
Election night 2019 / aftermath

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Voted SNP always have but it's for there social policies. Labour under Blair felt like a mellow tory party that's why labour have lost the vote up north. Just feel sad as I feel the uk will break up. Live on a island you would be surprised how many are moving up from England in the last year. I could write more why so many are moving north but dont wont to open a can of worms. Just feel sad as can see what is coming. If so we will always be close. Had a few wines so forgive me.
The entire Scottish Tory campaign was based on stop the SNP, stop Independence and it has backfired spectacularly. The number of people who told me this time they were switching their vote to the SNP, who’d never voted for them before, was surprising. Then when I saw a couple of students at the polling station this morning, my optimism started to increase. It looks like they came out to vote SNP and get rid of Jo Swinson.
OK, so it's a Tory victory..... now we need it to be a massive Tory victory for two reasons.

1) The bigger the majority the less likely it is that Johnson will need to rely on the likes of the ERG to get Brexit legislation through parliament and hence he can, if he chooses, make Brexit less 'hard'.

2) We need the Labour Party as it stands to be dealt a massive body blow so they get their shit together and forma proper opposition as well as making themsleves electable to the masses. A slim Tory majority might let them think that their policies are basically sound and that Corbyn should stay for another go.
We need the Labour Party as it stands to be dealt a massive body blow so they get their shit together and forma proper opposition as well as making themsleves electable to the masses.

I love an optimist. I'd be very surprised if Labour were capable of making themselves electable in time for the next election.
Hilarious listening to lansman on the BBC. Utterly delusional. If there is anyone more out of touch with the UK electorate, I’d love to know.
Yup, Kirsten's out of my Hair with a 10% swing back to the SNP.
Given how things are being predicted here and down south there will be rather negative consequences for the once United Kingdom.

It was her arrogant sense of entitlement - to ram Brexit and Johnson down her constituents’ throats. They only got in by promising to block independence last time, they used the same tactic this time and it was completely rejected. That tells me that there will be a majority for Independence at the next referendum.
I really didn't think it possible for my opinion of the British people to get any lower... when I say people well self basted turkeys shouting "Bring on Brexit (XMAS)!" would be more accurate!

I just hope Scotland now gets independence ASAP and Ireland is united equally ASAP.... lucky barstewards still have some hope in the bottom of BloJo's box...
A mining town, about as screwed over by the Tories as it’s possible to be. Incredible. Turkeys and Christmas. I give in.

Dreadful, isn't it? It's almost enough thousands of voters have failed to understand what you want them to do.
You are forgetting just how bad five years of a Tory Brexit are going to be!

I don't believe that is the main issue. This election has shown that the country rejects Corbyn's brand of socialism but I believe it will take a long time before the party accepts that and swings back towards the centre ground.
Let's just be clear here. Being 'Out of Touch' and Being 'Wrong' are not necessarily the same.

It's only the 21st century... the country isn't ready yet to elect a calm, honest politician of integrity to being PM... The people have become twisted and manipulated... "processed" by the MSM, google, facebook, Big Brother, The Apprentice etc etc... they want politicians to be "showbiz" gladiators in the coliseum of public opinion.... the lying, conceit, law breaking even all part of the "actors" "box office draw"... The Trump effect...:(:mad:

FFS Bishop Auckland's gone scum party! At least Hartlepool's stayed Labour and not gone fascist so I won't have to start saying I'm from Blackhall!!:eek:
Another Tory bites the dust - in Gassor’s constituency. Well done that man! 17 seats called in Scotland, every one SNP with 7 gains. Jo Swinson being asked if she’s going to resign on the way into the declaration. She’s looking upset.
Neither a Briton nor a specialist of UK politics, but since Corbyn's '£83 billion spending plan' (I guess it was meant to be a joke) I knew the guy had absolutely nothing to offer. Your country deserves a better opposition than that, I wish the guy farewell. The fact that people vote massively for that blonde clown makes me feel really sad as they had apparently no real alternative.
It's only the 21st century... the country isn't ready yet to elect a calm, honest politician of integrity to being PM... The people have become twisted and manipulated... "processed" by the MSM, google, facebook, Big Brother, The Apprentice etc etc... they want politicians to be "showbiz" gladiators in the coliseum of public opinion.... the lying, conceit, law breaking even all part of the "actors" "box office draw"... The Trump effect...:(:mad:

FFS Bishop Auckland's gone scum party! At least Hartlepool's stayed Labour and not gone fascist so I won't have to start saying I'm from Blackhall!!:eek:

I would refer you to the post I made some moments ago.

Unless you are prepared to achieve a compromise with the electorate, and ideally to stop calling them stupid, or worse, you are unlikely to be in a position to put your ideas into action.
Yup, Kirsten's out of my Hair with a 10% swing back to the SNP.
Given how things are being predicted here and down south there will be rather negative consequences for the once United Kingdom.

Stirling Trump is gone! They’re being cleaned out one by one. It’s brilliant.
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