
Election night 2019 / aftermath

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Cornyn out.
Starmer or another moderate in.
Or I won't be voting Labour again. Yeah I know who cares.
Cancelling my union membership of 28 years today.
Caroline Flint, voted with Boris Johnson to get Brexit done and her constituents boot her out and elect a Tory in her place. Brexit got her in the end.

Skinner too. Party moves to leadership and platform of his dreams and he's out. Was due to be Father Of The House this term.
Thank God for the sake of my children. Not a great night for me as I am sad we will definitely leave Europe but at least corbyn was stopped. Scotland may leave but they were going in either outcome.

To the far left that dominate and bully this forum.

You got what you deserved. You call people racist, stupid, nasty and were so blinded by hate and envy you became and supported the same thing you purport to hate.

You lost because you didn't listen. You were right about everything. If anyone disagreed with your mantra they were spivs, racists etc. People tried to tell you that the leader was wrong, the economics were too radical.

You look down on the people who were your core voters and treated them like idiots. People are not stupid. They don't want full Marxism and they realise that your economics don't work. They went too far. They realised your brexit stance was disingenuous.

You would have won this election with a centre left leader.

No doubt you will spend the next 4 year's reflecting by blaming everyone else. But I hope you don't. You didn't lose because of media, Tories, brexit etc. You lost because your leader was poor. You lost because your economics don't and have never worked at the extremity you were proposing. You lost because your continuous self smugness on being morally superior on everything turns people off. People realise life is not that simple. You lost because you treated voters like idiots. You lost because you supported a toxic, racist and incompetent leader who attracted people with even more extreme views and ignored people telling you otherwise.

I hope for the sake of labour corbyn goes immediately and a more centre left leader regains the party. If you let him choose your successor then you will lose again in 5 years.
Very true. Labour have a chance now Corbyn, McDonnell and possibly Abbott are to disappear - standing by for Droodzilla to reply that I'm a racist prick, then watch him get moderated back into his hole.
Thank God for the sake of my children. Not a great night for me as I am sad we will definitely leave Europe but at least corbyn was stopped. Scotland may leave but they were going in either outcome.

To the far left that dominate and bully this forum.

You got what you deserved. You call people racist, stupid, nasty and were so blinded by hate and envy you became and supported the same thing you purport to hate.

You lost because you didn't listen. You were right about everything. If anyone disagreed with your mantra they were spivs, racists etc. People tried to tell you that the leader was wrong, the economics were too radical.

You look down on the people who were your core voters and treated them like idiots. People are not stupid. They don't want full Marxism and they realise that your economics don't work. They went too far. They realised your brexit stance was disingenuous.

You would have won this election with a centre left leader.

No doubt you will spend the next 4 year's reflecting by blaming everyone else. But I hope you don't. You didn't lose because of media, Tories, brexit etc. You lost because your leader was poor. You lost because your economics don't and have never worked at the extremity you were proposing. You lost because your continuous self smugness on being morally superior on everything turns people off. People realise life is not that simple. You lost because you treated voters like idiots. You lost because you supported a toxic, racist and incompetent leader who attracted people with even more extreme views and ignored people telling you otherwise.

I hope for the sake of labour corbyn goes immediately and a more centre left leader regains the party. If you let him choose your successor then you will lose again in 5 years.
100%; well said.
The best and most accurate political comment on PFM for years.
Thank God for the sake of my children.

Rejoice, rejoice! We've put a lying, racist misogynist in No10, my children now have a role model to guide them through life!

What a load of pompous tosh, as if 'winning' wipes the moral stains away.

Something tells me Boris is going to need a lot more than an extra 20000 policemen if he lets his new 'blue' wall down, fails to deliver a painless and prosperous Brexit, fails to build the 40 hospitals, fails to train/recruit the nurses, fails to fund education, fails to lift the NI threshold to £12.5k, fails to fund councils across the country on the brink of bankruptcy, fails to unleash the Lion(haha)etc etc.
As I pointed out during the Brexit thread, for some folks on here to say stuff like "the 17.6 million who voted Leave are fundamentally racist' shows a remarkably simple and slanted view of the UK population and demonstrates the kind of labelling and stereotyping they are themselves apportioning to others.
I guess we’ve passed peak Corbyn. Not sure what’s going to happen now, will Momentum want to endorse a centre left candidate?

Has master strategist Sheamus Milne made a statement yet?
A Tory taking Heywood and Middleton. For what seems years people like me, members of Labour have been saying we haven’t got it right. We got shouted at and shouted down. This is the consequence. Starmer please next. Who else is even vaguely credible? Momentum needs to become a party in its own right.
Good Morning All,

I've been on nightshift here offshore so have watched things unfold throughout the night.

I choose to live up here in Scotland BUT there is an unpalatable truth about living in a democracy in that the majority call the shots. If the UK population is 66.4 million and Scotland's population is only 5.4 million, this means Scotland is only 8.1% of the total population.

In a democracy 8.1% don't dictate what the other 91.9% will do.

Yes I know I'm simplifying an issue which is somewhat more complicated but.......

Nicola Sturgeon continues to be disingenuous with regards to exactly how Scotland will move forward if it were to win an independence vote. There stands to be as much upheaval and uncertainty for the population of Scotland as we are all facing currently with Brexit.


A Tory taking Heywood and Middleton. For what seems years people like me, members of Labour have been saying we haven’t got it right. We got shouted at and shouted down. This is the consequence. Starmer please next. Who else is even vaguely credible? Momentum needs to become a party in its own right.

Where were they hiding Starmer in the last 5 weeks?


I guess we’ve passed peak Corbyn. Not sure what’s going to happen now, will Momentum want to endorse a centre left candidate?

Has master strategist Sheamus Milne made a statement yet?
Perhaps Momentum should be mothballed too, because they won't be able to back the right person to get Labour back in the front seat.
Good Morning All,

I've been on nightshift here offshore so have watched things unfold throughout the night.

I choose to live up here in Scotland BUT there is an unpalatable truth about living in a democracy in that the majority call the shots. If the UK population is 66.4 million and Scotland's population is only 5.4 million, this means Scotland is only 8.1% of the total population.

In a democracy 8.1% don't dictate what the other 91.9% will do.

Yes I know I'm simplifying an issue which is somewhat more complicated but.......

Nicola Sturgeon continues to be disingenuous with regards to exactly how Scotland will move forward if it were to win an independence vote. There stands to be as much upheaval and uncertainty for the population of Scotland as we are all facing currently with Brexit.


Funny how things turn out. The political directions are so different now that I can’t see Humpty being put back together again. The response from the majority in Scotland to Johnson, his party and Brexit could not be clearer tonight.
It’s worse than that. There is going to be a lot of left vs centre sniping but the fact is that if you treat 2017 as an anomaly then the popular vote for right wing Labour, centre-left Labour and left wing Labour is about the same this century. On that basis it seems the Tories have a death grip on the country and food banks, detention centres and economic decline are going to be a fixture until the current crop of pensioners die out. It’s a very bleak picture and who’s in charge of the party and even whether or not it has a mass bass of engaged, progressive young activists seems to be almost irrelevant.

What has to be explained is 2017. I thought it was a sign of things to come but no. So what was it?
2017 - Theresa May's lack of appeal masked Corbyn's lack of appeal. And Labour had a more popular stance on Brexit in 2017 than it did this time.
The vote for Labour + Lib Dems is slightly higher than the Tory vote. The right of centre/Brexit vote all goes to the Tory Party while everything left of centre/Remain is split. If Momentum becomes a party it will be split 3 ways.
Surely the way forward is for Labour/Lib Dem and Greens to unite with a legally binding agreement that if they ever get into power an agreed form of Proportional Representation will be introduced. ie act now as if they are already in coalition. Won't happen of course.
Blame lying Johnson, blame Jo Swinson, blame the BBC, blame an unnecessary election, blame the question on the ballot paper, blame the thick electorate ....for letting a poor Tory government get its largest majority in thirty years.

Anyway, it looks like about a quarter of the electorate didn't vote which, if combined with the votes for the opposition parties, means the Tories and Brexit still haven't had a majority....we need another referendum/election!

Or you could look at what has happened to the Labour Party since their heyday under Blair.
Looking at the BBC map it does once again follow Brexit lines, i.e. productive areas (London, Manchester, Liverpool etc) red, post-industrial north, rural, retirement areas blue. Very similar pattern. Pleased to see the whole of the Wirral red, not a single Tory from the tip of Hoylake, West Kirby etc through to Chester, and that includes some very upmarket areas. Liverpool too looks to have remained an oasis of sanity in the north west separate from places like Bury, Bolton, Leigh, Heywood etc that have clearly gone mad. Not buying The Sun is always a very good move!

The other thing to note is Farage’s corrupt deal with Johnson does look to have worked if one assumes the Brexit “Party” vote came mainly from Labour. Certainly in most seats that have fallen if one adds say 2/3rds the B”P” vote to the Labour vote the seat would have been retained. I remain entirely opposed to electoral pacts and view this election as true banana republic-grade corruption as basically Arron Banks, Farage and a lot of other dirty money have been allowed to buy the election. It highlights exactly why FPTP is now entirely unfit for purpose.

I’m still processing it, but the one good thing is that Johnson now owns the no-win scenario of Brexit outright. He will fail as it can’t be won, and hopefully he will destroy his party in the process. I’m lucky in that I can easily survive five years of an economically disastrous Tory government, sadly many other people and businesses won’t.
It is clear that Labour lost heavily because it didn’t have a proper socialist agenda. Too much wishy washy centrist stuff. When will the NEC understand it has to get rid of Red Tories like Corbyn and McDonnell, in order to... (ctd. p. 94)
I have a busy plan next week removing some UK vendors from a big mass transit project as crash out will spoil all the test approvals.
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