
General Election 2024

I am a Radiohead fan, never cared much for Cave though I can appreciate he is a skilled songwriter and compelling performer.

Both have recently and unapologetically played concerts in Tel Aviv despite pleas from The BDS movement and Palestinian cultural organisations not to help normalise Israeli apartheid.
Ah ok, thanks.
That wasn't my question.
Perhaps not, but the answer to your question was implicit in my response. Nevertheless I shall be less oblique. The last 14 years have been undeniably hellish. Corbyn briefly offered a break from the status quo: Starmer does no such thing. His ascension to the leadership of the Labour Party represented the comprehensive re-establishment of the Blairite right firmly back to a position of control.

I have rehearsed what I consider to be Starmer’s failings on many previous posts, but I will recap what I assert to be the most damaging. He came to power falsely claiming he would continue the direction of travel under Corbyn. He then set about doing completely the opposite. He has reneged on abolishing student fees, universal credit, the punitive benefit sanctions that see disabled persons forced to work, the new green deal, increasing taxation for top earners, abolishing the House of Lords, ending outsourcing and privatisation in the NHS, and abandoning rent control reform. This list is far from exhaustive.

Furthermore, he refuses to scrap the two child benefit cap, refuses to repeal the most repressive anti-trade union legislation in Western Europe, has instructed his MP’s not to attend picket lines or support public sector striking workers. He continues to facilitate genocide in Gaza and lied that he did not support Israel’s ‘right’ to cut off power and water to Gaza. He refuses to call out Kemi Badenoch’s transphobia (preferring instead to have a pop at David Tennant) and a couple of days ago, appeared on a platform of the most disgustingly reactionary, anti-working class newspaper in the U.K. spouting the sort of racist filth we’d previously associated with Nick Griffin’s BNP.

I get the desire to be rid of the Tories. I share it. But I can see no reasonable cause for optimism that a Starmer administration promises any significant ideological or political break with the last 14 years of Tory rule, but will in fact do enormous damage by dashing people's desperate desire for change, and creating a huge space for Farage’s Reform, who will simply point to Starmer’s betrayals and invite people to put their faith in him instead.
He came to power falsely claiming he would continue the direction of travel under Corbyn.

This is the thing that has astonished me. I have a very low opinion of UK politics and I am not a natural Labour voter, but the behaviour of Starmer since the leadership election is that of a plant, undercover agent, fifth columnist or whatever. A zero integrity zone. A man who obtained power entirely under false pretence by conning the entire membership of the party he now leads. I’d not trust him to tell me the time of day. In any sane world the membership would be able to mount a class-action and sack him. If anyone lied to that extent in a conventional job interview or on their CV they’d be standing in the car park with their desk contents in a box pretty sharpish.
I’m expecting Starmer to renege on that and lowering the voting age as it is a good policy, and he backs away from all of those at the first opportunity. I’ll be amazed if it is legislated.
Well if you vote for him, you might find out.

If Labour doesn’t win then it definitely won’t be legislated and if the Tories win again then there will be Rwanda on steroids and God knows what else is coming down the pipeline if they get another term.

I understand your objections to Labour in general and Star-man in particular but the reality is for the first time in fourteen years Labour have a chance of winning and of winning so big that the Tories might go into self-destruct and who knows may disappear from political discourse altogether - that’s what you want isn’t it?

The choice is yours, it’s in your hands, so hold your nose on 04 July and effect change rather than spunking away your vote on a minor party.
My MIL had a stroke last year, horrible thing.
Why would you wish that on anyone?
You really are a bit twee. Always guaranteed to show up in pious robes wringing your hands. Even so, the tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.
This seems to be a reasonably reliable tactical voting site - fishies may want to check and see if advice tallies with what they know on the ground in their constituency. It's accurate for mine.
Surprisingly useful.

It's suggesting LibDem for me but unfortunately the prediction is the tory waaay out in front on what looks like ~32,000 morons, ~24,000 LD and ~22,000 for Labour, this despite Labour not doing any campaigning here at all as it's not a target. They even parachuted in someone from Croydon, or somewhere so clearly can't be arsed trying to win here. A shame because campaigning and running a local candidate could make a difference.

The greens are on a predicted 7 or 8,000, so not the best if the aim is to remove the tory unless it's a case of accepting it's a safe tory seat and voting for what you really want, which is fair enough here.
Starmer has already said he will be looking at the 2 child limit on Child Benefit. It was the Tories who wrecked this universal benefit with their income cap,

We’ll never know what compromises Corbyn would have made or the unintended consequences of his policies. I guarantee there would have been some. As it stands his supporters can continue in magic land.
Any government can “land” private investment by selling bonds. Or “borrowing” as it is otherwise called.

Likewise Labours ‘wealth fund’ and GB Energy is no more than what is otherwise called unfunded government spending.

It was entertaining watching Eyvette Cooper getting angry when Stephen Flynn asked her what GB Energy was on QT last night. GB Energy is just re-labelling PFI.

‘Change’, it appears is no more than a change of packaging
Starmer has already said he will be looking at the 2 child limit on Child Benefit. It was the Tories who wrecked this universal benefit with their income cap,

We’ll never know what compromises Corbyn would have made or the unintended consequences of his policies. I guarantee there would have been some. As it stands his supporters can continue in magic land.
Always amazing how Starmer supporters put on their rose tinted glasses when Labour move towards the far right abyss, but can only imagine bad things when they look at what was our last hope of an actual different direction away from Tory social, economic and environmental chaos
Really surprised to hear that Starmer is planning to renege on his promise to recognise a Palestinian state, so as to remain in total lockstep with the US:

That actually does surprise me a little. Not because I expected better, but because there was no need to say it.

I get the point that you and others have made about burning votes in order to show their true colours for the benefit of paymasters and gatekeepers. But this is something which will cost votes, but which they could easily have just signalled to the US in private and then gone ahead and done later on.

There doesn’t seem to be any benefit, even a cynical one, to saying this vs staying silent for now.
Three Green seats would be great.

Not too worried about three Reform seats. It's not like they'll bother showing up most of the time.

I'm not worried about Reform MPs either, they're so thick that all three will have been kicked out or mired in some racist scandal and made irrelevant before the year is out.
That actually does surprise me a little. Not because I expected better, but because there was no need to say it.

I get the point that you and others have made about burning votes in order to show their true colours for the benefit of paymasters and gatekeepers. But this is something which will cost votes, but which they could easily have just signalled to the US in private and then gone ahead and done later on.

There doesn’t seem to be any benefit, even a cynical one, to saying this vs staying silent for now.
Starmer is responding to lobbying. Silence is not an option. Donations are dependent on vocal support
This seems to be a reasonably reliable tactical voting site - fishies may want to check and see if advice tallies with what they know on the ground in their constituency. It's accurate for mine.

This is how it stands here

And I still can't bring myself to vote Labour, even tactically. They're so vile I just can't do it, I wont put my name to whatever comes down the line.

