
Election night 2019 / aftermath

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Workington. Fvck. I'm going to bed.
The wooden Labour Party Chair hung on by the skin of his teeth against a Tory surge in Wansbeck.
SNP make their first gain of the night. A very gracious and articulate speech by the SNP’s Margaret Ferrier honouring the outgoing Labour MP in Rutherglen. Looking forward to many more wins.

Most incisive comment so far is that some Tory actually admitted that having won of couple of seats composed mostly of Northern Leaver 'Oicks'.. they are now going to have to show them it was worth it.

Honeymoon.. and not a long one... IMHO.
The second hand car salesman the Tories put into Stirling is on the way out. His badly played pro-Boris, pro-Brexit vuvuzela is wot done for him. His shameless bullshitting on his feet in Parliament about how grateful the people of Stirling were for the wise counsel of Leader Boris must have driven the SNP vote in his constituency.
I feel sad as this will break up the UK. I'm socialist as is most of Scotland but I feel part of the uk. Shit !
Another Scottish Tory bites the dust. Kirsteeen Hare was another arrogant groveller to Boris. This is excellent news. Let’s hope her neighbour who proposed a solution to “the gypsy problem” gets hoofed tonight. Exit poll shows he has a 1% chance of holding on.
The lamps are going out all over Britain and we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.

Arise ye workers from your slumbers
Arise ye prisoners of want
For reason in revolt now thunders
And at last ends the age of cant.
Away with all your superstitions
Servile masses arise, arise
We’ll change henceforth the old tradition
And spurn the dust to win the prize.

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.

Vive la Résistance!


(A simple "oh shit" didn't quite cut it....)
The lamps went out on the left a long time ago. The usual predictions of cataclysm, any more than the labelling of their opponents, aren't going to reignite them.
I’m a centre-left social democrat and I feel more part of Norway! This shite ain’t my mess!
Voted SNP always have but it's for there social policies. Labour under Blair felt like a mellow tory party that's why labour have lost the vote up north. Just feel sad as I feel the uk will break up. Live on a island you would be surprised how many are moving up from England in the last year. I could write more why so many are moving north but dont wont to open a can of worms. Just feel sad as can see what is coming. If so we will always be close. Had a few wines so forgive me.
Voted SNP always have but it's for there social policies.

If I wasn’t an anti-nationalist (I hate borders and want far less of them, not more), and I lived in Scotland I’d unquestionably vote SNP. Nationalism aside they are what Labour should have been and Sturgeon (along with Caroline Lucas) is unquestionably the most competent and articulate leader in the UK at present.
Yup, Kirsten's out of my Hair with a 10% swing back to the SNP.
Given how things are being predicted here and down south there will be rather negative consequences for the once United Kingdom.

I feel sad as this will break up the UK. I'm socialist as is most of Scotland but I feel part of the uk. Shit !

Don't be sad. This election has made it plain that English nationalism is rampant and worse it has found a home within the Tory party. The fact that a sizeable Tory majority makes independence for Scotland more likely really is the only positive from tonight.
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