer to be PM if his party didn't have an absolute majority at the Assembly, and it doesn't look as if he will come anywhere near that. But I don't want to clutter up the GE2024 thread with stuff about the French mess.
And with equal respect, I think you’re demonstrating precisely the complacency that will be disastrous. I’ve frequently argued against the labelling of every authoritarian to the right of Starmer as fascist as, at best, unhelpful. But this is the real deal. It matters not a fig what Bardella utters in public. Fascists have zero respect for democracy.

Le Pen has followed the classic fascist dual strategy of the ballot box and the streets. The street fighting wing has been kept in reserve until now, as Le Pen sought to purge the most overt fascist paraphernalia inherited from her father. She uses the electoral process purely for propaganda purposes. Fascism does not arrive through elections, it is established by physically eliminating all opposition. Many big French industrialists have now thrown their lot in with her. In a straight choice between the far left of Melenchon, and the fascism of Le Pen, big business, even if it baulks at is excesses, will always side with fascism to protect its profits.
Let’s be crystal clear. This is not Germany 1933, or even Petain’s Vichy France; but it’s becoming dangerously close. The French PM is the 2nd highest office in the land. There isn’t really a U.K. equivalent, but its crudest approximation would be the Chancellor of the Exchequer; and there is a very real chance that in a weeks time this position will be occupied by an avowed, bona fide fascist.

This will entail an even greater wave of racism in what is already one of the most racist states in Europe. The police will be emboldened to harass, attack and beat young French men of African and Muslim heritage. There will be enhanced (physical) attacks on the left, trade unions, the LGBT community, and pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Muslims will become second class citizens to ‘indigenous’ French, and deportations will significantly increase. Venues featuring hip-hop and black music will be targeted and have their licences revoked. The racist war on Islam will be ramped up considerably. The fascist street gangs, more or less held in check up to now, will be unleashed. Moreover it will be an unimaginably huge boost to the global rise of fascism.

However, there is no need for pessimism, even when we recognise the danger. There were massive anti-fascist street demonstrations across France last night. This is it, despite years of warning, the enemy is at the gate. They simply have to be beaten back.

The main problem/issue is that the Second World War has never really ended I mean people can kid themselves on all they want but Hitler and the Nazis really only lost a battle, vast swathes of continental Europe supported the bstards and those folk have never really gone away their parents and grand parents might not be around now but the families are.

We're not much different either there's plenty here in the UK who supported the Nazis and fascism and they've not gone away either.
Sunak reduced to pathetic begging for his ministerial colleagues’ skins. Don’t give Labour “a supermajority”- an utterly meaningless slogan beyond trying to halt the tumbrils coming for his favourites
The main problem/issue is that the Second World War has never really ended I mean people can kid themselves on all they want but Hitler and the Nazis really only lost a battle, vast swathes of continental Europe supported the bstards and those folk have never really gone away their parents and grand parents might not be around now but the families are.

We're not much different either there's plenty here in the UK who supported the Nazis and fascism and they've not gone away either.
As long as the dangerously socially, economically and politically unstable and volatile capitalist system remains, it will continue to spawn this vermin- and we will continually have to beat them back down into the sewer that breeds them.
So you keep saying. Why do you keep replying to me just to say the same thing again and again

Yet again, I have not said they are identical in every way. They will wear different coloured ties for one thing.

What differences are you expecting? Or is it the same thing delivered in a different way

There’s a lot we are being told, but hey, let’s ignore that and pin everything on something we haven’t been told.
Thanks. I repeat hope because you repeat doom. I’ve also said before that it is not your choice who replies, but to whom you reply. I don’t have to justify my repetition any more than you do.

I obviously don’t know what I don’t know so I can’t answer any details. You seem certain we’ll get more of exactly the same on an equally ignorant basis, just from the other end.

You may be right but there is no answer to this until our new overlords assume power on Thursday and we experience it.
Just received two leaflets one from the tories and one from the Greens.

I don't think I've had anything from the SNP despite this being an SNP seat, there might have been one about two weeks ago but I can't be sure as I just stick them in the recycle bin.

The tories sent a 'personal' letter last week, it was addressed to both me and my wife although we're the only ones living here now so it's probably an electoral roll thing.

Labour sent a letter and a leaflet previously, couple of weeks ago I think.
Thanks. I repeat hope because you repeat doom.

I didn’t repeat anything, You responded to a question

My pessimism is based on evidence, what is your hope based on? Desperation?

I’ve also said before that it is not your choice who replies, but to whom you reply. I don’t have to justify my repetition any more than you do.

I didn’t say you shouldn’t reply, just asked your motivation for saying the same thing again and again and expecting a different answer.

I obviously don’t know what I don’t know so I can’t answer any details. You seem certain we’ll get more of exactly the same on an equally ignorant basis, just from the other end.

My observations are not based on ignorance. They are evidence based. Evidence you wish to ignore

You may be right but there is no answer to this until our new overlords assume power on Thursday and we experience it.

My pessimism is based on evidence, what is your hope based on? Desperation?

I didn’t say you shouldn’t reply, just asked your motivation for saying the same thing again and again and expecting a different answer.

My observations are not based on ignorance. They are evidence based. Evidence you wish to ignore

My motivation is purely not to see this thread drowned entirely in the pessimism you speak of. That in itself is depressing. You have to admit, you are quite vocal.

Call me desperate if you like, I don’t care. I like to have a little hope in the face of the inevitable outcome we’re facing. I don’t think I’m ignoring what Labour are saying either, just that I believe we haven’t seen the full picture. But there is no point asking me for evidence of what we haven’t yet seen. You knew that when you asked.
Re-posted images from above:-




The tenor and diction of that letter reads as if written by some spoilt self-entitled teenager having a strop, because he's about to have his snout removed from the trough.

The tenor and diction of that letter reads as if written by some spoilt self-entitled teenager having a strop, because he's about to have his snout removed from the trough.

I'll take your word for it - I'm not poisoning my brain by reading sh1te like that.
My motivation is purely not to see this thread drowned entirely in the pessimism you speak of. That in itself is depressing. You have to admit, you are quite vocal.

Call me desperate if you like, I don’t care. I like to have a little hope in the face of the inevitable outcome we’re facing. I don’t think I’m ignoring what Labour are saying either, just that I believe we haven’t seen the full picture. But there is no point asking me for evidence of what we haven’t yet seen. You knew that when you asked.
You are just trolling again. You have taken a question is asked of someone else but rather than addressing that post you have used it to launch another of your ad hom attacks.

