
General Election 2024

As a lifelong Tory activist facing total wipeout and the realisation everything he believes in has failed Mick starts the day with a nice breakfast wine and then piles on through until he is pissed enough to shitpost here sometime in the mid-afternoon.
Well, indeed. Mick has always used pfm to boast. He possibly doesn't know he's doing it some of the time.

I remember 20 years ago how he used to belittle some of us who modified their old Naim gear as opposed to buying the unaffordable top of the line models. He hated, I'm sure, how good they could sound.
I mentioned upthread I couldn’t find some polling data on manifesto pledges after reading the Green’s performance. I’ve found it for all parties here:

As ever with these polls the results are somewhat contradictory, but it goes a long way to dispel the idea that the electorate are all miserable racist austerity-loving pensioners who crave nothing more than tax-cuts for our multi-millionaire overlords.

FWIW 'Phasing out' Nuclear Power is potentially Ok provided we extract digits to get the needed green energy sources which return their benefits to the UK (i.e. we pay the cost of build and production, not pay 'world price' to Putin, et al) Building *new* Nuclear is insane - particularly when we pay overseas governments to do it - particuarly the Chinese! All those added targets for either a Putin-style attack from someone, or open to 'remote control' by people outside the UK.
FWIW 'Phasing out' Nuclear Power is potentially Ok provided we extract digits to get the needed green energy sources which return their benefits to the UK (i.e. we pay the cost of build and production, not pay 'world price' to Putin, et al) Building *new* Nuclear is insane - particularly when we pay overseas governments to do it - particuarly the Chinese! All those added targets for either a Putin-style attack from someone, or open to 'remote control' by people outside the UK.

FWIW I do believe in building short-term nuclear as long as it is British designed and made. We used to lead the world in this stuff, so someone somewhere must know how to do it! I wish we’d done it decades ago. I believe firmly in green energy, but the main priority at this point is not to be enslaved to tyrants like Putin, Saudi and the other monsters with oil reserves. I’d prefer to be worrying about how to get rid of the stuff (Seascale is a total cluster****) than having to sell weapons to murderers like Saudi, UAE etc let alone deal with fascists like Putin.

Green energy is clearly the future, but we need a stop-gap of a decade or two as it is fully rolled-out. Oil needs stopping, not just because it is going to kill everything on the planet, but because it is owned by people no one should ever deal with. We debase ourselves with every gallon of the toxic filth.
Nuclear sites are a target painted on our foreheads. Not just the problem - we still haven't solved - of all the longer term waste. Also a target for Putin-alikes, and something our cheerful use of Chinese tec makes vlunerable to black hats who can act with deniability... even in ones 'we build'. Also totally needless as the UK has *vast* amounts of wind/wave/tidal energy potential. We could do with that the Green equivalent of what Norway do with oil/gas. Give it to ourselves cheap, and sell overseas surplus power for income to pay for other things we need.
Unfortunately, the longer term waste from fossil fuels is carbon, which is arguably more dangerous than nuclear waste and more difficult to get rid of.
Nuclear waste doesn't cause climate change.
Nuclear sites are a target painted on our foreheads. Not just the problem - we still haven't solved - of all the longer term waste. Also a target for Putin-alikes, and something our cheerful use of Chinese tec makes vlunerable to black hats who can act with deniability... even in ones 'we build'. Also totally needless as the UK has *vast* amounts of wind/wave/tidal energy potential. We could do with that the Green equivalent of what Norway do with oil/gas. Give it to ourselves cheap, and sell overseas surplus power for income to pay for other things we need.
Agree. I also think nuclear weapons are a complete waste of money. If some deranged fascist wishes to nuke us they'll do it whether we have malfunctioning submarines or not (to get Trident to work costs £205bn). We can rely on Trump to protect us (haha). If a condition of rejoining the EU is contribution to nuclear deterrent I would make that sacrifice.
The local leaflet race has been won by Labour. First one very quietly pushed through the letter box a couple of minutes ago. Fairly large, decent print quality, and mostly an attack on the cat impersonator.
I got a Labour bloke on the doorstep. He was genuinely bemused, almost frightened, when I explained a few things. (Safe Labour Seat). I've had a Green leaflet (they came second in Locals).
Had a second leaflet today from the LibDems and the first one from the tory. Nothing from anyone else. Nobody has knocked on the door.

The tory leaflet is full of lies as you'd expect. The only truthful thing in it was about how he's been the MP here since 1997 and that he hopes to continue. I bet he does.

