
Election night 2019 / aftermath

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Another serious lesson for all parties in the new politics is don't bother with much of a manifesto, focus on a couple of popular soundbites and fill the rest with some yada that nobody will remember. But best of all, make sure your opponent is very unpopular and hopefully get your election before you have done anything to be judged on.

Now for a toe-curling "The People's Government" - you realise that should Johnson fans ever fall out of love with him - they will now by this definition be "against the people". That doesn't cause any concern?
Looking at the BBC map it does once again follow Brexit lines, i.e. productive areas (London, Manchester, Liverpool etc) red, post-industrial north, rural, retirement areas blue. Very similar pattern. Pleased to see the whole of the Wirral red, not a single Tory from the tip of Hoylake, West Kirby etc through to Chester, and that includes some very upmarket areas. Liverpool looks to have remained an oasis of sanity in the north west separate it from places like Bury, Bolton, Leigh, Heywood etc that have clearly gone mad. Not buying The Sun is always a very good move!

I’m still processing it, but the one good thing is that Johnson now owns the no-win scenario of Brexit outright. He will fail as it can’t be won, and hopefully he will destroy his party in the process.

I'm head in my hands this morning, here we are back to the 80"s, it's The Peoples Republic of Merseyside all over again, we are going to suffer badly for this as these tories are are more vindictive and callous bunch than Thatcher's lot..
Thank God for the sake of my children. Not a great night for me as I am sad we will definitely leave Europe but at least corbyn was stopped. Scotland may leave but they were going in either outcome.

To the far left that dominate and bully this forum.

You got what you deserved. You call people racist, stupid, nasty and were so blinded by hate and envy you became and supported the same thing you purport to hate.

You lost because you didn't listen. You were right about everything. If anyone disagreed with your mantra they were spivs, racists etc. People tried to tell you that the leader was wrong, the economics were too radical.

You look down on the people who were your core voters and treated them like idiots. People are not stupid. They don't want full Marxism and they realise that your economics don't work. They went too far. They realised your brexit stance was disingenuous.

You would have won this election with a centre left leader.

No doubt you will spend the next 4 year's reflecting by blaming everyone else. But I hope you don't. You didn't lose because of media, Tories, brexit etc. You lost because your leader was poor. You lost because your economics don't and have never worked at the extremity you were proposing. You lost because your continuous self smugness on being morally superior on everything turns people off. People realise life is not that simple. You lost because you treated voters like idiots. You lost because you supported a toxic, racist and incompetent leader who attracted people with even more extreme views and ignored people telling you otherwise.

I hope for the sake of labour corbyn goes immediately and a more centre left leader regains the party. If you let him choose your successor then you will lose again in 5 years.
Corbyn is centre left. People have got used to a centre right Labour leader.
Sh1t - just woke up. Looks like we're back in the 80s with too many fools voting lib dem in a 2 horse race - I didn't think the Tories would be up though. As I said yesterday, those who sought to overturn the referrendum result must look at themselves very closely in the mirror and reflect on what it has led to...
I’m still processing it, but the one good thing is that Johnson now owns the no-win scenario of Brexit outright. He will fail as it can’t be won, and hopefully he will destroy his party in the process. I’m lucky in that I can easily survive five years of an economically disastrous Tory government, sadly many other people and businesses won’t.

That he needs to own this is right, but it does not matter what happens for him and his friends in the cabinet, they are completely isolated buy considerable wealth from whatever decisions they take, they will continue to live comfortable lives whatever the outcome.
I'm head in my hands this morning, here we are back to the 80"s, it's The Peoples Republic of Merseyside all over again, we are going to suffer badly for this as these tories are are more vindictive and callous bunch than Thatcher's lot..

I’m much the same this morning. Local constituency gone Tory. Bury the same. Oldham where I work has returned two Labour MPs. Rochdale as well. I suspect that cuts will hit Rochdale and Oldham hard, the good people of Heywood seem to blame Rochdale for the lack of investment, not the rapidly dwindling funds from central government. This morning I genuinely fear for my livelihood.
Gove on the Beeb - exactly the kind of Conservative who makes my toe curl - lets hope he gets the job of making the tea after the cabinet reshuffle.
Sh1t - just woke up. Looks like we're back in the 80s with too many fools voting lib dem in a 2 horse race - I didn't think the Tories would be up though. As I said yesterday, those who sought to overturn the referrendum result must look at themselves very closely in the mirror and reflect on what it has led to...

Oh dear. If that nonsense is what you take from it, there is little hope.
Very true. Labour have a chance now Corbyn, McDonnell and possibly Abbott are to disappear - standing by for Droodzilla to reply that I'm a racist prick, then watch him get moderated back into his hole.
As a Corbyn supporter, I am with you on Diane Abbott and the weird level of protection she got due to being being black, female and diabetic.

She has not been any good for a few years now. I have said it a few times here and people have quickly ganged up on
I’m much the same this morning. Local constituency gone Tory. Bury the same. Oldham where I work has returned two Labour MPs. Rochdale as well. I suspect that cuts will hit Rochdale and Oldham hard, the good people of Heywood seem to blame Rochdale for the lack of investment, not the rapidly dwindling funds from central government. This morning I genuinely fear for my livelihood.

Same here, as if things aren't bad enough, they've voted to make their lives, and mine a lot poorer, well done.
As a Corbyn supporter, I am with you on Diane Abbott and the weird level of protection she got due to being being black, female and diabetic.

She has not been any good for a few years now. I have said it a few times here and people have quickly ganged up on
People of all colours, religions, genders etc have the ability to be bad at their job.
Funny how things turn out. The political directions are so different now that I can’t see Humpty being put back together again. The response from the majority in Scotland to Johnson, his party and Brexit could not be clearer tonight.
No doubt Sturgeon has already booked her appointment at no. 10.

How can she package this demand. You know what he is like. He will just keep saying no and then put his fingers in his ears, going lalalalalalalalala. Or even refuse to meet her at all.
Sh1t - just woke up. Looks like we're back in the 80s with too many fools voting lib dem in a 2 horse race - I didn't think the Tories would be up though. As I said yesterday, those who sought to overturn the referrendum result must look at themselves very closely in the mirror and reflect on what it has led to...
But if they hadn't sought to overturn the referendum result they would have lost a whole load of seats in London.
Corbyn was unpopular. His image didn’t fir most people’s expectations from the start. He wasn’t polished or practiced. He didn’t have a happy face that people warmed to. The attacks from the media worked because they fed a pre-existing emotional response. The most damaging attacks however, came from within the Labour Party itself. At a time of national crisis caused by Brexit, it was more important for some to jump on every and any anti Corbyn bandwagon.

Among Labour supporters who share the hatred of Corbyn, the call is for a return to the centre ground. If the centre ground is where electoral success lives, why did LD’s fail so badly? The centrist vote didn’t shift to a moderate centre ground, it de-camped to the far right. If last night proves anything, it proves that our accepted definitions of left, right and centre have changed radically.

The longer term future for the Labour Party is uncertain. The immediate future for the UK is dire. US politics and economics are about to come over here and become much more prevalent in all our lives. TTIP will be back on the table with a vengeance, little discussion and even less to restrain it’s worst excesses.

Our cultural future will undoubtedly be poorer. My ‘man in the pub’ has become more emboldened in the last few years. He feels confident to express his views of foreigners and non whites and challenging him is a lonely place. He will be celebrating loudly now. If recent comments on here about travellers is anything to go by, he will also feel freer to expand his vocabulary to others who do not fit his world view

The right wingers in the rest of the country will be celebrating loudly too. But we now have a Prime Minister with no integrity, no honesty, no empathy, no commitment to scrutiny, no manifesto and a blank cheque to do whatever he wants.
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