
General Election 2024

The problem with voting SNP is that they’re not interested in independence so it’s a wasted vote plus the last 18months has been a sh!tstorm from SNP it’s been a one part state here and frankly the SNP have delivered virtually nothing in all of the years they’ve been in power, yes they’ve delivered some health stuff ie cutting alcohol consumption and cigarettes smoking etc but that’s about all that they’ve delivered on most other issues it’s been a shambles here.
Harsh but true.
Not a chance but that’s not the point the SNP promised independence but once they got their feet under the table they gave up and just paid lip service. None of those other parties promised independence so it’s a moot point.
There isn't any chance an independence vote would be won at the moment, so surely it's just best to get on with government for now.
That, Tony, is a different argument.

I responded to your it stood. You didn't qualify it.
I wasn't aware we actually had to qualify statements, that's going to royally **** the labour/tory gubbins

Rather than type out as my hands arnt working well today here's this to read, and a couple of falsehoods to please those that dislike snp

fact check snp
Still missing my point. I said upfront that it's up to you who you vote for. My only point was that as typed your vote for SNP implied that your choice was based entirely on self interest.That's all.
There isn't any chance an independence vote would be won at the moment, so surely it's just best to get on with government for now.

There isn’t a chance of independence now because the SNP don‘t want it and neither do the other parties but voting for an independence party should make independence a possibility in the near future so we’re back to the status quo here.

The SNP should have done what Sinn Fein did in the north of Ireland ie refused to sit in Westminster I mean they could have forced the issue with nearly 60 MPs refusing to take their seats instead they’re heading north again with fewer MPs in effect they’ve cut their legs off.

They’re a bunch of sh!tebags who are happy to take the money.
My savings have done very well.
Interest rates have gone up all over the world. Not just here.
Yes. We should remember that what Liz Truss promised was growth and to get there she promised Tax cuts, a bonfire of red tape and extra subsidies.

Sound familiar?

The only difference is that Truss promised to fund it from borrowing, whereas Labour are promising austerity, not explicitly maybe, but it is the only option left after the other two have been ruled out. There is no alternative.

Truss’s mistake was calling the Treasury rude names. No such thing from Reeves’. She’s their girl.
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@ Somafunk:
To expand... I have always voted in what I believe to be the best interests of the whole population. It follows that I have NEVER voted Tory.
That said, as a Pensioner, and home owner with no mortgage or other debt.. I reckon I could construct a passable 'personal interest' rationale for voting Tory, based on the maintenance of the triple lock..Savings interest.. etc..etc...
But I wouldn't...
That was my only point.
Do you think Labour or the Tories would have done any better?
No, but that’s not the point imo. The SNP’s raison d’etre is Scottish independence. The
Sturgeon cabal squandered the goodwill and enthusiasm that abounded in 2014. The 2014 referendum campaign started with support for independence in the region of 20 odd % and elevated it to 45%. The Sturgeon/ Murrell dynasty completely failed to capitalise on that, deliberately disavowing the huge popular movement on the streets, preferring to pursue a more humane, right-wing, pro-business stance.

They should be judged on their own merits and in relation to how far they furthered the cause of independence, not how much better they were than the Tories: a spectacularly low benchmark against which to measure any achievement. The sad unravelling of the Sturgeon era indicates that the leadership are not that far removed from the self-serving lice in Westminster. I mean, do they really think John Swinney and his Wee Free homophobic and economic Thatcherite deputy are the answer to their problems… come on!
I mean, do they really think John Swinney and his Wee Free homophobic and economic Thatcherite deputy are the answer to their problems… come on!
I'm no fan of Kate Forbes but still think the SNP are a better option than the Tories or Labour.

There will be a significant swing away from the SNP this time, partly self inflicted and partly from an understandable demand to get rid of the Tories at almost any cost.
Such is the changed political landscape under Sir Keir that 100+ seats for the Tories would make for a disappointing exit poll on election night. :(

I want to see under 75 seats for a proper laugh.

I suspect it'll be a bit closer than the polls suggest as there is history of Tories not wanting to admit that when polled.
I suspect it'll be a bit closer than the polls suggest as there is history of Tories not wanting to admit that when polled.
The pollsters have put a lot into discounting phenomena like this in recent years. But as a commentator put it the other day (I forget who), people tell pollsters who they like rather than who they will vote for. I'm very sceptical that the Tories will get any less than 100 seats and I'm equally sceptical Reform will get more than one or beat them on percentage of the vote. There's an awful lot of febrile commentary at the moment, but once Election Day comes many, many people will revert to type.
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Labour is set to win comfortably. However, the sorts of algorithms they're using to project poll responses to seat numbers just haven't been tested in that extreme. I would treat them all somewhat warily. It's quite possible that the fear of a huge Lab majority could itself persuade people to come out for the Tories on polling day. It's different, of course, but Kinnock's premature triumphalist Sheffied Rally in 92 was enough to persuade people to vote Tory in the last week of campaigning and the give them a blooming working majority.

I can’t see the Tories winning even if Reform’s millionaire owners can be bought-out from standing (which I still feel is possible). As such I really don’t care. Anything that eats into a Starmer majority is good IMO. I really hope the LDs, SNP and Greens do better than expected. Any drag from the left is good.
What about you? Is there no limit at all to the wealth gap you’d like to see? I guess you are absolutely fine with inequality and visceral poverty? Maybe has an aspect of self-validation/ego to it? That ingrained public school class-warrior mindset?

If he’s paid what he owes, that’s it, good luck to him. The more he makes, the more he contributes. As I’ve said, whacking a few outliers won’t achieve a great deal. Inequality is impossible to end. I’m a pauper next to him. He’s a pauper next to plenty of others. It’s the absolutes which matter.
Labour is set to win comfortably. However, the sorts of algorithms they're using to project poll responses to seat numbers just haven't been tested in that extreme. I would treat them all somewhat warily. It's quite possible that the fear of a huge Lab majority could itself persuade people to come out for the Tories on polling day. It's different, of course, but Kinnock's premature triumphalist Sheffied Rally in 92 was enough to persuade people to vote Tory in the last week of campaigning and the give them a blooming working majority.

Well alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!
Unfortunately, the longer term waste from fossil fuels is carbon, which is arguably more dangerous than nuclear waste and more difficult to get rid of.
Nuclear waste doesn't cause climate change.

Just kills, maims, and causes birth defects due to radiation and old-fashioned poisoning.

Ask people in Ukraine how keenly wish they had mini nuclear power stations are the end of every street! Would be a gift for Putin to say "not my fault Guv!" when 'accidentally' hit.

Also consider black hats of various other kinds - from terrorists to covert actions by large states. Deniable actions by stealth: "No, we had nothing to do with systems whose 'smart' parts were made in China suddenly doing *that*. Ignore warnings from your security people.

So a serious concern as a target on UK streets. And we've been told, time after time, "Our new designs are better and can be built more easily" only to find that was hogwash.

The reality is that the money would / will be FAR betters spent on boosting our capture of Wind/Wave/Tidal/Solar/etc. We have vast amounts of that. And it is far more 'dependable' that people assume, particularly when you also install storage. Indeed even extremes like using power to extract CO2 from the air makes more sense!

