
General Election 2024

Metropolitan police says at least 7 officers now under investigation over election timing bets

The number of Metropolitan police officers under investigation over bets on the timing of the general election has risen to at least seven, the force has said.

On Tuesday the Met said six officers were being investigated – of whom one was the close protection officer who was arrested. The other five, who were not close protection officers, had not been arrested, but were being investigated by the Gambling Commission, it said.

Every day becomes more and more like the last days of the Weimar Republic.
Horrible Blairite shit Peter Kyle on Politics Live arguing with the Tory about who will deport more asylum seekers: not one single word of compassion or concern with their well-being.

Starmer stated “from day one” he will beef up the Civil Service to enable them to deport more vulnerable, miserable wretches- yet there’s no money to meet the Jr. doctors’ pay claim.

Vile, nasty, reprehensible poison from Labour.
Horrible Blairite shit Peter Kyle on Politics Live arguing with the Tory about who will deport more asylum seekers: not one single word of compassion or concern with their well-being.

Starmer stated “from day one” he will beef up the Civil Service to enable them to deport more vulnerable, miserable wretches- yet there’s no money to meet the Jr. doctors’ pay claim.

Vile, nasty, reprehensible poison from Labour.
He is no different than 99% of the population. Anyone who wants to prevent anyone entering another country due to their place of birth is a racist. No ifs or buts, trying to stop people crossing the channel is outright racism. They are human beings and like all human beings they should have the right to settle anywhere in the world without control because they are global citizens.
Horrible Blairite shit Peter Kyle on Politics Live arguing with the Tory about who will deport more asylum seekers: not one single word of compassion or concern with their well-being.

Starmer stated “from day one” he will beef up the Civil Service to enable them to deport more vulnerable, miserable wretches- yet there’s no money to meet the Jr. doctors’ pay claim.

Vile, nasty, reprehensible poison from Labour.
But, there is no alternative
Sir Keir erm..explains yesterday's comment that may have upset a few folk around here (from the Graun);

"Today Starmer says he did not intend to cause offence. He said Bangladeshis had made a massive contribution to the UK and “that’s why there’s always been a longstanding and strong relationship between Labour and the Bangladeshi community here”. He went on:

It’s why my first trip as a Labour MP was to Bangladesh, where I saw for myself the strength of the country, the hospitality and warmth of the country. I’ve got many Bangladeshi constituents in my own constituency who I’ve been working with for many years, and I want to build on that in government.

The reference in the debate the other day was an example of a country that is considered safe as far as asylum is concerned, and one of the countries that’s actually got a returns agreement with us, and that is actually a good thing where both we and Bangladesh can be proud of … I certainly wasn’t intending to cause any concern or offence to any Bangladeshi community here."
It is a really good interview IMO. The smear that Waters is some nutty old conspiracy theorist is evaporating real fast now everything he’s been arguing for decades is playing out in plain sight. What is left is a decent compassionate guy arguing for peace and equality with the tools he has available. A voice of sanity.
Unlike utter tosspots such as Thom Yorke and Nick Cave.
It is a really good interview IMO. The smear that Waters is some nutty old conspiracy theorist is evaporating real fast now everything he’s been arguing for decades is playing out in plain sight. What is left is a decent compassionate guy arguing for peace and equality with the tools he has available. A voice of sanity.
I have a rule of thumb that I disregard anyone who supports bloodsports.

He announced that he left the UK and moved to the Hamptons because he was so upset by the hunting ban.

Also his records are shit.
I have a rule of thumb that I disregard anyone who supports bloodsports.

He announced that he left the UK and moved to the Hamptons because he was so upset by the hunting ban.

Also his records are shit.
You’re missing the point. Waters is one of the highest profile advocates of the Palestinian cause in the western world. He is loathed by the Zionists and Starmerites, and solely on that narrow basis qualifies for our support. I too abhor bloodsports, but right now whether Waters supports or opposes bloodsports is entirely inconsequential.

If we wait until a figure arrives whose opinions and moral rectitude coincide unerringly with our own, we will be waiting quite a while.

ps. And DSOTM is bloody good.
Sir Keir erm..explains yesterday's comment that may have upset a few folk around here (from the Graun);

"Today Starmer says he did not intend to cause offence. He said Bangladeshis had made a massive contribution to the UK and “that’s why there’s always been a longstanding and strong relationship between Labour and the Bangladeshi community here”. He went on:

It’s why my first trip as a Labour MP was to Bangladesh, where I saw for myself the strength of the country, the hospitality and warmth of the country. I’ve got many Bangladeshi constituents in my own constituency who I’ve been working with for many years, and I want to build on that in government.

The reference in the debate the other day was an example of a country that is considered safe as far as asylum is concerned, and one of the countries that’s actually got a returns agreement with us, and that is actually a good thing where both we and Bangladesh can be proud of … I certainly wasn’t intending to cause any concern or offence to any Bangladeshi community here."
Pure coincidence that he said it at a Sun event and that Ashworth also targeted Bangladeshis on the same day. Definitely hasn’t been in the media grid for weeks.
I have a rule of thumb that I disregard anyone who supports bloodsports.

He announced that he left the UK and moved to the Hamptons because he was so upset by the hunting ban.

Also his records are shit.
Their first 3 albums were OK, afterwards a bit like recycled Mahler/Wagner. And some of his closest friends describe him as an egotistical antisemite.
You’re missing the point. Waters is one of the highest profile advocates of the Palestinian cause in the western world. He is loathed by the Zionists and Starmerites, and solely on that narrow basis qualifies for our support. I too abhor bloodsports, but right now whether Waters supports or opposes bloodsports is entirely inconsequential.

If we wait until a figure arrives whose opinions and moral rectitude coincide unerringly with our own, we will be waiting quite a while.

ps. And DSOTM is bloody good.

Doh! Was with you all the way until the last sentence. 😉
Great interview, thanks for posting .
I'm totally with him on doing the right thing , equality for working people and making a stand against neoliberal capitalist sponsored genocide.
I really would like to see Waters and Weller launch a public supportive campaign against the genocide in Gaza on a double decker bus in Holborn and St.Pancras area which would hopefully get international mainstream media coverage.

Fwiw I'm totally against bloodsports as I think they're cruel and would support a total ban.
I have a rule of thumb that I disregard anyone who supports bloodsports.

He announced that he left the UK and moved to the Hamptons because he was so upset by the hunting ban.

I find his support for the landed gentry elite barbarity of fox hunting baffling it has to be said. Repulsive and seems totally at odds with the rest of his positions which have always been pretty left wing/anti-fascist. That said he appears totally wrong on Ukraine and seems to hold the Putin line so often burped up by ‘useful idiots’ like Farage and Galloway.


