
Coronavirus - the new strain XII

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You obviously shop at a better class of supermarket than me. At my nearest one it’s DIY, no problem with that. Plenty of space with cleaning stations on the way in to spray and wipe the trolley, then sanitise your hands. Except you could stand there for an hour and count the number of people who do this on one hand. It’s got nothing to do with money, people just can’t be arsed and yes, lack discipline.
If there were a clear requirement and a clear expectation to do it and people didn’t, then you could say discipline. Since all it takes to communicate this requirement and this expectation is someone standing by the trolleys reminding people to do it and showing them how, it’s a business decision. And possibly a responsible one, given that I don’t know how much evidence there is to suggest that trolley handles are a big infection risk.

It’s really an excellent example of a problem (if it even is a problem) that can be solved much more easily at a collective rather than an individual level, but as ever there are people who’d rather lock half the country up than try and process that.

Discipline. :rolleyes:
If there were a clear requirement and a clear expectation to do it and people didn’t, then you could say discipline. Since all it takes to communicate this requirement and this expectation is someone standing by the trolleys reminding people to do it and showing them how, it’s a business decision. And possibly a responsible one, given that I don’t know how much evidence there is to suggest that trolley handles are a big infection risk.

It’s really an excellent example of a problem (if it even is a problem) that can be solved much more easily at a collective rather than an individual level, but as ever there are people who’d rather lock half the country up than try and process that.

Discipline. :rolleyes:

A bit like most people and trolleys, I can’t be arsed. What’s clear is that asking people nicely to lockdown and self isolate doesn’t work because not enough people stick to the rules, so it’s pointless. I’m afraid to say, firmer measures will be required if we want to tackle this, it seemed to have worked in China...
I don’t think he’s an idiot, or incompetent as I often think automatically. They are doing it intentionally. All part of the plan, imo. All they want to do is spread out the admissions and deaths, doing anything else is more costly in £££ and we can’t have that.
And I think pushing schools out was more about herd immunity than Education. Hasn’t that backfired now?
You obviously shop at a better class of supermarket than me. At my nearest one it’s DIY, no problem with that. Plenty of space with cleaning stations on the way in to spray and wipe the trolley, then sanitise your hands. Except you could stand there for an hour and count the number of people who do this on one hand. It’s got nothing to do with money, people just can’t be arsed and yes, lack discipline.
Which is largely their problem. If they fail to sanitise their trolley, no skin off my nose. I'm not touching it. I touch mine and only mine, I sanitise it. Yes, I know that their unsanitised hands touch other items in the store but *generally* they don't touch stuff they don't buy. Masks, schmasks, they are of minimal benefit anyway. Non wearing isn't itself a game changer, but it's a badge that says "I don't GAF" . Distancing has gone out of the window, that's a worry. By all means don't wipe your trolley down, but stay away from me.
They need a new slogan.

Something like, “Stay Home”, “Online Shop”, Save Our Christmas”.

Can be shortened to SOS.
I don't know a single person amongst family or friends who has heard of anyone dying from covid, apart from a few very elderly relatives who were on their way out and had it "added" to their cause of death.
I do. In addition to an elderly aunt who was going to go with something, but got Covid this summer and goodnight, I know of a bloke at one of our factories, 50s, good health, dead in Mar Ch or April. My pals Gf has long Covid, she's having a bad time. 2 months out of action, been in hospital twice this week coughing up blood. It's not just a cold.
They need a new slogan.

Something like, “Stay Home”, “Online Shop”, Save Our Christmas”.

Can be shortened to SOS.
I hate the triple logo thing. I can imagine Dick and Dom sitting around the cabinet trying to think of these power of three slogans then suddenly remembering, or not perhaps, that they need to save their ‘beloved electorate’, the people they said they would never forgot or leave behind. Guess what....
I offer this little nugget from inside our care home track and trace initiative as an insight into how this government thinks.

Mrs ks is responsible for a number of care home in the South of England. Last week she was informed that the government has decided that testing will be done in batches of 5. That is, the tests from 5 different people would go into one pot and that pot sent off for testing. If that pot came back positive, then all 5 care workers would have to isolate while they underwent individual tests to determine who was positive and who not. Obviously this would create an operational nightmare that would make it impossible to run a care home with regular staff.

The government would of course be able to claim it was doing 5 times more tests.

Luckily the provider is one of the biggest in the UK and persuade the govt of the stupidity of its idea, but it was close!
I offer this little nugget from inside our care home track and trace initiative as an insight into how this government thinks.

Mrs ks is responsible for a number of care home in the South of England. Last week she was informed that the government has decided that testing will be done in batches of 5. That is, the tests from 5 different people would go into one pot and that pot sent off for testing. If that pot came back positive, then all 5 care workers would have to isolate while they underwent individual tests to determine who was positive and who not. Obviously this would create an operational nightmare that would make it impossible to run a care home with regular staff.

The government would of course be able to claim it was doing 5 times more tests.

Luckily the provider is one of the biggest in the UK and persuade the govt of the stupidity of its idea, but it was close!

This way of working would make a great deal of sense if they could turn tests around in a few hours. You could pool as many as you like then retest individually, only if there's a positive.
Hate to say it, but I think Covid is here to stay for the foreseeable future.

A mate of a mate (ICU nurse) has already had it twice in March and August. A vaccine that works better than natural immunity is not impossible but it seems a bit of a long shot to me.

Rarely follow the Covid news these days, it all seems like an exercise in finger pointing on all sides.
Hate to say it, but I think Covid is here to stay for the foreseeable future.

A mate of a mate (ICU nurse) has already had it twice in March and August. A vaccine that works better than natural immunity is not impossible but it seems a bit of a long shot to me.

Rarely follow the Covid news these days, it all seems like an exercise in finger pointing on all sides.

Oh good perhaps we should all just let it swamp the hospitals and not hold anyone to account. Wouldn’t want any finger pointing.
Why jump straight to the police state solution? Why not try clear communications...?

I let you off too easily before. Do you really think these people don't know about 1m+ social distancing? Of course they do!


Do you really think these people don't know about wearing masks? Of course they do!


Tory solution.

In fact the tories in power now are not liberticide. And the left . . . and precautionary principles . . . I don't know how much they value an individual's freedom to act and take risks.

Tory problems.

People with a party political agenda understandably want to focus the entire debate on the alleged incompetence of the Tories. That means they are missing all the important things. With all due respect the party political lefties here are like this

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