
General Election 2024

Yaxley Lennon is planning a fascist "march for freedom" in London for late July having endorsed Reform at the Election. A coming together of those two would be significant. The Reform gripe will be look how many votes we got and only yadda yadda seats...
What additional % of his post tax wealth would you seek to take off him?

What about you? Is there no limit at all to the wealth gap you’d like to see? I guess you are absolutely fine with inequality and visceral poverty? Maybe an aspect of self-validation/ego? That is certainly how your posts read. Some people spend a lot of money buying that mindset at public schools…
What additional % of his post tax wealth would you seek to take off him?
One of the things I am arguing against with the Green Party is their policy to based spending on tax.

That said, their will have to be tax rises if we have investment, at least in the short term, and the richest who have been taxed less and less, now need to be taxed more.

Personally I'm would like to see tax threshold rising to take the poor out of taxation altogether and tax Caulwell in accordance with the current Green policy
What about you? Is there no limit at all to the wealth gap you’d like to see? I guess you are absolutely fine with inequality and visceral poverty? Maybe an aspect of self-validation/ego, even enjoyment of others’ poverty? People spend a lot of money buying that mindset at public schools…
Tbf that is current Labour policy

Yaxley Lennon is planning a fascist "march for freedom" in London for late July having endorsed Reform at the Election. A coming together of those two would be significant. The Reform gripe will be look how many votes we got and only yadda yadda seats...

Terry Christian made me laugh earlier describing a picture of a Reform rally as “looking like the cast of Cocoon“! I guess Yaxley Lennon’s football thugs are a decade younger than Farage’s gammon pensioner cult.
It's weird how we're expected to revere the views of people like this as if they have some astounding political insight.

He's good at flogging mobile phones.

The only political insight he is articulating is which party best serves his particular interests in extracting more wealth.

Labour is now the party of “wealth creation”, what we see here is who’s wealth they mean
Crikey, almost exactly the words the blue verison of the tories used when they got into power in 2010
Even the FT editorial this morning was (amongst the usual stuff about 'reform' of the NHS) arguing for increased borrowing to invest in "broken public services" and stimulate the economy. Their stated view is that both parties have locked themselves into needlessly restrictive fiscal rules that are just going to make things worse.
of course - tide has turned around here. A year ago he was very popular in my local, now everyone wants him out
He'll be back at some point, making his political home elsewhere as Sebastian Fox. Or Corinne Stockheath, or. . .

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