
Election night 2019 / aftermath

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This analysis does not add up for summary, the talking head guest is saying that because there was a strong majority, the market is predicting a softer brexit than if it was a hung parilament or smaller majority, possibly single market. Please explain!

I’ve heard that before but it is incorrect as the party has purged all moderate voices. All the Heidi Allens, Sarah Woolastons, Rory Stewarts, Dominic Greives, Phil Hammonds etc are long gone. They just do not exist in the party anymore. All that is left are a load of nutters, new or old, that have as part of their contract already signed up to a potential no-deal.
The Labour Party is going to go through a period of massive internal conflict & hopefully an electable outcome will result.

It won't because Corbyn will try to engineer it so that a momentum type takes over and the history will repeat itself again.
There’s a lot in there that I don’t disagree with. On the bits I do disagree with, I wish to stay quiet....for now!

Fair enough. A long period of reflection is a good idea. It was a big ask to run anyone against a PM that has yet to have a record to judge. But it was an impossible task to expect an unpopular and ineffective leader to do that.

I feel depressed that the electorate has chosen this path. Brexit part 1 will happen on 31st January.

The upside is that Part 2 is out of the public’s hands.

Therefore, we can start to argue about what really matters - Global Warming.

This possibility is the only thing keeping me sane this morning.
The 'theory' would be the larger Johnson's majority, the less dependent he is on HoC votes from the Brexit nutters. When Johnson no longer needs support of any faction, they are gone. Ask Arleen.

It also supposes that Johnson isn't some hard line right wing extremist Tory and was actually playing that role to get what he wanted at the time. Now he no longer needs the ERG and their ilk he may come back towards a softer Brexit... I have no idea whether that is what will happen, but in the barren landscape we are left with this morning it is pretty much all we can hope for!

As for the planet... with Trump, Putin, Xi and now Johnson in power I'd say it's ****ed!
I’ve heard that before but it is incorrect as the party has purged all moderate voices. All the Heidi Allens, Sarah Woolastons, Rory Stewarts, Dominic Greives, Phil Hammonds etc are long gone. They just do not exist in the party anymore. All that is left are a load of nutters, new or old, that have as part of their contract already signed up to a potential no-deal.
But that is even more true of the LP and it will prove impossible to remove the Momentum takeover of constituencies.
So to those that say Momentum should form a new party, you had better get used to the fact that Momentum are the Labour Party and if anyone fancies chancing their hands, they need to join Wollaston, Umunna, Berger etc.
Labour is finished.
Brexit will make the UK poorer than otherwise but the benefits of EU membership were not shared and are, frankly, not easily conveyed in sound bites. OTOH large areas of the country plainly saw 2-3 million foreigners taking jobs while they were either unemployed, or suffering from Austerity; and blamed the results of the policy rather than the policy makers. Labour failed to explain this.
The Tories engineered this (probably largely by luck) and can now time some overdue infrastructure spending to get re-elected in 5 years time. Unless Labour get a leader of the calibre of Blair (albeit huge mistake on Iraq but that is foreign policy) the road looks clear for another Tory win.
BJ will probably do a soft Brexit and get away with the damage caused. Brexit is after all just a means to keep the Tory Party in power.
Corbyn came over as a lefty professor who just could not get his message across.
The right of centre do not care about leaders misogyny or lies because they feel it does not affect them directly: left wing policies and the "country/culture changing too fast" does. Trump and BJ are Teflon coated.
I am, to put it bluntly, rather cross this morning. Corbyn is the problem, always was. He has not earned the right for a period of reflection, he should go now. The Labour Party is going to go through a period of massive internal conflict & hopefully an electable outcome will result.

History is repeating itself, there is no obvious leader in the wings so a place holder will need to be in place, a latter day Kinnock type with someone new coming round the corner.

Let us not forget that Corbyn has been elected twice by LP members & been aggressively defended thereafter. I am far from happy about this also. He has been an absolute disaster yet people have continued to defend him. Centrist sympathisers like myself have been demonised, not so much on here, despite actually voting Labour repeatedly.

Let's just admit that the MPs who rebelled against Corbyn (a serial rebel himself) may have just been right about his electoral worth. It's not the media, not the Israel Govt etc it's just him & ineffectual cohort. This also illustrates how difficult things can be when you have actual power, where you make real time policy decisions rather than just make fautuous observations from a perspective of hindsight.
I’m angry too. Angry with those in the Labour Party that chose to attack their democratically elected leader and hand victory to this new period of unfettered right wing politics
Whetherspoons man and woman have spoken! may they reap the whirlwind of their zero hours gig economy contracts, their privatized healthcare, their crumbling towns and their spiraling inflation.

All hail our new masters Johnson, Gove, Rees Mogg etc...


See you at the Food bank in 2020!
I’m angry too. Angry with those in the Labour Party that chose to attack their democratically elected leader and hand victory to this new period of unfettered right wing politics
Right on, that's the spirit. Blame the Red Tories, don't consider the weakness of Labour's offer. But you forget to mention the Zionist conspiracy.
Northern Ireland now has a majority of Nationalist MPs for the first time. Unionists a minority. Historic. Add that to Scotland and the Tories will be walking on eggshells to stop the UK breaking up.

Any false move with Brexit and the UK gets it.
I’m angry too. Angry with those in the Labour Party that chose to attack their democratically elected leader and hand victory to this new period of unfettered right wing politics

So the people who said Corbyn was un-electable are responsible for Corbyn being un-electable, and if only they'd said he was electable he'd have been elected? Do you really believe that?
As a doctor, are you not concerned about what will happen to the NHS over the next 5 years? If not, you should be.
The NHS is run and staffed by very capable people. The last Labour government didn’t improve it and they were the cause of the 2004 new GP contract which wrecked general practice and even more importantly were the cause of the junior doctor jobs debacle which caused the start of the massive exodus of newly qualified doctors. We have never recovered from the resultant lack of manpower.
The Tory governments have also made mistakes but not of that magnitude.
I’m angry too. Angry with those in the Labour Party that chose to attack their democratically elected leader and hand victory to this new period of unfettered right wing politics
That's one way of looking at it. Other interpretations are available.
I honestly fall to see how you can call/regard a great part of the electorate " thick racist sh1thead cvnts " and then expect them to vote for you.

The level of abuse that has been posted on here for months/years toward the very electorate that you would have needed to attract to win the seats you needed has been a stain on this place.

I have been an active Labour party member/voter since 1972 and I don't think that I have ever been more disappointed by how far out of touch the Left has become.

There will be no contrition from them I am sure as their arrogance has been rampantly on display on here.

We knew back in Neil Kinnock's day that the hard left was a vote killer and yet here we are again trying to sell it to a still disbelieving public.

It has never mattered how sound the policies on offer are you have to get people to vote for it and ,unlike a lot of the Left on here, I don't think that the public are pigshit thicko's....I grant them with a lot more intelligence than that. It seems they are doomed to be ignored by the Right and patronised to death by the Left.

I await the first post calling me a Tory.
Northern Ireland now has a majority of Nationalist MPs for the first time. Unionists a minority. Historic. Add that to Scotland and the Tories will be walking on eggshells to stop the UK breaking up.

That's one of the interesting things from last night's election. With NI getting a 'semi-detached' Brexit will there be an appetite for a united Ireland? Even if there is I can't see the more extreme Unionists sitting back and accepting it.
The NHS is run and staffed by very capable people. The last Labour government didn’t improve it and they were the cause of the 2004 new GP contract which wrecked general practice and even more importantly were the cause of the junior doctor jobs debacle which caused the start of the massive exodus of newly qualified doctors. We have never recovered from the resultant lack of manpower.
The Tory governments have also made mistakes but not of that magnitude.

Oh dear, is this a taste of the shite we are going to have to listen to for the next 5 years?
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