
General Election 2024

I see the Tory press office account has renamed itself 'Tax Check UK' like it's some kind of independent fact checking service. Desperate.

Tories are filth. Utter scum. Everyone else needs to play as dirty. Nothing should be off the table. I want to see attack ads using specific MPs ‘interests’, earnings, donations etc etc. Expose these grifters as what they are. Labour are just so cowardly.

If I was running the Labour campaign everything would be about the £billions the Tories have stolen or wasted. Just present a detailed itemised bill in poster and TV ad format. List everything; page after page after page of theft and waste; £37 billion on track and trace, £50 billion Liz Truss budget, £x billion covid fraud etc etc etc. After that start on Infosys, start on Frank Hester, start on bogus peerages etc…
I see the Tory press office account has renamed itself 'Tax Check UK' like it's some kind of independent fact checking service. Desperate.

I'm getting deja vu....didn't they do this last time?
There's no winner here, they are both, to roughly the same extent, just amplifying what most people think is wrong with politics these days....just BS from both mouths.
How many more times are both going to refer to their parents and the future....people are concerned with now.
Tories are filth. Utter scum. Everyone else needs to play as dirty. Nothing should be off the table. I want to see attack ads using specific MPs ‘interests’, earnings, donations etc etc. Expose these grifters as what they are. Labour are just so cowardly. If I was running the Labour campaign everything would be about the £billions the Tories have stolen or wasted. Just present an itemised bill.

Unfortunately Labour don’t have the balls to do it, just like the Democrats.
Sunak reinforcing his “I’m just a normal bloke, I understand what your going through” stance (arse!).
Reports that GB News presenter, Taxpayers Alliance organiser and part time MP Philip Davies has bet £8000 on losing his seat.

Nothing illegal in that I guess but a bit galling that an MP who has called for disabled people to be paid less than minimum wage will be trousering a profit.
On a peripherally related topic, there was a rather good podcast on the Belfast Telegraph website today on Britain's most consequential politician of the 21st century so far, Nigel Farage. The interviewee made some very interesting points, such as the British/American fondness for someone rougish - think Trump and Johnson. Such people get away with far more than more normal people can. He also mentioned Farage's ability to connect with ordinary folk, something which many politicians would run a mile to avoid doing, and his ability to give answers in a few minutes. However, the interviewee also said that, if he were elected in Clacton (which he thought highly likely), he would make a lousy MP, since he really couldn't be bothered with improving the local rubbish collection and similar constituency problems, but would much rather grandstand.
He also mentioned Farage's ability to connect with ordinary folk, something which many politicians would run a mile to avoid doing, and his ability to give answers in a few minutes.

I’ve never understood how anyone could be taken in by Farage. I just see a public school millionaire fascist doing a really poor LARP of a man in a pub. Dick Van Dyke was more convincing in Mary Poppins.
Sunak did better, sadly. However any majority is enough.
So sad Starmer is so crap, with any luck a minor stroke and Ange will be the PM.
Sunak was rude and shouty. Most viewers don’t like that. They were both bad in different ways, although Starmer improved and gave a better closing statement.

What was interesting was Sunak’s leap as far right as he could get away with. It looked like he’d given up on Labour and was trying to get back some Reform votes.

