
General Election 2024

But still my mate in America prefers to get her underwear from Sainsbury's UK.

No mould in the walls just snakes in the basement.
The daily train to New York is usually 2 hours late.

Incidentally people at my local Sainsbury's were spending money like water in there today.

The cost of living crisis I guess.
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And I don’t have to step over a fentanyl addled addict to get into the pub to buy it or risk getting shot by a cop on my way home.

I guess you live somewhere nice and upmarket. Addiction is visible on the streets and shop doorways of much of the UK. Certainly anywhere I could afford to live. The Greater Manchester police managed to taser a blind person with a cane FFS! The MET are just unhinged; institutionally racist, rape/murdering, Whatsapping corpse pictures to each other, kneeling on women's necks at peaceful demos etc. Just monsters, and politicised ones with far-right leanings. Thankfully we don’t have the gun issues to the same extent, but the UK has no high-ground here.
I’m watching it with my mum at the moment, she’s late 60’s, just back from a hike up the Merrick (biggest hill in galloway) and a fit, feisty highlander.
According to her she’d grab Sunak by the throat and ******* squeeze till he ******* bursts
And she doesn’t like nor trust Starmer one bit… a few other choice words for them both so far.
Sunak is a total piece of shit. Honestly if he knocked on my door I’d go get the baseball bat. Such a vile hypocritical grifter criminal, but he’s winning because he has forced Starmer to play defence. A classic far-right ploy:

PS I see he has now dragged it to transphobia. Vile fascist shit.
The interesting thing about the debates is how they amplified & reported in print & social media.

I’ve not watched any of them but have been following the resulting spin. Sunak seems to ‘win’ in the moment as he comes out swinging but then he suffers over the coming days as his lies are disseminated.

It’s something of a Hobson’s Choice.
I see the Tory press office account has renamed itself 'Tax Check UK' like it's some kind of independent fact checking service. Desperate.


