
General Election 2024

Not quite as good as I'm hoping for.

Not only hoping for a wipeout and fewer than 100 seats for the tories, but coupled with <10 for the SNP would be a great result all round.

Not for those of us who are better off under the SNP and who vote for them
Not for those of us who are better off under the SNP and who vote for them
My interest is the UK and it is a UK general election. A minority of people are better off across the UK with a tory govt so they have to be replaced and every seat counts.
I still want to see some modelling if Reform stood down in Tory seats. Some Tory oligarch stuffing a £bn or so into Farage and Tice’s back pockets could achieve that I’m sure. They’ve always been for sale. The political right are always for sale.
This is a worry and they will leave it very late to make their move.

The whole thing looks like a set up. Labour the same as tories, Labour landslide and tories giving up = many people don't bother voting while tory tw*ts always turn up.
Anyone any idea on the legality of a mass stand-down at this stage? I have no idea about the process after an election has been called, ballot papers have been printed etc. I haven’t been able to google anything up.

Farage’s last bunch of shysters and grifters did it a full month out from the election in 2019. they stood down on 11 Nov, election date was 12 Dec. They are obviously leaving it a lot later if that is the plan this time.

PS I am in zero doubt they are crooks, though that goes for the Tories too. Both have a long and well documented history of corruption and back pocket-deals, along with a total disregard for the rule of law (which never applies to ex-public school millionaire circles which all this far-right filth are).
down our road - been up for 2 days......shame....


Some quite interesting discussion on the declining influence of the Murdoch/right-wing printed press amongst other things.

PS I can’t believe neither Jon Sopal nor Emily Maitlis understand why everyone pisses themselves laughing when Starmer says he’s “a son of a toolmaker”. Finbar Saunders, your country needs you…
Billionaire moaning that people who lost their livelihood during covid were helped by the government. Classy.

He was talking in the context of inflation. He supports growing GDP to help the poorest in society. I’d have thought that’s a pretty good thing.
He was talking in the context of inflation. He supports growing GDP to help the poorest in society. I’d have thought that’s a pretty good thing.
And you believe him.
UK has high GDP and the public services are crumbling…

