
General Election 2024

I'm from mining stock going back at least five generations and I am absolutely NOT fooled by Reform.. but don't delude yourself that solid working class communities are anything other than very fertile ground for the propagation of Reform brand populism. All neglected former industrial areas are filled with bitter, disappointed folks who are very susceptible to such shite.

The only Reform posters that have made their way to windows are in the window of a miner's son. Chopwell, just up the road, was once known as Little Moscow.
Nail, head, hit.

“Yet the idea that Labour remains a progressive social democratic party hiding in plain sight is still in the air. While it is granted this is not obvious from its programme, it is held that deep down it is the party of change, of welfare, of state intervention; the party of labour rather than of capital, the party of international law, not war. It is held that in power, either circumstances or opportunity will make it more radical. That hope animates many. Yet Labour is telling the world otherwise, and we should believe it.”

Here's a list of left independents

  • Aftab Nawaz, Walsall and Bloxwich
  • Andrew Feinstein, Holborn and St Pancras
  • Claudia Webbe, Leicester East
  • Dave Nellist, Coventry East
  • Emma Dent Coad, Kensington and Bayswater
  • Faiza Shaheen, Chingford and Woodford Green
  • Jabu Nala-Hartley, Oxford East
  • Jeremy Corbyn, Islington North
  • Kamel Hawwash, Birmingham Selly Oak
  • Leanne Mohamad, Ilford North
  • Maxine Bowler, Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough
  • Michael Lavalette, Preston
  • Muhammed Ali Islam, Bradford West
  • Nandita Lal, Tottenham
  • Perveen Hussain, Halifax
  • Sam Gorst, Liverpool Garston
  • Tanushka Marah, Hove and Portslade
  • Tony Wilson, Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton
Things are looking a bit shaky for Corbyn. Seems some postal voters voted Labour thinking Jez was still standing for Labour. Gotta say, this is in no small part of his own making; if he hadn’t dithered so bloody much and made it clear months ago he was standing as an indy, this may not have arisen.

Nail, head, hit.

“Yet the idea that Labour remains a progressive social democratic party hiding in plain sight is still in the air. While it is granted this is not obvious from its programme, it is held that deep down it is the party of change, of welfare, of state intervention; the party of labour rather than of capital, the party of international law, not war. It is held that in power, either circumstances or opportunity will make it more radical. That hope animates many. Yet Labour is telling the world otherwise, and we should believe it.”

Labour used to act “to decrease inequality between people and regions, which involved much more than growth. It wanted state pensions yielding 50% of final salary, plentiful public housing, free university education and much else besides, achieving much of its programme. It also believed in promoting a more truthful account of the economy and society than that provided by the dominant ideology.

Labour no longer believes any of this.”
Here's a list of left independents

  • Aftab Nawaz, Walsall and Bloxwich
  • Andrew Feinstein, Holborn and St Pancras
  • Claudia Webbe, Leicester East
  • Dave Nellist, Coventry East
  • Emma Dent Coad, Kensington and Bayswater
  • Faiza Shaheen, Chingford and Woodford Green
  • Jabu Nala-Hartley, Oxford East
  • Jeremy Corbyn, Islington North
  • Kamel Hawwash, Birmingham Selly Oak
  • Leanne Mohamad, Ilford North
  • Maxine Bowler, Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough
  • Michael Lavalette, Preston
  • Muhammed Ali Islam, Bradford West
  • Nandita Lal, Tottenham
  • Perveen Hussain, Halifax
  • Sam Gorst, Liverpool Garston
  • Tanushka Marah, Hove and Portslade
  • Tony Wilson, Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton
Would dearly love to see slimeball Kyle unseated in Hove- but it ain’t gonna happen. He wouldn’t sign our local NHS campaign’s pledge not to privatise the NHS. And he accepted a sixteen grand donation from the partner of the boss of outsourcing firm Capita- who were busy snapping up outsourced NHS contracts. And he thinks bombing Gaza is a good idea.
Would dearly love to see slimeball Kyle unseated in Hove- but it ain’t gonna happen. He wouldn’t sign our local NHS campaign’s pledge not to privatise the NHS. And he accepted a sixteen grand donation from the partner of the boss of outsourcing firm Capita- who were busy snapping up outsourced NHS contracts. And he thinks bombing Gaza is a good idea.
Hard for anyone to get traction at the moment 2019 was Brexit, this year it's shift the Tories because of Brexit!
I'm from mining stock going back at least five generations and I am absolutely NOT fooled by Reform.. but don't delude yourself that solid working class communities are anything other than very fertile ground for the propagation of Reform brand populism. All neglected former industrial areas are filled with bitter, disappointed folks who are very susceptible to such shite.
I’m painfully aware of that, but let’s not be so pessimistic. It very much depends on whether any party offers genuine hope. Remember how decades (centuries?) of backward ideas re: women and gays were broken down during the Great Strike 84-85.
Here's a list of left independents

  • Aftab Nawaz, Walsall and Bloxwich
  • Andrew Feinstein, Holborn and St Pancras
  • Claudia Webbe, Leicester East
  • Dave Nellist, Coventry East
  • Emma Dent Coad, Kensington and Bayswater
  • Faiza Shaheen, Chingford and Woodford Green
  • Jabu Nala-Hartley, Oxford East
  • Jeremy Corbyn, Islington North
  • Kamel Hawwash, Birmingham Selly Oak
  • Leanne Mohamad, Ilford North
  • Maxine Bowler, Sheffield Brightside and Hillsborough
  • Michael Lavalette, Preston
  • Muhammed Ali Islam, Bradford West
  • Nandita Lal, Tottenham
  • Perveen Hussain, Halifax
  • Sam Gorst, Liverpool Garston
  • Tanushka Marah, Hove and Portslade
  • Tony Wilson, Oldham West, Chadderton and Royton

Here’s Leanne Mohamad talking to That Pink Floyd Bloke:

Hard for anyone to get traction at the moment 2019 was Brexit, this year it's shift the Tories because of Brexit!
To be fair, although he’s a Blairite turd, he is actually quite a popular constituency MP. Some secret footage of him clubbing baby seals would have to emerge before he loses his seat to an Indy. Her local campaign is largely about providing a platform for Palestine- and rightly so.
Directly answering your question I have no idea as to whether prospective parents deliberately consider child benefits payments as a part of their considerations to have children.


I think it's safe to say that allowing UK child benefit for more than two kids is not going to create an overpopulation problem in the UK. Therefore capping it is simply performative cruelty, pandering to feelings of smugness and vengeance in some of the electorate. Not civilised.
Things are looking a bit shaky for Corbyn. Seems some postal voters voted Labour thinking Jez was still standing for Labour. Gotta say, this is in no small part of his own making; if he hadn’t dithered so bloody much and made it clear months ago he was standing as an indy, this may not have arisen.

Yes, I fear that Corbyn's misplaced loyalty to the Labour Party may be his undoing.

Never mind. He will, in the words of Tony Benn on his retirement, be able to spend more time on politics, if he isn't re-elected.
Would dearly love to see slimeball Kyle unseated in Hove- but it ain’t gonna happen. He wouldn’t sign our local NHS campaign’s pledge not to privatise the NHS. And he accepted a sixteen grand donation from the partner of the boss of outsourcing firm Capita- who were busy snapping up outsourced NHS contracts. And he thinks bombing Gaza is a good idea.

One of the nastiest right-wing ****s around. Grim.
Speedrunning through Labour’s many empty justifications for supporting Israel’s atrocities. 100% thought-free garbage.
Causing a riot here with so many candidates campaigning for MP with Gaza and Kashmir as main priority ...labour guy getting a thrashing although he is useless anyway .

